What does Sup Forums smoke ?

What does Sup Forums smoke ?

>inb4 smoking kills etc

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Right now Newports... Bought a pack of 100s to see what the nba hype was. Bretty gud/10 i might buy another.
>inb4 spirit fags come and shit on the sunroof

This what you smoke OP? How are they?

>inb4 smoking kills etc
i dont care that it kills; frankly i wish they killed faster. i care its fucking disgusting. every single part of smoking is gross.

Not OP but I tried these a while back in some arse end rock bar, not too bad
Generally I'd say a step below sovereigns

Nah I'm not gutter trash

>every single part of smoking is gross
I think most smokers agree but once you buy a pack, you're pretty much fucked unless you really really didn't like them.

You speak as though people care what you think. Go smoke some cigarettes pussy

Golden Virginia Bright

what about electronic cigs?

>pick your taste
>add nicotine or don't
>better for health
>no tar

I'm a non-smoker but may buy one in the future because they are so flexible when it comes to taste and nicotine

28yo here.
Smoking since I was 13.
It is fucking gross.

Sure, no wealthy celebrities or millionaires smoke cigarettes now do they?
Close-minded gutter trash

vaping ecigs is way worse for you than cigs, google that shit

i only vape clear and natural shatter

we get it, you vape.

I used to smoke marlboro red but now I only smoke an occasional joint

Hey but how's that ciggy when you're drunk as a clam? Pic related

money doesnt buy class you rodent


Keep telling yourself that, poorfag

Newports but now marlboro menthol lights to help cure my cancer im 28 ahh

I used to smoke big Cubans, but I have moved on to a much cheaper and very satisfying pipe (a tobacco pipe only).
I get some banter from my friends but they are getting used to it.
It's aromatic, smooth and satisfying, I smoke Dunhill early morning mellow obviously in the morning and then Dunhill Elizabethan mixture in the evenings. I smoke Davidoff red mixture at all other times.
I spend about £40 a month ($50), I used to spend that much a week on cigars on average.

usualy rolling, but also having packs, when i'm lazy

marlboro golds

Smoking is for the lower classes.

We don't have enough wars, and there are too many safety rules at work. How else are we going to thin the heard.

all articles I've found on the subject say that vaping is healther (and fancier as well). for example


>The good news is that vaping is much, much safer than smoking tobacco. The best evidence available shows that using an e-cigarette is only around 5% as harmful as smoking tobacco. There has been no major evidence found that passive ‘smoking’ of e-cigarettes is a problem, even for people with lung disease. In the short term, any symptoms from e-cigarettes are likely to be the same as those you might get from a nicotine inhaler or nicotine gum.

I mean, no disgusting tar automatically makes it superior to smoking regular cigarettes

A friend of mine smokes these, what's the difference from regular Marlboros?



I process my own pipe tobacco from whole-leaf organic, flu-cured dark virginia with a bit of Izmir Turkish for flavour.

Winfield optimum crush blue

>(and fancier as well)
Fucking kill yourself kid.

Fuck yeah. I just bought some moroccan hash from a friend who just came back from there. Best hash in the world

well for one I don't have to get mine in rotten lung packages.

>Only fagots smoke taylors

Who's on the rollies?

What is this propaganda picture trying to say

Why would you pick up vaping if you're a non-smoker? Trying to be cool?

Smoking can kill your unborn child.
(I'm Dutch)

Cigars and pipe tobacco.

petteroes blue 3 is my fav by far, the taste is amazing and its perfect moist.

I smoke dubs.

Pall Mall Blue 100's
I want to live in an old mans Vintage World

i smoke yo mommas tiddies jk happy new year

I'm a former smoker who vaped in order to lower my nicotine intake and eventually quit. Worked like a charm but I don't get why somebody would vape for the hell of it.



No other pipe smokers here?

I haven't had a cig in two days, switch to the vape helps a lot since I'm quitting cigs for good.

These normally, but they're not easy to come by in Canada so I stock up when I visit the motherland.

Luckily I smoke about 2-3 packs a month if that, I'm a light smoker.

The Black Russians are fantastic when I can get them.

Same here. Used to smoke well over a packet a day, now I'm down to ±6 or so. (just like the ones after work, dinner and before bed too much...)

Janet? Nah, it's Kevin.


I know we typically refer to ecigs as mouth fedoras, but pipes are right up there. You fancy Sherlock Holmes looking asshole.

The best.

>Smoking cause 9 out of 10 lung cancers
what are the other causes?

I quit. Last LSD trip fucked it up for me.

Never met a pipe smoker under the age of 65 that isn't an insufferable douche about it.

Nice try
Use to smoke cherry tobacco from my brior pipe, forgot the brand. Cool and sweet.

Tumblr posts.

