Qt shota only

qt shota only

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cute? more like blatant cumsluttery, dumbshit

My life is 99% boring
Just get aircon

Faggotry? With a not-shit OP? Well I never.

Animegayfag with a shit reply?
Well I never

the sun can still burn me indoors

Thanks homo
Do you call it Uluru or Ayers Rock

Sounds hot
Just move to fags city where the weather is just shit
Who the fuck calles it Ayers rock

Mostly racists which is why I asked you

tbh I prefer it here

we had snow this year
I havent seen snow since I was jailbait

where do you live
gib snow

Again, why would I ever care about anything poltiical in Australia
Abos and muslims are scum. Nothing to do with race
I saw snow in year 6 when I went to Canberra
Wasnt super impressed

>he doesn't want to make his nation the best in the world
retard confirmed

you probably saw shit snow btw

not gonna say specifically but its one of the viking lands
I love it cause everyone is so tall, makes me feel tiny

well you obviously saw shit snow then :p

how seriously how?
I swear I typed that before I saw this

Woule you not want no abos or muzzies? It'd be pretty perfect minus the snakes and spiders then
But theres a legal spray you can use on them

You havent even been looool
It was just snow. Like Im someone who cant be surprised or impressed
Ive given up on lyf

how deep was it? we had like a foot of snow that lasted little over a week
not much but more that we got in bongland
tbh the snow just reminded me of when I was a kid, was nice

Are you a jävla boy or a jævla boy?

and because i'm just that cool

what do you mean by no muslims
no sharia law but you can't really stop someone from moving to your country

Its like the only place it snows or some shit. It was alright like we could slide down a hill but then you had to walk back up and I cbfed lol
Only rime ive seen it except for when it hails a fuckton which is essentially snow

Just no muslims. I dont want to be thrown off a building because I was ironically being gay

why do I keep forgetting pics

well Im not overly familiar with the language but Im pretty sure its jævla here
kind of half scandinavian, half germanic
now stop guessing you're going to break my cover

>hail is essentially snow

you have alot to learn

I'd have harder immigrations tests to make sure you integrate into australian culture

Also it snows in tasmania you dingus

Well I only 'know' swedish so you're shit out of luck, norgepojke.

If theres enough of it, it might as well be
Its australian snow

>he thinks anyone cares about tasmania
Wow you finally said something which made me laugh

There's no need to bully the South Zealanders.

swedish is good
one of my family members is half swedish

its completely different >.


Nz doesnt even show up on a map
Tasmania needs to wash away alongside every other state than qld
Nah idk mate
When you have 10 minutes of pinpong sized ice cubes outside, you can play in it the same way

what did he mean by this

Well I take it du don't pratar svenska kek

if you throw a ball of ice at someone itll hurt
if you throw a ball of snow at someone it wont

its completely different

All fun and games
siblings just need to dodge

no I dont speak svenska fluently, but I know a little
enough to show respect to my extended family

we used to do that in england
some of the local kids would fill their snowballs with stones and throw them at people
one old lady got sent to the hospital

I just know bits from speaking with swedish people lol
So you're from england then?

thot had it coming
shouldve btfo of the kids though

also saifg mad because no one likes tasmania

shamefully yes
and before you ask no not london, Im from a shitty squaddie village with a lovely heroin trade and active local nightlife =D

yeah, that old lady minding her own business died cause she was too dumb not to take the only safe way for an old woman to walk cause of the ice

also the only thing I know about tasmania is Ty the tasmanian tiger tbh

take our two feet of snow pls.
it's all 1/2 ice now.
not looking forward to skatewalking
sure is a lot of shishiposting in here

So you know nothing about tasmania then xd
But im gonna go sleep
cya fgts

I didn't say that.
go slep

Ill hapily go for a comfy half foot atm

I know theres geckos or somethign


tasmanian tigers


Hello your lolicon friend here.
Lolicon and Shotacon are two sides of the sme coin.
It is cuckpornfags that are the enemy.
Thank you

