Fat fag here, how can i get fit easily ?

Fat fag here, how can i get fit easily ?

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fuck other fat people

Stop being binge eating first of all you fat fuck.


Stop eating everything you see.
Go outside.


>Stop being lazy
>Stop eating transfat shits
>Start workout
Do this and you'll be /fit/

Chop your legs off, 1/3 of your weight dropped in minutes

try meth?

That poor golf cart

Nice tits

fuck aboriginal women

Fat people can't fit in anything.

stop eating, literally fast for as long as you can for up to a week. eat. rinse, repeat.

Drop the carbs

Best thing is you knock one up no child support


what do you mean if ?

also best part is she wont leave even after you use the baby bonus on a new flat -screen

eat less, move more

is not that hard you fucking retard, fat people are disgusting

I lost close to 32kgs-70lbs since September by simply drinking water only. Stopped softdrink and milk drinks... i didnt change anything else, i still eat my big macs and pizzas, still sit on my ass 20+ hours a day... but i literally piss clear water every time i take a slash. Its hard as first since water is boring as dog shit... but once u get in the habbit, it works bro.

All the fat ones should be exterminated from the face of the earth in order to guarantee the survival of the planet. In any case, it would be enough to exterminate the Amurrika fat people


Yeah, stop being binge eating!

Get one mounted up cowgirl you might get knocked out goin for a nip tho. I bet when them things get swingin itd be like getting tea bagged by an elephant

8/10 would bang

>water is boring
you want something fun go do drugs like normal people you fucking fatso

Find a solution to your food addiction, create another defense mechanism.

>implying im not doing crack right now.
are you even trying u pathetic virgin?

But i fucking love my cheezy crust pizzas :(

Buy a big black dildo, whenever you want food shove that thing up your ass dry and imagine youre getting butt fucked by some big buck nigger named andre.

Eventually youll create an aversion and you wont eat. Might even hit bullemia.

Unless your a faggot, then in which case i guess the exersize wont hurt.

again, u can have that, but drink water and have ur meals in moderation lol

Also cum is full of calories, pry should back off on that to.

Stop eating garbage.

Get a tapeworm

Military grade steroids. Trem+tren and winnie. You'll fuck up your organs (mostly your liver). But since you have already put your body through a lifetime of abuse, this will be nothing new.

>Gastric Bypass Surgery

Then do what that YouTube kid Boogie2988 does start eating healthy and wanting to exercise after the fact and act like you did it on your own. Like you were born to be a 1980s workout video instructor.

eat healthy, no suger unless it is from fruits, real fruit not juice or fruit flavoed items and workout. very easy.

Roids, coke, and kale.
In moderation, of course.

The hardest part is making it routine.

You'll have to exercise, yeah, but you have to do it daily.

You have to eat right, but you have to do it daily.

Shit's easy by itself, burn off more than you put in. The hard part is instilling the discipline you never had being a fat fuck. Rewarding in the extreme if you stick with it though.

Paleo or Keto diet, 30min exercise at bare minimum, but work your way up to some strenuous cardio 4x/week for an hour, and use MyFitnessPal or another calorie counter tool to monitor your intake of carbs and cals.

Eat a hearty breakfast of high protein and fat, but no carbs. Drink a gallon of water a day. Don't fap before exercise.

You'll be fine fatty, but you've gotta force yourself to do it and keep your motivation up.

Good luck fupaprince, may you become a /fit/lord.


This worked for me lost a lot of weight in just two months. Still got my teeth and healthy skin, not sure how people get so trashy on it, and it makes me clean everything and stay organized.

Honest answer? It’s not easy, and it will be difficult, but don’t shock your body into new things or you will fail at it, start small. As far as diet give up 1 thing at a time, a big one is processed sugar. For exercise, start with walking daily, once your accustomed to it, move it up to a jog and throw in some pushups and sit-ups along your route you run. Once you build up confidence in yourself and drop some weight get a gym membership and find a workout plan, tons of apps are out there for personalized plans. Like I said it is hard and it will take time, but it’s worth it so sincerely good luck man

>not fat
Choose one

>cant help ya

Is puc related? If so lose the guns lose the golf cart always walk always walk never eat fast food learn to cook and eat healthy in small portion four times a day. In a year you will lose all the extra weight yes it will take a year not a month I am sorry I am realistic

>how can i get fit easily ?
see your future