What's your new years resolution?

What's your new years resolution?

Nothing really. My life is going well right now, i guess "keep everything the way it is" wouldn't count.
Maybe stop smoking.


Lurk Sup Forums and fap to porn. Nothing new.


Write good code. Currently at work one of our systems doesn't delete its old backups, I have to do it manually. Would literally take 2 lines of logic for a decent solution.

>new years resolution
Stop being a lazy fatass

Wanted to post this too xD

Axe kick a motherfucker

To do it all for the nookie

I'm gonna take Fred Durst's advice and not step in a big pile of shit.

kill myself

To quit drinking and fapping so much

I want to sky dive naked and land in a pool of jello

Woah there baby steps user... Pick one and do a 2 week trial. We all know the new year new me vibe doesn't last through mid January

What flavor?

quit smoking crystal meth on go back to the gym

To drink more and fap more often.

Chocolate Starfish

McDonald's cola flavor

Be less of a newfag

Use my left hand more. I just have so little dexterity with it (other than jerking off).

To do it all for Snooki


It was alright. Got my first part time job, later quit it, got some new friends, found my weaknesses.
Probably stop being so lazy, find out what I want to do in life, don't get dropped out from college, change a bit of my personality issues.

Just turn off the backups fam.

>consistently stick to budget instead of 1 month on 1 month offing it
Just gotta work on the consistency
>push my USAF fitness eval up to a 90
Currently sitting mid 80s, so not too hard. Don't want to be a bad day away from fucking my career
>quit soda
This is a doozy. I've been drinking a minimum of a can a day (and a liter a day in my worst years) thanks to subpar parenting and poor will on my behalf. Tried to stop and have stopped multiple times but it always creeps back in somehow. I hate the stuff.
>Be a better hisband/father/airman
The good old general purpose. There's a lot of small things I need to work on that aren't worth putting on a list by themselves

get a job
quit smoking tobacco

>quit smoking tobacco
I quit on New Years 8 years ago after being a heavy smoker for 15 years.

got any tips?

im rich and unemployed so i guess my NYR is to figure out what if anything to do with my worthless life

>buy as much of the best weed you can find
>force yourself to smoke weed when you crave a cig
>nicotine patch doing the ENTIRE program and using two patches a day if necessary because you took a shower or something
>get rid of all the ash trays and cig butts NOW
>remember you can never never never have a single puff of tobacco again even in five years when you think you have it beat

best of luck user. Hardest and best thing I ever did was quit those things
