How much jail time do you think he deserves?

How much jail time do you think he deserves?



it's the cops fault for being trigger happy rambos and killing that guy. there was absolutely no need for a force like that.

sorry if you don't agree, you're probably an alt right dumbass if that's the case.

50 or more years

The cop should get life, but this guy deserves something too

It's the cops fault for being trigger happy but the ass swatted the house on a whim, so he should be at least standard jail time for homicide + a year or 2 tacked on for wasting police time and resources

Life 4 life

The cop should also get something

Seeing as how he's done this before, I'd give him 20 years.

Without this dipshit sending the cops over there in the first place, he would still alive.

20 to life.

And you're a Salt-Right cuck.

When can we start killing eachother?

5 years

>Involuntary manslaughter
12 months in jail, plus damages for the rest of the victim's family's lifetime(s).

>Cop that pulled the trigger
Life without parole for murder

Deport the shitskin back to wherever it belongs, rest of it's family too.


25 years with additional 75 years for playing cod.

If you feel that way, then you deserve to live in a society in which that lack of concern for one's fellow citizens is acceptable, cities don't provide clean water as per their charter, and people die due to lack of basic health care.

Oh, wait! You do!

What the fuck happened here?

Not much.

He's a second time offender, but the blood is on a reckless cop. They should be able to respond to these situations with enough restraint, where a guy just opens a door, and not have it end with them shooting an unarmed American citizen.

It's one thing to mess up at work when you're a fry cook at McAmerifatonalds and have to toss out some fries, it's not as simple when you accidentally shoot someone because you're a frightened lil bitch, you can't just toss out the corpse and make a new one... yet.

...did you photoshop her chin out? wtf

Fucking alien whyte people.

Sorta agree. He should get time for involuntary manslaughter I think. The cop should get life.

There are several parties with blood on their hands here.

The guy thought he was responding to a murder scene, with the suspect planning to torch the house with cops+kids+himself inside.

Damn right he's twitchy.

You think people in the alt-left are pro-cops killing unarmed people just for existing? You're delusional.

fuck you libtard faggot

There's more than one person at fault, sure, but only one pulled the trigger.

They should've been able to deploy that swat team at any house and not have a shooting just because someone opens a door.

Brit here. Don’t you guys just phone 911 like in other countries. And they then decide what to do using some base intelligence. I mean this guy didn’t say send in swat shooting did he?
Kids do prank calls all the time. When west ham lost a game the police didn’t respond to calls by raiding upton park shooting.
Don’t get it. US police so dumb?

He's responsible by law you fucking moron. Try thinking like an adult instead if using chick logic

You know if this was an actual hostage situation, and the cop killed the pedo or whatever, the same people here would be rooting for the cleansing of degeneracy.

Swat needs to stay vigelent, and swatting fags need to be punished very harshly

No, wrong

WTF are all you fags talking about the cop getting life for? The situation that this cunt called in was a hostage scenario with one already dead and a house drenched in petrol. Split second decisions are needed, the cop made the wrong one, but it won't be deemed criminal you fucking morons, if he reached to his waistband, under the circumstances that they rightly believed themselves to be in it will be seen as appropriate force. The fag that called it in will get involuntary manslaughter and a hefty sentence.

Looks like a sand-nigger

Yeah, but we expect cops and soldiers to have more mettle than that.

At least we used to.

Back in WW2 soldiers who got PTSD and shellshock frequently were considered weak.

A cop that is so terrified he can't resist the temptation to unload his load center mass of the nearest civilian because of a bogeyman story doesn't need to be a cop.

Yeah, but that's not what happens, because good cops don't exist. ACAB, faggot.

Death penalty

Long way to go and be wrong anyway.
The guy who made the call is responsible.
No fucked up fantasy changes that.
The guy who made the call broke the law and someone died as a result. The law is well established and clear. Stop thinking like women and use logic.

This, force was justifiable under circumstances at the time. Cop will get nothing, he may possibly lose his job.

We don't want to wind up like your demi-nigger country. Butt out.

This is just another stunt by George Soros to try and justify greater restrictions on our liberties.

10 years. But his friend (the one he tried to swat) deserves to go to jail too; instead of making up a fake address, he supplied him with an address from his neighborhood.

0 as long as there are game streamers out there

Frenchfag here, He deserve a sanction, but the fault is on the cop, shooting first is not "serving and protect"

A cop murdered an unarmed man because he's a coward. End of story.

