Christianity is actually a superior value system. regardless of whether the mataphysical claims are true or not

Christianity is actually a superior value system. regardless of whether the mataphysical claims are true or not.

Enjoy being a pseudo intellectual "millitant atheist"/richard dawkings bottom-boy while I ris to a state of ultimate happiness and success with my completed moral philosophy and protestant work ethic.

You're trying too hard.

You're still a retarded fuckwit, user.

Jesus can't save you from that.


- Superior to what ?
- Under what valuation system ?
- Who died and left you in charge of setting up "universal" valuation systems ?

>State your claim
>Follow it with pious name-calling
>Imply claims to the moral high ground + superiority
>No actual factual or philosophical argument

Typical Christian.

Not to mention it's where all the good ladies are at too.

back in oven shekelberg

Stay mad. You all pick the fruits of this highly succesful civilization which is build fully upon christian values.

To what, Islam?

read the bible more feg
these people dont owe you anything

>build fully upon christian values
Nope. Secular values played a huge part, especially in taming Christianity into something compatible with modern values.

> Christianity is actually a superior value system
yes that is an opinion

Not mad. Just amused as hell.

While it is true that the value system of Christianity is a million times better than the shit-tier relativism of atheistic retards, you are absolutely in the wrong to dismiss the significance of its metaphysical claims. If those claims are false, then you walk away from Christianity. If they're true, you follow it. Your error is in denying Christianity's superior value system by affirming it relativistically.

Every value system.

Tell me, how are you going to get a civilization of atheists to agree on essential subjective premises?

>muh consequentialism

Right, that is working out really well up untill now.


What secular values are those? If I can't show that they're judeo-christian values, I'll eat my own jizz.

>Tell me, how are you going to get a civilization of atheists to agree on essential subjective premises?
It isn't that hard since we're all humans and tend to have certain subjective things in common. We get atheists to agree to things the same way we get Christians to agree to things. There is no such thing as an objective moral system.
>Right, that is working out really well up untill now.
It is actually.

There is no problem with secular morality that does not also exist in religious morality.

Freedom of speech and religion.

>It isn't that hard since we're all humans and tend to have certain subjective things in common.
>It is actually.
You can not actually be this stupid

Not an argument.


Obviously, those are both Christian values. They are the centerpiece, for example, of Thomas More's Utopia (1509).

> taming Christianity into something compatible with modern values.

Give me an example which you did not learn from a left wing elementary history teacher

Y'all retards should fuck off to Sup Forums


They are both directly contrary to the Ten Commandments and are commonly opposed by fundamentalist Christian groups. Christians only adopt them because of secular influence.
Any number of examples. Same sex marriage for instance.

Not enough trap threads and cock rate threads to serve your raging homosexuality?

>superior value system
>protestant work ethic
>pick one

Dogmatically the best spiritual values come from Orthodoxy and Catholicism.

Orthodoxy pretty much says: "your goal is to rise to a state of nirvana and goodness to be one with god. Here's some guidelines on how to do that"

which is pretty cool.

Catholicism is similar except they have a funny dude in a hat in the middle.

Protestantism is too literal and repressive to make you superior.

If I need to prove to you that western society has never been more devided on moral issues then the only appropriate response is to simply call you an idiot or a faggot.

Also, seperation of church and state is a direct result from biblical texts. Enjoy the taste of Sam Harris dick

That is the dumbest thing I've read on Sup Forums in a long time.

once again: seems like Sup Forums suits your retarded brain better

lol, yeah you should walk in to a philosophy lecture while they are having a utilitarism vs deontology debate and say: 'I got this: empathy!'. Report back to me how that worked out

>the only appropriate response is to simply call you an idiot or a faggot.
Because you have no argument.
>Also, seperation of church and state is a direct result from biblical texts
Nope. Biblical texts are selectively read to justify separation of church and state, a secular value.

Enjoy tithing the church, not cursing, fucking for the sake of procreation etcetc

You err twice. First, you assume that Christianity is synonymous with orthodox Judaism of the Mosaic era. It isn't. Then, you assume that the fundamentalist literalism that emerged in America in the late 19C is what Christianity is. Bad news: Christianity has been around for a lot longer than fundamentalism (see the renaissance, for example) and it has never been under mosaic law (see the council of Jerusalem in Acts).

I'm pretty sure that 99% of atheists and Christcucks alike agree that murder is bad, theivery is bad, corruption is bad, fuckin your best lad's girl is bad..

I would say rape as well but a staggering amount of Christians seem to take no issue with that.

You also forget that an oddly large amount of Christians seem to find ways to justify murder, theivery, adultery and the like, even in modern day. Not to mention back in the days of early Christisn civilization where they regularly murdered, or even a few hundred years ago where they used Christianity to justify the genocide of one entire race of people and the enslavement, subjugation and unrightful murder of another one.

