So what is Sup Forums doing on New Years Eve?

So what is Sup Forums doing on New Years Eve?

Hosting an orgy. Me and 2 buddies of mine have invited some of our fwb over and told them what's happening and altogether 8 girls said they'll come & the 3 of us guys.
Gonna be a night full of sex, weed & alcohol.

sure you do

Magic 8ball says sausage fest

Jealous bitter virgins. Get out more & move to a city

MDMA for me.

thats why you are here and telling us about it :>

I'm going to light my dick on fire because I can't afford fireworks.

Fireworks Simulator is just 3.99 on Steam.

That's my weekly food budget...

Sup Forums here, gonna watch movies with friend

anything but vidya, really

quiet evening with the wife. currently drinking champagne and listening to a honeybadger livestream whilst browsing Sup Forums

what movies?

nothing special. i just go for a walk, throwing stuff, smoking some weed, chill and go home again.

>throwing stuff

would that be firecrackers? people are already at it where i live and it's only 7 pm.

Alone, blackout drunk by 6. Pretty much like any other day

Probably get drunk, do a bunch of coke and fuck my girlfriend. About halfway thru an 8ball right now, been marathon fucking since friday. Pic related, her last night

ye, throwing some firecrackers. they started throwing this stuff in my hood 1 week ago. but my plan is it to do it at midnight.

cheers m8. have fun.

also kek @ clueless grandma

>be me
>gf broke up with me after our 3 year relationship
>spiralling my depressive state
>sleep through new years eve in my darkended room after falling asleep at 5pm while my family has a party outside (australia)

thanks man, happy new year

problably just play wow and drink

drink smoke and smoke weed and think about killing myself, maybe have a go at it.. if unsuccessful, just get an early night..