How about if your family was taken as hostages. Would you want the cops to be nice and slow and “make sure” this whole thing isn’t just a prank? Potentially resulting in you dying

trigger happy pig should do life without possibility of parole for murdering an unarmed man. swatter should get 5 years for accessory negligent homicide / manslaughter

Yes. I got a family so big yes

I'm a Brit too, and you sir are a moron. If a prank call results in a death, you will be criminally liable. Try it if you don't believe me.

Still a monumental fuck-up. In hostage situations, the captor generally sends out a hostage to negotiate, what if he lied about who was in his possession and they gunned down an innocent hostage?

Unacceptable. The idiot who called should get manaslaughter charged, the two others baboons involved should also be punished. The cop deserves a sentence as well, and I am generally pro-cop.

This. swatting is not a crime. being a fatass streaming whole day gameplays is. KILL ALL LETS PLAYERS!!!

If doxxing is a crime, we're screwed, blue.

I agree that they both had a hand in it and it's absurd that a man lost his life over a CoD row concerning a $1.50 bet.

Cop is a faggot, swatter is a faggot, guy that sent dox to swatter is a faggot, guy that got shot is a faggot for playing the tough guy card and sending his address to the person he was arguing with.

Basically this whole thing is just a bunch of degenerate butt buggery.

Calling in a false police report is a federal offense, thanks both to the amount of money it costs to mobilize a SWAT team and potential unnecessary collateral damage.

Adding to that that the victim died because of this man's deliberate, premeditated actions then I think at least manslaughter is a worthy charge for sure.

Life is harsh for a man whose job demands that he puts his life in guaranteed danger and there is a real chance he may have to shoot and kill a violent person on any given workday and was sent into the situation "knowing" the suspect was armed, dangerous, had killed one person, and had hostages whose lives are in danger. Cop cracked under the pressure, he made a stupid, uneraseable mistake and I don't think he should be a cop anymore after this, but life in prison for this is a fucking retarded kneejerk "fuck conservatard gun-nut cops" reaction.

Cops are trained. SWAT teams receive more training. If you a pussy punk bitch then fuck off the force. I have army experience and not a fucking POG. You don’t send a nurse to do heart surgery. You send a professionally trained heart surgeon. If you can’t handle the fire then get the fuck out of the kitchen.

True that faggot

You know how I can tell you are a fucking teenager who literally competes with shadows on the ground for attention, and loses? Wait till you grow up kid, then you might be able to form valid opinions...maybe.

A strict precedent must be set,you cant have people doing that kind of shit, hes got to cop at least 10 years, fair punishment and reasonable deterant.

Also, yes time in prison for the cop wouldn't be out of line, just not life

The cop was informed by the dispatcher of what the situation was. He was told that the man at the address was packing a handgun, had already killed and had children in the house that he was threatening to kill.

The cop is a trained killing machine. His entire focus is to eliminate threatening targets. He was told that this man had a gun. They gave this man orders and he did not follow them. You would think that given the recent furore about the guy who didn't follow orders in the hotel a couple of weeks ago and got shot reaching for his waistband, that people would now know NOT to do that when told to keep your hands in the air. Had the man kept his hands in the air, he would be alive.

As it is, he reached for his pants in a situation where he was surrounded by rifles and being told absolutely NOT to. The cop who fired the deadly shot was doing precisely as he had been trained to do. He was with his team, most likely several of his closest friends, facing what he perceived as a threat to not only himself and his friends but to the people inside the house, one of whom was already supposedly dead.

He did exactly what he was trained to do when a man reaches for his gun, and that is to shoot to kill.

It's a tragedy, sure. But the cop was doing his job and without men trained to act like he did there would be many, many more tragedies because for the most part acting like that actually saves lives.

This one situation was fucked up from every angle and the ultimate blame for sending a team of trained killing machines to an innocent mans door and convincing the dispatcher to inform them that he was in fact a psychotic killer, lies with this alien faced ass-goblin. For all you know, the cop joined up to help people and is now fucked up in the head about orphaning soe children by following his own training. Not every cop is bad. What you do know as a fact is that this autistic shitstain swatter sent them there and did so with gusto.

Guy has ME reject written all over his poor genetic makeup.

He should not be here.

Infinity and beyond!!!!


Do you understand how cops operate? It's nice and slow as it is, that's why we carry guns in here, boyo.