Thats not you.
Rawr will fite you for his gay ass waifus
tasmanian tigers machine broke

or as I like to say, same sides of different coins

thunder eggs

that's about ideal, enough to cover all, make snow angels, forts, etc. but still light enough to travel, yussss!

you said..
and there's only one
i can't be mad at you when you're this unfocused

probably from cornwall tbh

>doesn't appreciate the snow
so rude tbh

cya faggit


is sai fg
enjoy sleepign when I wake up lmao
tasmania tigers are ded now

But now, I am actually going and closing bye

I appreciate it, just not being saturated by it
omg no, he's reiji/rawr, how are you able to mostly keep up convos and muddle ppls so hard?

hopefully we get about that much next year too

close but not quite

literally nowhere

we have posh accents (especially me)

go sleep ok dummy

i will enjoy it a lot

i wonder if he thinks i've been talking to myself for the past two years lmao

welsh people don't have fancy accents, honey.





I hate it when you guys have conversations.

Can you really call them that tho


Well they're something, and yall are always talking so for so dang long so lengthy every thread. Stop having conversations!! Go back to hating each other. AND SOMEONE TEACH ME HOW TO USE Sup Forums X

play around with the settings until it works how you like fam

But whereee is the stuff for putting a name / seeing other's namesss

Ya gotta install namesync for that



no i didn't
i told you to install violentmonkey and namesync
but 4chanx is also nice to have

Are you good for ANYTHING?

i just told you every to do tho

doesnt thou thinketh I partake in the flesh of cattle?

I mean proper fancy english accent


there's no need to be rude, user.
give me a county, then.

goddang useless hippie always being a hairy mess and posting the same photos for years rafkjgkfs.d

you already know Im from england??????
is this some strange tactic to try to confuse me?
namesync is working fine on my end

c o u n t y
learn to read your own language

i see your names a put a name on in the "name" section
testing testing 1 2 1 2


why does that word always mess em up

Hampshire on the border of Wiltshire (Wiltshire is nicer tbh)

doesnt seem to be working shamefully

>south of the south
worst type of englanders tbh

did you install violentmonkey rather than greasemonkey

but I put "Emizel Reggu" in thr name section but when I post it still says anonmoose even though I see that you're ness
what am I doing wrong

i seriously thought you were trolling me with violent monkey and that it didnt exist

no namesync only works on violentmonkey lmao


I know, why do you think I left

I had that probalem a while back, do you have greasemonkey and violent monkey or just violent monkey?

test 2

now i have both cause i just installed violent

makes sense that you wouldn't want to be a sassenach

uninstall greasemonkey
install 4chanx and namesync on violentmonkey instead
it should all work

ok uninstall greasomonkey cause itll conflict with violent monkey
then you should be good to go

i dont even know what that means but yes, I hate, for the most part, most brits
and almost idefinitely all the ones I had to put up with there

its much better here

you always manage to say it before me dont you

Helloooooo?! is anyone there?? Hey!!!



One step ahead of the fag man


>you calling me a fag

thats cute

Hmph.. guess I should've listened to you the first time even if the violentmonkey thing sounded like trolling. You're still an ugly useless hairy hippie, but thanks.
You too.

what could he POSSIBLY have meant by this??

you're too kind to me emizel



you should meet faggotry

it, as with everything, is open to enterpretation

I'm an objectivist thank you very much

sounds like fun

so now that I have Sup Forums x and namesync, what superpowers does that come with to enhance the beauty of the 4ching experience? time to do some endless exploring in the settings location
also how do I turn my on screen mouse into a cute diny dinosaur or something.

sounds like somethnig your subjective butt would think
show chest

get stylechan too
you can probably change your cursor into a dinosaur with that

well your comments will have a red dotted line along the left and replies to your comments will have a solis red line along the side, if you mouse over a picture it will open a preview making it easier to browse pics

and if you figure out how to do the dinosaur mouse thing then tell me pls
I want a ducky

not until my handler brands me ;)