My cat goes into the cupboard and lays down on my frying pan. Ask me anything

My cat goes into the cupboard and lays down on my frying pan. Ask me anything

Why's your cat have the hitler hairstyle

Why are you so obviously lying about where the cat lays down? It's behind the pans, certainly not in one.

name of the cat?

Why don't you keep the cupboard door shut?

What's your favorite shape?

Neil dacat tyson
He opens them

I'm going to have to go with rhombus

Cats are furry ornaments vermin owned by people who fuck up in life and will die alone. They serve as child-substitutes for lonely fags and dykes, many of which like to photograph their cats and post the pictures in whatever social networking site they drain their life at. Most internet users find it easy to relate to cats (as both are lazy, antisocial, egocentric, never-satisfied cynics that overreact to everything), which is why cats have become the official animal of the internet.

Is it taking a shit?

how do i make garlic bread?

> Confessions of a dick eater

/10 how friendly is it? (Asking for a friend)

He loves to have his belly rubbed

Just lays back and presents himself

Are you ready for 2018?

2018 what? Apples?

Yeah, 2018 apples, I already placed the order.

I hope you're in the Apple business, cuz that's a lot of apples

>He opens them

Cats are awesome.

why do you leave your cupboard open?

You into big tits?

Your cat is ugly as shit
This is a cat and she’s toilet trained

Those cats are stupid looking with the flat face and all. I bet you're all for genetic engineering and how to choose your child and what kind of eyes and hair they have. You sicko

Why are you such a faggot?

I suffer from social anxiety ever since they put me on dextroamphetamine and 8th grade because the Ritalin wasn't working

Is he a good boy?

Oh yeah

Always has that Holy fuck look on his face for some reason though

How do I make garlic cat?


Sausages in penises and meatballs

spank that lil shit and tell him no more

Fucking Kek

Why's your cat a faggot? Suppose it's like cat like owner

How about you do everyone a favor and go de-seed a pomegranate

My other cat

Lol your comebacks are as bad as an 8yr olds.

This one's cute, not like that faggot cunt in the OP.

Why do you always have eight year olds on your mind?

Lol faggot

Why do you always have faggets on your mind?

awww did daddy beat you