What sort of nu-male soyboi actually thinks the cops will protect his family? lol.

cops should be required to have as strict, or stricter rules of engagement, then american soldiers in the middle east. soldiers in the middle east generally must abide by the ROE of "do not fire unless fired upon" .. this rule of engagement is certainly appropriate for cops dealing with civilians in homeland america, after all, americans are not ENEMY COMBATANTS, RIGHT? or are we? are american citizens treated with less respect and given less rights than ENEMY COMBATANTS in a time of war?? currently, YUPP.. unarmed innocent people are gunned down by cops, over 1000 people a year, because these cowardly fucking pigs "fear for their lives" as soon as they see their own fucking shadows. here's an idea, if you're a fucking coward, and aren't willing to risk your safety to serve the public, DONT BECOME A POLICE OFFICER, BITCH.

1. The person who called has swatted more than twenty times.

2. He called in saying that he killed his father, was keeping his mother and sister hostage, had poured gasoline on the house, and would light it when they came.

3. The cop is a fuck-up who should be punished, but the situation was serious.

>be a faggot nigger
>waste life being a faggot
>watch streams 24/7
>"hurrrr durrrr me ams indarsted swat prenk"
>watches other niggers swat streamers
>sears streamer because niggers gonna nig
>waste public resources
>waste precious time
>put people's lives in danger
>"hurrrr durrrr is fonny!"
>swatted streamer dies
>call traced
>somewhere in the distance, a faint squeaky gurgling can be heard emanating from the collective asshole that is the liberal left:
>"it's the cop's fault"

Give the cunt life in prison.

We shall see in the sentencing, but I would be willing to bet I'm right considering precedence. Look at the Las Vegas killing, that cop got off and it was much more clear cut.

>he is responsible to shoot innocent people

yea right u fag
read the laws

He was trained to not determine threat before he shoots. Trained. Fuck off. I was in the army and fought. We can’t even fucking shoot back until we get shot at. If we got near perfect trigger discipline then that fat pig should too. Your argument is invalid. Either you can do the job or you can’t.

Couldn't agree more about the RoE bit.

kill yourself boot licker. cops, not even swat, are "trained killers" or assassins. their job is not to assassinate people. it's to enforce the law, to make every attempt to de-escalate a situation, and try to prevent lives from being lost. use of force, especially deadly force, is supposed to be a last resort. only a coward fires on an unarmed man, regardless of circumstances. they didn't see him pointing or brandishing a weapon, because he DID NOT HAVE A WEAPON. there's absolutely no excuse for shooting someone when you haven't even seen a weapon. all of these trigger happy cocksucking pigs who claim "he was reaching" are just cowards trying to get away with murder.

>We can’t even fucking shoot back until we get shot at

and that's why plenty of your mates are dead and the taliban are laughing

enjoy sticking to your european human rights laws while sandniggers are throwing grenades at you, pleb

False Police report = Felony
Foreseeable death as a result of a felony (even if you didn't pull the trigger) = Felony Murder

So, Felony Murder charges seem like a slam dunk.

Oh yeah. Cop is going to walk free. If this happened to me in combat, my ass would have been court martial and ass handed to me.

I used to think that life was cheap in the third world, you can have people murdered for under $50 in plenty of shitholes, but $1.50? That's a steal.

How can third world assassins even compete with murican murderers wal-mart price plan.

>kill yourself boot licker

He says ironically while licking the boots of goosestepping statist thugs.


Dude should be charged with 2nd degree.

>cops dont have to say POLICE PUT YOU HANDS UP before shooting someone

You dipshit

Swatting is in fact a crime. You moron.

Kek, all of these triggered police haters.
If a police officer is feeling threatened he has the authority to open fire at any given moment. There's just so many asshats in America who thinks they can touch and go anywhere on their bodies with their hands that looks like they're reaching for a weapon. People just needs to learn that when a police officer tells you to get your hands up, you get your fucking hands up and don't move them.
The guy should get 5-10 years because it probably wasn't his intention to kill anyone. And the cop should go free.

i've heard they also accept WIC and have layaway plans as well for your everyday "murderer on a budget"

Exactly, that's why swatting is bad. It intentionally creates a situation designed to get someone shot.

Well that’s just a simplified version for retards. We must identify treat by weapon and engagement. If some faggot had a gun, we watch. If he becomes hostile with the weapon we engage. He reached for his waist. Did you see a gun? Was he motioning to shoot you? We get trained in simulations, just like swat. Only difference is too many cops are fucking pussy faggots.

