will this still be gay in the new year?
will this still be gay in the new year?
most likely unless tumblr has something to say about it.
Would guess tumblr got something to say about everything.
It's just that their opinions doesn't mean shit.
New years resolution is to stop letting people cum in my ass
How quickly will you break that resolution?
Why though?
I wanna reak your resolution
My new years resolution is being cummend inside my ass.
Well then... I give up on that resolution and make a new one. To have more cum in my ass than ever before.
hopefully Pence will find a cure for you all and then you can join the normal fur threads
We can always hope.
got some more thick horsecock? :3
New years resolution, overcome social anxiety and find a cutie bf and cum in his ass.
nice :3
stop making that face.
but what if i enjoy both threads and the only true cancer is the herm threads?
no :3
I agree
There are probably a thousand websites out there for that. Unless you want the occurance to be all natural.
Can't be all natural would require being out meeting people.
As for the thousand of websites that's where overcoming social anxiety, and other stuff comes in.
Get really drunk and everytime you check back on the sites make sure you are still really drunk.
fuck that's hot
there is a reason why i own a large firm unflared chance.
Thanks for advice, but not how being drunk works for me.
Give me the money to buy one of my own. I want to feel that deep in my asshole.
Get high? Take meth? If you can't do it sober or off your tits your only hope is lurking places like this and hoping you can somehow meet up with a boipussy welding twink who will dominate you for your cock.
its only 150$ just get a job...
Can always hope, there's a whole year.