Newfag here.
Any old fags here who can explain what this is?
Newfag here
It's nothing, that's the point. It was all a big in-joke pretending that she was dead.
Oldfag since 05 here
too soon newfag
lurk moar
How new?
A potato
You sick fuck, way too soon
Shoop should be Weinstein
show pictures of girl who looks dead and say "too soon" ad nauseum
Canadian model at a party was taking shots of antifreeze and shit some guy was like would you model for me while I take photos, she died from the antifreeze during the shoot
the news media was what started the "too soon" shit but the dumb cunt got what she deserved for drinking antifreeze
Fake retardation
Wait so nothing is actually wrong with her and everyone pretends she died recently?
Is there any story behind the image at all even?
being this new
go lookup perfection girl
you're all too late faggots
I’ve been here since Summer
Did she die paralysed? Or was it obvious to everyone when she died
what part of fake do you not understand
too soon man
she died while misusing her granfather's vintage fingerbox, those things are dangerous
Yes, and it stopped being funny 10 years ago.
wow, some retarded story posted on an imageboard, it MUST be true!