I've been smoking a pipe for more than 25 years. Furthermore, I own three vintage fedoras and actually look good in them. Not everyone here is a teenybopper.

mah nigga


Same could be said why people picked up smoking in the first place. Stop being retarded people like the sensation of it, who gives a fucking shit if they never smoked.

my biggers charlie lamber and charlie butler love smoking their cancer cocks.

don't really pop it, but i buy them for the option, normally my first fag in the morning i pop the rest smoke normal.

People pic up smoking to look cool. Vaping doesn't make you look cool. Argument invalid.

How can it be tested and proven safe if ecigs and vape hasn't even been around for a decade?


>American Spirits; Black
But smoke some pipe tobacco out of a bent apple pipe

Don't try to argue with these guys.
They smoke.
They like it.
It's good for them.

What can we say more. Let them kill themself.

While we're unfamiliar with the combination of chemicals, they've all been inhaled separately for years in food and candy industries.


But why did you choose fedoras?

To be fair, 25 years is pretty far behind the cutoff date where owning fedoras became for weebs

GV Bright Yellow

I smoke with red rizla, and just make a roach instead of a filter

Either that, or I vape

Newport Red 100's.
It's a real BASTARD of a cigarette.
Heavy af.

I'm 50 years old. Here's what I actually look like. Most people Sup Forums have grudgingly agreed that I'm one of the few people who looks good in a fedora. The pipe is a Brigham Voyageur, a relatively cheap pipe, but the one of the best smokers in my collection. I have a fondness for old, blue-collar basket pipes from the 50s, plain workaday pipes which smoke well without any fancy carving.

Pipe smoker reporting in

The tacticool vest really makes the look.

I'm not an addicted, hence I don't waste money on smoking.

Squadron leader all day

There's a practical reason for the vest. I'm a radical unionist and community organizer and need to carry a lot of stuff with me: forms, pens, notepads, voice recorder, pipes, tobacco, lighters, bug spray, sunblock, shades, pipe cleaners, camera, knife, and so on. I had an uncle in the same line of work and he used to wear a fishing vest to carry everything. I went to an army surplus and asked for something with lots of pockets and they came out with a SWAT tactical vest. It's mesh, so it's cool in the summer, and has enough pockets for everything I need. If I wasn't wearing the vest, I'd be lugging a backpack or a manpurse with me everywhere.

I mostly dip, but if I do smoke it's Benson and hedges or park drive unfiltered.
I'm drinking and doing some coke tonight so both.
Usually Copenhagen loose but if out pouched snus.
The best snus I've had has to be winter green, my friend bought me a can back from the states.
Banging on I know but the marching powder has this affect

west cus its cheap
camel is the best tho

B&H blue. cheap and chearful . cigs are wuite expensive in the uk. i normally stick them in doobs though. and only really smoke tobacco when im out drinking or an odd one at work.

This is a travesty, vaping is the new hipster faze that will burn out in time.
At first it was badly rolled cigarettes so they droop and now this.

I've smoked a pipe for more than 25 years now and I'm not addicted. In the summer I'll smoke two or three bowls a day, but in the winter when smoking outside isn't convenient, I'll go weeks or months without a bowl and not miss it. (It takes anywhere from 20 minutes to two hours to smoke a pipe, it's not like a ciggie where you can pop out for 5 minutes while you stand in the snow shivering for a quick nic fix.)

Guilty. American spirits menthol here. The dark green box, not that light shit. Used to love newports. If I'm fucked up on some Xanax or alcohol Newport reds are my go to

Smoked weed for 20 years now, marrawana smoking damages brain activity in the long term.
I'd rather die of cancer than have dementia and scooting around the old folks home in my cart asking for my Starbucks while wearing a pro vegan t-shirt and shitting my diaper.


smoking kills etc

I like cigars, and weed. Ive had a cig and I hated it. I want to try a good cigra and not just like backwoods or swishers

Export A Greens (leaf here).

user we're here for a good time not a long time.

Only smokers are remembered


"The amount of it is, if a man is alive, there is always danger that he may die, though the danger must be allowed to be less in proportion as he is dead-and-alive to begin with. A man sits as many risks as he runs." -- Henry David Thoreau, Walden

were here because our dads fucked our moms

Good luck Sup Forumsrother

Probably one of the few people who don't look like a fucking sperglord in one

If you don't have a well Taylored beard you have no reason to smoke a pipe
It truly is a perspective of class
Cigars are also included in manlyness no beard no smoke.


Camel essential.
Cigars and pipe now and then, when in the mood

That's what I'm smoking.
A lot of the stores in my area sell them almost as cheap as pall malls or L&Ms, which is pretty nice

arnt you the guy who lives in an abandoned warehouse trying to make a free space for people to go and be hippies?
i saw where you live, surrounded by mould digging in bins for food you fucking faggot. begging online so you can pay for your faggot friends to get high in the dark lol