I'd like to see how you respond after years of people shooting at you, your colleagues being killed, facing a man you are reliably informed has a gun absolutely going against your specific and clear orders and reaching down towards where one draws a gun. It's a split second decision and it's either right or it's wrong but if you don't have the balls to make it then you don't belong in a SWAT team.

Nice fantasy you live in. The guy who made the call is legally responsible, even if it interferes with your fantasy

If they can use EBT for murder in America things are worse than I thought. I'll enjoy watching the US burn from the comfort of the leaf empire.

I think that the cop needs to be made an example of to prevent other trigger happy cops from thinking they can get away with murder. 20 years and nothing less. The man murdered an innocent civilian who was home with his family. Fuck you ya bootlicking faggot. The USA was built on the ideals of freedom and liberty. Bootlicking niggers like you and the rest of the Sup Forums alt right cucks can feel free to root for a fascist state and lick shit off the cops boots but I ain't motherfucking buying into it.

I don't think anyone is saying the cop was in the right. But he is, at least, understandable. I understand why someone would be trigger happy in the situation described, even if his actions went too far.

That's why it's easy to blame the swatter, because he created that situation.

according to the law he'll be charged with man slaughter and probably reckless endangerment as well as filing a false police report. He'll get 5 years, serve maybe 2.


Doesn't matter, we can't decide and both the cop and the "caller" won't have a lifetime sentence anyways.

The cop did kill an innocent guy but considering the situation he thought he was in he can't be blamed for doing his job.

The caller can't be blamed for taking a life, he didn't pulled the trigger, even tho this situation was caused by him (apprently twice ?).

Bro the cops did not even identify themselves before the cop shot the guy.
They litterally pulled up to his house making a fuck ton of noise, ran up to the porch and a man answered the door to probably ask what the fuck is going on and got shot before he had even pressed his screen far enough open to say "good evening"

Before anyone else says "Hurr hurr stupid cops"
People need to understand, they wouldn't have even been there if it wasn't for this faggot.
He is 100% responsible for the death of the other guy.

He didn't send his address to him, he gave a false one that led to an innocent guys house. That's a major point to this story you fucking moron.

wrong. you don't get to use lethal force just coz "muh feelings" . it's only legal to use lethal force when there is a clear and imminent danger to life. not just "i had a feeling" but there must be clear circumstances that warrant use of force. for example "he pointed a gun at me and shouted i will fucking kill you" .. if a jury determines that the facts / circumstances didn't warrant a reasonable person fearing for their lives, then your feelings don't mean shit. cops don't have any "authority" to open fire at any time, dipshit. take you bootlicking, copsucking bullshit elsewhere, faggot. better yet, kys. brainwashed obedient faggots... comply or die is bullshit, you aren't required to obey a cops commands unless they are lawful. in fact, the supreme court has ruled, and many states have upheld, that you can resist unlawful arrest up to and including deadly force. a swat team raids the wrong house? you can fucking shoot them. many people have done this, and been found not guilty.

I'm sorry, who lives in a country riddled with niggers? Ah, yes I remember now, it's you.
You aren't very bright are you?
Good luck getting killed because someone who knows what a massive cock sucker you are sends the feds round your place, you know, for a laugh.
Fucking moron, enjoy your Nigger infested police state.

Aww, am I not following your American soap opera close enough?

Not with his history he won't. He will get harsher sentence due to his past fuck ups. Dude needs to be put down. He is missing some key elements.

this. you don't shoot unless someone demonstrates a clear intention to shoot at you. even the presence of a firearm, or someone being harmed, doesn't justify lethal force in itself. there must be an imminent threat to life, ie.. they are pointing a gun and about to shoot.

>This. swatting is not a crime.

Er.. yes it is You fucking retard

He didn't reach for his pants his raised his arm to block the light from the cops floodlights in his face. The cop who shot him shot him from across the fucking street. All the gun tards i ever talk to whine about how they need them AR-15s cuz handguns are no good from a distance.

Really? Cops in full body armor behind vehicles are terrified of a guy walking out onto his porch? The call was made by the supposed perp, don't the police assume the guy may have been fucking lying?

You dumb American fucks don't realize that these assholes are not protecting your family and you could be next. Answer the door for the cops and you are going to be shot. Hide from them and you will be shot. The only thing cops worry about is making sure they get home alive. Does not matter how many civilians they have to kill to get the job done.

I SWAT'd Scar-Jo a while back when her address got leaked.

Shit was cash, but for some reason the news coverage of it got buried.

He was called in to a HOSTAGE situation he can kill whoever he feels like, it's his job.