In addition, most moral Christians are only moral because of fear of skydaddy. A moral atheist is moral purely out of interest in being a good person. If there was no law and Christianity somehow became disproved (obviously a hypothetical situatiob, as this is impossible), the majority of the increase in crime would be perpetrated by the ex-Christians.

tl;dr Christianity is only slightly better than Islam. Both are shit and the only reason Christianity is slightly better is because it is mostly established in develiped countries where people have less desire to do evil things due to comfortable living situations and an abundance of legal repurcussions.

Off to a celeb masturbation circle with ya
Random means random

If I leave the church, can I pay five times the tithe to the state, say 'fuck' all the time, and jerk off to trap threads? Because those are real measures of moral progress.

Don't forget There are many streams in protestantism as well. I grant you that some of them are extremely retarded and way too liberal.

>First, you assume that Christianity is synonymous with orthodox Judaism of the Mosaic era.
You don't have Christianity without Judaism.
>Then, you assume that the fundamentalist literalism that emerged in America in the late 19C is what Christianity is
That's just the thing: there is no single Christianity. It's a subjective religion, which only serves to prove my point. Some Christians find the 10 Commandments binding. Others do not. Some hold to the separation of church and state. Others do not.

This kind of naivete is astonishing to me.
>I was raised in a judeo-christian culture with values derived from two millenia of religious contemplation and devotion
>Magically, I came to the same moral conclusions all on my own, totally unaffected by my upbringing or the culture around me

"Render unto caesar the things which are caesar's, and unto god the things that are god's"

yeah, very selectively

I want the trap threads and cock rate threads to be removed from Sup Forums, along with all other newfaggotry, included but not limited to:

And your personal brand of stupidity

Get out normie reee and soforth

It's not subjective. It's denominational. Though actually, as a Catholic, I think it's more actual Christianity and then heresies.

I suppose. Protestantism stems from a failed attempt at reforming the church by Martin Luther, instead of going back to the original church he took it further away. In the end most of the Protestant desire to go back to early Christianity is essentially what Orthodoxy always was. I will admit some modern politics with Catholics and Orthodox churches are stupid.

I'm not heavily religious but theology is interesting purely from a historical standpoint.

I'm glad we are in agreement.


All these athiests cucks, its a fuckin b8 you tards. Lmao

>It's not subjective. It's denominational.
Denominational IS subjective. The 'same' religion is interpreted to mean hundreds if not thousands of different things.

>hes not a christian

>Christianity is actually a superior value system
>against birth control
>superior value system

>its a fuckin b8 you tards
Really? On Sup Forums? No, surely not!


Well, again, it isn't subjective, or every Christian would have an individual set of core beliefs. I belong to a church of a billion people; my beliefs are not subjective.

Cranking up the cock carousel by releasing women from biology has not been the great moral advance you imagine.

>Well, again, it isn't subjective, or every Christian would have an individual set of core beliefs.
False. Subjective does not imply that everyone comes to a different conclusion, though that isn't that far off from what we see in Christianity.
>I belong to a church of a billion people
Even if that were relevant, which it isn't, the Catholic church isn't unified. Catholics disagree with one another all the time.
>my beliefs are not subjective.
They are.

Now you are the one not providing proper arguments.

Besides seperation of church and state I have more examples.

Do you think it is a pure coincidence that abolishement of slavery happened in christian countries and was advocated many many times by christians who used the bible to proof that slavery was wrong?

I'd argue that the abolishement of slavery is the biggest moral achievement in human history. No other value system, whether derived from a religion or from atheism has every achieved something so massive as that.

>implying that unjustified murder, thievery, adultery, and the like weren't considered amoral long long before the rise of the Abrahamic religions
>implying Christianity did anything to further develop or instill these moral values
>implying these values weren't instead created through empathy and the implied social contract of living in a mutually beneficial civilization
>implying these values haven't existed since early civilization due to the idea of "If I don't do bad things to others, others will be less inspired to do bad things that might affect me"
>implying that evolution hasn't been shown to enforce mutually beneficial social standards in less developed animals, proving that morality is a construct of human consciousness as opposed to a social religious movement relatively late in our timeline

Fucking wew lad. Those are some major implications.

I haven't been on Sup Forums for a few years, I wanted to check if its still as easy. It is.

That line is not referring to separation of church and state in the context of law making you fucking buffoon

Protestantism had a superior work ethic, which is why I like it.

>Now you are the one not providing proper arguments.
You don't need an argument to agree with a statement.
>Do you think it is a pure coincidence that abolishement of slavery happened in christian countries and was advocated many many times by christians who used the bible to proof that slavery was wrong?
Except Christians also used the Bible to justify that slavery was correct. Indeed, the Old Testament expressly condones slavery.
>I'd argue that the abolishement of slavery is the biggest moral achievement in human history.
You could argue that, but it wouldn't show that Christianity is the cause.

>implying that unjustified murder, thievery, adultery, and the like weren't considered amoral long long before the rise of the Abrahamic religions
never implied that, don't believe it
>>implying Christianity did anything to further develop or instill these moral values
In Christian countries? Only a retard would say otherwise. And the golden rule that Christ teaches is a development. I can explain if you didn't know.
Then you drift into the faggotry of evolutionary ethics, which is nothing if it isn't making up untestable stories about the origins of values, the very thing you cock addicts purport to detest.

