i'm like 20 and im into very short and petite women and this makes me very uncomfortable around children even though i would never harm a child, i've recently been looking into ddlg captioned porn because my xgf was into it, i report when i see genuine child porn and i've talked to my therapist about it and she says im fine but i still feel giult

what do?

Cum on kids.


fuck you

Just don't diddle kids and report foggots that do.

You good bro.

Big difference in petite women and kids. If you can help confuse your feelings for the two you have a serious problem. I care what your pycho says.


Never act on your actions, and never ever justify to yourself watching child pornography to “vent”. Recognize that part of your lust is knowing that you cannot act on it, which, while frustrating, should help you recognize that you aren’t a bad person. Just don’t go down the rabbit-hole of justifying cutting corners on not giving into being sexually attracted to children.

first of all you're an asshole and second of all i fucking hate vintage anime

what arm thing homie?


wow that advice is helpful and effective

What's ddlg captioned porn?

daddy dom little girl

the image is done by a big trustworthy legal company but the caption/context that other people write in is super dirty

Daddy, daughter, little girl.

Form of age play where adult women pretend to be the under age daughter

not a legal company but a company that produces adult material that is legal


Go die you worthless pedo faggot. You say you dont hurt kids but ill call bullshit. I hope you go to prison and get raped by a pack of wild niggers.

you can call bullshit all you want but it wont change the fact that their is no bullshit to call with me

Yeah right. Youre just wanting people to tell you its a normal thing if you like small women, which it is, but not girls. Youre one step away from pedophilia. Thats to fuckin close

NO i don't believe that what i feel is right and that's exactly why i am here , it would be much easier to just pretend that i'm not having these feelings but i figure s stitch in time saves nine

For sure this.

You had a traumatic childhood. It always comes from childhood. Seek therapy to figure it out.

Small WOMEN are great.
Kids and teens ... think about THEIR needs not yours. Gain strength by being their protector not predator!

thank you

The fact you are "uncomfortable" around kids right there tells me its crossed your mind

Oh wah about the childhood. Hes an adult now, time to get the fuck over it. Only he is in control of his actions now. A shitty childhood is just a lousy excuse used by fucks like him.

what has crossed my mind? doing something illegal? yes it has but to be honest everyone thinks illegal thoughts time and again, you're probably thinking about murdering me and i think about killing myself for the same reasons and those are both highly illegal

i'm trying to get the fuck over this shit but i'm just asking to see if anyone has any advice opinions on it

I had a rough childhood, but not worse than some. My shrink taught me some good lessons in not blaming myself, and in being clear eyed. I solved my trauma by being a great wholesome Dad to 4 kids if our own. I was never into pedo. My thing is cross dressing. I gain strength by being a great parent.

You are asking the right questions and being a good person by fighting back on your urges. Realize you need to find and kill the trauma you have suffered with the help of a good therapist.

Good man. Now go forth and Protect Kids First so that THEY don't get trauma!!! No sex with underage period dude. No excuses.

If your serious about it then ho see a shrink. Not Sup Forums.

and no i have not thought about murdering anyone..ass beatin maybe, but not murder.

If he hasn't committed a crime he's not a fuck. He gets over it by seeking help.

Get it?

i'm quite tempted to give you my address so you can do that but i'm concerned about public image and, i barely feel it anymore

i have a shrink but i feel like drawing from all available resources would be benificial

Do you have an Accountability Buddy?

screen-caping this

no, what is that?

i'm looking it up now

just sniff petrol until your braindead or kys by setting yourself on fire

interesting! i know somebody i can trust to do this for me

Someone you trust and who believes in you so that if you have urges you can phone them and talk through them such that you discharge you feels without harming a child.

Because although I understand if you ever DO harm a child I have a particular set of skills ...

Just do it
It's the best pussy you'll ever get in your life.
I'm a manager at a supermarket and we hire 16+.
I like to meet her in the back office and have her suck me for a few mins, then I pull her pants down and ram her on the desk.
We both have partners and she's totally cool with side dick.

who the fuck is this person! get the fuck out of my thread!

Liar. Douche nozzle.

i was thinking more go out into the woods and shoot myself so theirs no mess to clean up and nobody has to take care of me for the rest of my life....
ill also be helping out endangered species

Do seek professional counseling. One potentially happy outcome is that you have generalized anxiety and/or suffer from a phobia of harming a child rather than actually wanting to harm a child. This is common among people who have themselves been victimized. They're so terrified of becoming predators that it becomes a preoccupation (as dramatized by Bunchy Donovan on the TV Series Ray Donovan).

But you also want to get to the bottom of it in case your desires might translation into a crime. In this case you'd want to arrange your life and career to minimize contact with children (don't become a school teacher/camp counselor/priest).

As for petite adult women ... go for it! Go find a skinny Asian woman with a growth hormone deficiency and make her dress up like Sailor Moon for you. Anything between consenting adults is OK.

I love tiny petite adult women because they make my tiny petite penis look huge.

Call suicide hotline.
Get brain healthy.
Get exercise and fresh air.
Take warm bath.

yes my counselor said that i didn't and my family does have a history of ocd

He has probably gotten over it a long time ago. What remains is the traumatic leftovers that have left him with a weird fetish for petite, small girls. A sexual attraction he can't help, born from the traumatic experience as a kid. Maybe it was a sexual encounter at a very very young age that left him that way.

So please, shut the fuck up son.

I had a feeling it was OCD in your case rather than real pedophilia (even through text a real pedophile can raise the hairs on the back of my neck).

Get medication for the OCD. You should also arrange your life and career to avoid children if only because they're going to stress you out.

>talking to anyone about this
you wot

OP is fucking retarded

sage and hide


this has been very helpful, and it is surprising to see ll the support, i was expecting everyone to want to kill me and i'm even prouder of the ones who did want to, i have to go to bed now

Stay strong, you're still on the right side of things.

i'm attracted to anything from 16-30. I feel no shame.

Yeah, this is a tough one. If, it's OCD (as I suspect with the OP) then getting therapy and medication can create a great deal of relief. That is, you tell the therapist that you'd never want to hurt a child but you keep having a recurring fear that you will.

But if you start telling a therapist that you have specific plans to harm a child, their obligated to get the police involved (and for good reasons). This leaves zero established medical options for people like this. And in general our society values retribution over prevention. People would rather spend our resources waiting for pedophiles to harm children and then laying the smackdown on them rather than preventing the crime in the first place.

No easy solutions :/

Well that dude(probably dead now) didn't have any plans nor did anything wrong. I'd suggest being your own therapist. It's cheaper as well.

Sometimes I wonder if it would make economic sense to just offer pedophiles (who have NOT yet committed a crime) some kind of contained living arrangement as a reward for coming forward. Obviously not jail/punishment or they won't come forward, but a place they can live their lives without ever having contact with kids. Something like Portmeirion from the TV show The Prisoner. A nice little village from which they cannot escape.

It would be costly but would it be more costly than our current system of letting them roam free and then trying to catch them after they've raped a bunch of kids?

Sometimes I wonder if it would make economic sense to just offer jews (who have NOT yet been gassed) some kind of contained living arrangement as a reward for coming forward. Obviously not jail/punishment or they won't come forward, but a place they can live their lives without ever having influence on the world. Something like Portmeirion from the TV show The Prisoner. A nice little village from which they cannot escape.

It would be costly but would it be more costly than our current system of letting them roam free and then trying to catch them after they've fucked up the economy?