Prove you're an oldfag

prove you're an oldfag

dial soap spam

newfags can't triforce

I remember old Sup Forums day



Fucking newfag

Ron Paul Sup Forums

So you want me to prove that I'm an old fag by going to the internet and finding pictures because I have no old memes left ....isn't that what your doing





>alone and on b for new years



Damn son

>Roody poo.


if you had to look that up gtfo



> inb4 remember when Sup Forums was good

The oldest of fags

Fucking shit, I hated having to edit the source data.




Too soon






Millhouse us a meme

"tries to show 70's music"

Well done shoop. Also, too soon.

longcat is long

"Milhouse is not a meme" is a meme. Milhouse is not a meme.

it takes a crane to get it out


Is Cox the Fox finally a meme




Not an oldfag but I've been here since December of 08, posted in several notable threads like the space programme and that time the guy killed his girl and posted hints of his whereabouts until some user figured it out.

bunch of Candy Asses in here. Fucking People's Champion won't get the trash out. All these jabronies think they know /b....

Yep pretty much



Quads gets $5




What is inside the goat tower?

peanut butter nigger

I'm in the same boat I started when I was in high school in 07 don't have anything current ish shit

Too new





Fuck of french fuck



I see you sir




do you have battletoads for the wii?

Tawnee Stone


your right



people wont understand anymore


my right what?

He's never coming back user

We used to have a queen, then both her and this site got too popular

I made this.

Sorry you're

Godly luck, you candy ass

Sage goes in all fields
Roody poo
The people's champions

I actually wrote the Mary-Ann Rialeb copypasta.

Sup Forums was never good.


He went to Jared!

itty bitty baby, itty bitty boat!


How did this get here?
I am not good with computers.

Who the hell is Candlejack? I'm new here can someo

This is the stupidest fucking meme in existence.
Yeah, I get it. You say "Candlejack" and then you disappear. Hurr durr. Well I'm still

No no no you're not supposed to say Candlejack user or else he'll come for y

why do you bully loli?

You are and idiot. : )

Visit anontalk dawt com

it usually takes a crane to take it out


You should put a crane in the swimming pool, I've heard it takes a mattress to get it out


>tfw these posts never prove anyone an oldfag.
>tfw I've posted one just for teh lulz.
>tfw People in this thread think finding entries on ED will make people think they're oldfags.

Damn that was good one. Do you remember “I make shoes”?