Did somebody say... loli thread??

Did somebody say... loli thread??

Other urls found in this thread:



yeah sucks they removed the old one what happend to free speach on Sup Forums



did somebody say loli subreddit? reddit.com/r/loli_porn5/


Stop plugging your fucking sub-reddit fag



adleast it takes a month for reddit to take it down unlike this thread


Loli threads don't get taken down here. They usually fill up to max pic limit (if enough people bother to contribute) and then slowly go to page 10 and drop off.



thats a dumb feature i wish reddit had no regulations like 4cham cause everything about this site sucks besides the rules and comunity

Even the rules suck. Post pictures of fully clothed children => receive a ban, because a moralfag mod get's sweaty...

But yes, they're more lenient than on most other sites. Probably *because* threads like this don't stay for too long.


















where is her anus?















bumping for cunnilingus














look in bikini sluts you will like it






can one of you fags grow a pair and post some real kids






what is that








not a loli

not a nice loli