The post that ends on 18 will contain the absolute truth about what will happen in 2018

The post that ends on 18 will contain the absolute truth about what will happen in 2018.


Spiderman becomes emperor of the world

OP will get gangbanged by niggers and the whole show will be broadcasted to the world by some evil hacker

Trump will die in a nuclear attack on Iran while there visiting for military maneuvers

The niggers will win

Sup Forums will be deleted

Gilmore girls will have porn with original actors


moot will come back like the resurrection of jesus

Somebody will die

at least one person will die in 2018



Do tell

Some mad scientist working with a bio terrorist will create a poison that only works on niggers. This poison basically transform them into titans. The Black Titans will start trying to eat humans and the humans will build walls and craft a system that allows them to fly so they can cut the necks of the Nigger Titans because it's the only way they can die.

Many Americans will be killed in mass shootings.
People of the UK will have to pay exorbitant prices for once-common goods.
North Korea will talk the talk but fail to walk the walk.
Australian internet will not improve.
Russia will do some shady shit and get away with it.

Someone on Sup Forums will post some stupid shit in some dumb thread like this one and nobody will ever care.

The creator of Berserk will die and Berserk will be unfinished

Everybody dies

Donald trump gets impeached, bitcoin's value becomes $50.000.

The snow flakes will stage a rebellion and a great selfless man will sacrifice himself to cleansing thir retardation.

Traps won't be gay anymore.

Niggers will continue to nigger

Autism becomes mandatory

same shit as 2017

Bitcoin & similar cryptocurrencies will drop to 0 due to hackers

Myself and everybody posting in this thread except for OP loses their virginity.


The jews and the niggers unite and they declare war to the whites

better fidget spinners

Danielle Bregoli's sextape is leaked

Sup Forums closes

keep dreaming jewy


Summer comes after spring

I will lose my virginity

The final solution will be successfully implemented

Ill get rich as fuck. Both spiritualy and materialisticly

Trump does stupid things

Re roll!!!!

Ill get to fuck 3 women at once

Dancing well becomes the only way to attract a woman

Lsd orgie for me and the gang

Black people will act like niggers

The feminists take over the world and a massive castration ensue. Only sons of alpha males are allowed to survive.


4th reich

world peace

The aliens invade the Earth and rape everything

Myself and everybody posting in this thread except for OP loses their virginity sometime in 2018.

usa gets finally nuked

Trump releases a sex tape

I'll finally have a gf and feel greater than I ever have in my entire life

there'll never be an 18 in this thread.

Every Sup Forums user will find a qt gf


Trump gets fired of rape charges

>ubuntu get

moot returns

Bahaha ur gonna be single forever


White genocide

I will have a GF.


Obama will kill Trump with a spoon

humans will realize there's no need for war


Black supremacy

Ill fucking get a gf


Putin will anal rape Trump on live tv

Aliens will make contact

Thrump will win his 2nd term

i'm gonna fuck your mom op

OP won't be a fgts ever

Febuary will have 28 days

the number 18 will furthermore be referred to as 19

Apple will go bankrupt

Traps won't be gay

everyone eat a gay fat

moot launches mootchan


Everyone here will be put into cuck camps.

Obama becomes gay and divorces Michelle Obama, his sextape where he fucks Bernie Sanders is leaked

media will have an unhealthy obsession with trying to bring down Trump

Sup Forums dies

trump will go away even more from /ourguy/ and finally become (((theirgoy)))

Maybe next year

niggers tounge my anus

ISIS get destroyed by a spongebob fanatic and his army of mercenaries

Better average income?



Sex education becomes mandatory in every school and last assignment is two students having sex

no virgin and sex shame age begins

Fluffy threads return to Sup Forums

michelle is a man dipshit

Hang in there user

Every human will poop at least once.

I'll finally die

All the niggers will die.

Nothing special

niggers tounge my anus