You're right. I did post to be mad. I want the mods to quit being bitches and start banning newfags and normies.

Make Sup Forums great again. Start by permabanning your candyass.

Did atheists lead the fight for abolition in the UK and the US?

The Good vs Evil always gets tipped when temptation rears it's ugly head.

If you weren't a pubeless newfag, you'd know a permaban lasts as long as it takes to switch your IP.
Do you go back to middle school Tuesday?

Irrelevant. Christians doing X does not imply that X was caused by Christianity.

So fuckin mad, classic little boy athiest attitude. Hahahaha

Your picture nicely illustrates atheist values.

Good. Now apply that logic to the bad things some Christians have done, and you'll have reached enlightenment.

>Except Christians also used the Bible to justify that slavery was correct. Indeed, the Old Testament expressly condones slavery.

Never said christianity as a value system was perfect from the get go. Also, every culture in history before christianity practiced slavery. Also, the whole point of christianity is to be critical of textx in the old testament. there is the story of jesus where the old school jews ask him what to do with a woman who commited adultery (the old texts of mozes said that women should be stoned to death if they commited adultery), Jesus didn't even look at them and said: 'he who is without sin throw the first rock'. Jesus is basically an anti extremism clause in the moral philosophy of christianity. Bringing up arguments based on the old testament to a christian is generally retarded.

also, it is a well established fact that christian texts lead to the aboloshement of slavery, do some research.

>In Christian countries? Only a retard would say otherwise
So you're implying that the religion directly enacted these changes in human morality, as opposed to the idea that Christianity was created by these ideas of morality as a way of better explaining the moral desires of a civilization to other civilizations? Sounds like you're the kind of idiot that believes the chicken came first.
>the very thing you cock addicts purport to detest
If you're implying here that I'm an atheist (which I assume you're referring to as a cock addict), you are wrong. I believe in a God. I'm just not stupid enough to put such a pseudoempiracle faith in a book of fairy tales written by ancient ricefarming sandniggers.

51% of the population might disagree with you on that.
>Cranking up the cock carousel by releasing women from biology...
You Muslim or fundamentalist Christian? You're certainly a retard

Protip: when you start building straw men, it's time to stop posting.

If you weren't such a newfag, you'd realize that consistently enforced permabans still disincentivize shitposting as most people don't care enough about shitposting to change their IP and continue doing it through more than 4 or 5 bans.

You don't understand sarcasm, do you? Do you have problems in social situations? Find patterns in numbers? Have difficulty looking people in the eyes?

Found the guy who thinks he can measure moral advances by poll numbers.

Ah, that explains why there's so little shitposting!

I already do. The problems I have with Christianity exist in the Bible, not things that some Christians happen to do.
>Never said christianity as a value system was perfect from the get go.
And it isn't perfect now. It continues to improve as secular morality progresses.
>Also, the whole point of christianity is to be critical of textx in the old testament.
Except for the whole part about Jesus fulfilling Old Testament prophecies.
>Jesus is basically an anti extremism clause in the moral philosophy of christianity
Except it is with Jesus that we get the idea of hell.
> Bringing up arguments based on the old testament to a christian is generally retarded.
I'm not the one who based their religion on something that is intrinsically connected to the Old Testament. The God of the Old Testament is the same as the God of the New Testament, and Jesus did not come to change it.
It's a well established fact that Christians used text from the Bible to condemn slavery. It's also a well established fact that Christians used text form the Bible to defend slavery. Do some research.

>Found the guy who thinks he can measure moral advances by poll numbers.
Found the guy who completely missed the point of my post. Trying to be clever; looks so stupid

>implying that every post you've made thus far hasn't individually outweighed the entire state of Illinois in straw production

This board is full of shitposting because of people that don't belong here and shill mods that are paid to apply for mod positions to aid in the destruction of Sup Forums for the sake of removing its teeth.

Thanks Soros

Are you truly righteous and virtuous when you do what you do because someone else prescibed this method of thinking to you? Or are you truly righteous and virtuous when you do what you do because you are the one who believes what you do is right?

The problem with being prescribed a set of morals and virtous is that the people who prescribe them can abuse their power to push an agenda.
I remember a time when I was a child where the churches around me where saying that pokemon were demon and only children who strayed from god watched or played pokemon.

TL;DR? Religion is for faggots

This x a fucking 1000 i’ve been saying this shit for fucking years

I’m not religious but I definitely agree with this

Its actually really sad because christian morals are pretty damned good for the most part.

the religion itself is crap but monogamy is pretty ok with me.

Dubs don't lie. (((They))) started to feel threatened after we started targeting people, corporations and governments that were doing evil things. I think the attack on the Egyptian government's internet service and websites was the point they realized Sup Forums needed to be defanged before we started targeting American corporations and politicians with hacks and document leaks. It'd explain the massive rise in media coverage regarding Sup Forums from mainstream media around that time.