My gf sent me a text message today.
She said that she wants to end our relationship.
I asked ''why?'' She sent me this picture.
My dick is 6.5 inches long.
What should I do?
My gf sent me a text message today
Why would you want a cunt like that?
Written and edited by fucktarts for fucktards.
"i only have a 5" microcock, so I'm forced to please my lover digitally"
how fucking long are this guy's fingers?
Find someone who isn't a whore
Women don’t care about penises. A few years after they marry you, penis almost has no place in the relationship anyways. Maybe she just doesn’t like you.
I would tell her
''I'm so sorry my little shrimp dick isn't enough to satisfy you :(''
Then block her and fuck myself real good a top quality escort before 2018
My thoughts exactly, my five inch cock isn’t doing the job, I’ll have to use my 9 inch fingers
>implying anyone with a dick cares about the pleasure of the other person
also who cares about the whore, shes a whore and thats all she'll amount to.
The real problem is her big vagina
If that's all she cares about, FTB.
these are jokes right
Laugh and say you thought she was serious for a moment. Cut all her arms and legs off if she actually is
Fake and gay.
Uninstall and kill yourself.
Thinly veiled cuck thread
If she thinks 6 inches is short the tell her to cut six inches of her hair off and then laugh at her bald ass
6.5 inches?
hahahahha wtf???
My dick was 6.5 inches long when I was 12 years old.
Penis size is only half the equation
Pussy tightness/loosness is just as much a factor.
I've fuck a chick so loose you could hardly feel her and she cums by masterbating herself.
And I've fucked a chick so tight it was hard to work it in and out and she cums from being fuckrd, legs shaking and shit.
Of course the loose one is a cool, laid back person and the tight one is batshit crazy,clingy as fuck.
I prefer women without penises.
how much has it grown since then bro
>My dick is 6.5 inches long.
I'm 19 years old now and my dick is 8.5 inches long.
Might be better, but at least I don't have a micropenis.
Tell her that if she didn't spend all her youth on the cock carousel then maybe she would feel your dick.
hot :D got pics?
My gf sent me this picture.
My dick is 6.5 inches
sure user
>7 inches
>babydick bitch boy
Ideal penis size for women is none at all. Otherwise, they would be men.
fucking killshot
Leave her. Plus, that image is nonsense. Most women can't handle 9 inches. The average depth of an aroused vagina is under 5 inches. If you Google "pain from too large of a penis" you will find a bunch of women's magazines with advice. Let your girlfriend try to find that 9 inch penis she wants. Based on world wide statistics, fewer than 1 in 20 men would have a penis in the range she claims to prefer.
I can actually confirm. I am around 19cm, and it is more a curse than a blessing. I have not had a lot of sexual partners, but all except one had pain and we had to go slow.
Never chase a bitch, user.
Sure OP I believe you!
Where would I be?
Actually you normally have reached your maximum dicksize by 12. So you kust called yourself the same as OP. Luckily women just don't understand size. Average is between 5.5-6.5 depending on race. Always. 6.5 is a totally reasonable dick. And if a girl sees a 6.5 they generally think it's like 7.5-8 anyway. Terrible at math. Tldr: bitches ar dumb, you are too. OP has normal benus.
Accurate except for that first bit