What's it like being white Sup Forums?
What's it like being white Sup Forums?
Imagine waking up every morning and realizing you won the lottery
It's alwhite.
what do you mean "what is it like"
we just exist and thats it
no different than anyone else
it's ok.
everyone raves about being white and it's still underrated as fuck. really can't overstate how awesome it is, especially if you're tall and broadshouldered like me. my face is a bit unsymmetrical though and i have some acne scars, but hey at least i'm superior to most human beings on the planet in most ways
You wake up and you want to boss people around
Its alright for money side of life.
We are shit in bed tho and our dicks dont size up against black men
Had loads of women cheat on me with a melonin man
i can't put on a suit without getting a strong urge to mistreat some employees and taint a watersupply with chemicals
white people don't look like this anymore
kinda sad tbh
pretty good, never been mistaken for an ape for one thing.
I smell a nigger with a hint of AIDS in the woodpile
God's special snowflake
"in the woodpile" was what actually made me laugh from this one
You have to work at an actual job and your most expensive shoes might be work boots.
Sounds pretty gud the way you guys put it.
Like do you notice any difference between you and colored people large or small because of the color of your skin.
So more women are attracted to you? Sounds good.
we all are white you dumb cunt, race is a social construct
..well it feels normal I quess
Never heard that?
I'm a mut. But I look super white and I gotta tell you it's dope.
But why though?!
Yeah i got your wife back here too
Making that hoe scream like you never have been able
I'm Latino, and I get all the bitches just cuz I look super white. all my short shit skinned friend's girlfriends want to fuck me. And I always get the job.
Every minority girl you holler at gives you their utmost attention with a "fuck me" smile. They remember how their men were cucked in history class in school by missionaries, pilgrims, slave masters and the British. Not that I would ever impregnate any of them, but I would have my fun and dump them, but they wouldn't get mad either because they understand that they're just pigeon shit on the bottom of my Nike Air Jordans.
Very privileged
policemen are so nice to me
this part is actually true
also helps to be a nice person and keeping your hands where they can see them
I think my wife is fucking a black neighbor
is or will be
I think you made this you to bait people.
>that moment you realize the thread has been infiltrated by a shit skin
the NEETs in this thread pretending that they have jobs and girlfriends are funny
Call the police sayin' he is armed. This will get resolved asap.
Being white is like living in an empty hollow society. Technical gadgets are a major part of life and we somehow get enough nutrients from processed artifical food. The white man looks down on many other ethnics but looks up to the Chinese as they have better food, faster trains, bigger army, hottier girls, better skylines, more technical gadgets, spiritual life, better overall culture with rich history.
If that make you feel better user. You will never be white. But you can find the discount happiness that you people can only hope to achieve and what white people are born with.
It's like sticking your dick in a tight 14yr old sluts warm mouth.......
don't you know?!
>Chinese as they have better food
Ah yes china the known for its cuisine and Eiffel Tower
Are you Chinese? Just curious.
No doubt this was written by a chinese person
Chinese people are so far up their own ass its hilarious
You talking about danielle bregoli.....
Anyone have any danielle bregoli rare nudes???
If you think all Asian men are happy. Got to /r/hapa and /r/asianmasculinity
1. Stupid. You vote for Donald Trump.
KEK fucking ching chong
R8 8/8 fucking chink
China is the most and weirdest fucked up nation on planet. Trust me i mean still today you eat dogs and cats how subhuman is that? Also you pollute the aor the water the land you live in a toxic plastictrash hell. Fucking chinks think they are superior yet only assemble our stuff hahahaha
Whites will soon be forced into a society much like China's. You've had too much hedonism painted as "freedom" for too long.
most of the world eats dogs and cats
you Americans have a disturbing fetish of too much pet ownership
>Also you pollute the aor the water the land
do you even education?
This but I wouldn't have said whites but Americans all except the rich.
The upper classes will be forced to assimilate or be killed off, actually.
I'm planning on that but I think they'll just relocate. We'll have to get them before they get to their planes,jets and helicopters. We'll be going after them like a hoard of thinking zombies.
>do you notice a difference between you and colored people
My girlfriend is from Ecuador, we worked together for a while and I noticed that white people would treat her differently from me.
Same with Hispanics and black dudes
it's not hard to locate their bunkers in New Zealand
If youre fit, hold your head up and look decent everyone else obsesses over and resents you, but its out of sheer jealousy so whatever. Especially if youre walking around with your white son, that really triggers brownies, jews and mud ducks.
it's great tbh
i can literally rape, murder, steal, discriminate and break any law i want as long as i keep paying dues to the white privilege program that was ratified by our founding fathers.
Feels like normal. Any nigger outside of Afrika should feel ashamed. Also, niggers in Afrika should thank us for not killing all of them when we could.
If I had the guy OP's pic in my bed every evening, I would indeed be waking up every morning thinking I won the lottery.
They would probably go places where its planned for them to go. The citizens of said place might not know who they are. We point them out before that happens but not sure people would know who to look out for whether we point them out beforehand or not. Propaganda works. We'll have to hit the airwaves/internet.
>looks up to the chinese
impossible, they're 5'5" on average
>better food
they literally scoop food out of their sewage systems, look it up, no joke
>faster trains
only autists need trains
>bigger army
forced to fight, they will all die like we did in vietnam
>hotter girls
white girls look better without makeup, chinese girls look better with it on, take with that what you will
>better skylines
>more tech gadgets
they just build shit like ants that we invented over here in silicon valley
>spiritual life
>overall culture
china has killed their own people more than any other in the world, lol
The WASP people have it pretty good
If you're rich/have connections, there are literally no worries.
Otherwise, it's just minorities blaming you for shit you didn't do and ignoring job postings that fill half their space talking about how much they value diversity and encourage everyone but white men to apply. You only really get the advantages like legal immunity and automatic college acceptance/hiring if you're rich.
this, anyone who's white and caught doing crime was either late with their dues or rejected due to their degeneracy.
it's all in the handbook every male receives when they're born
Fuck off, you autismo. Prolly never seen a naked woman in your life and still living with your parents in your coconut country.
Most of the countries with the best looking men hail from the iberian peninsula. or countries with tan looking men.
I seriously doubt that mestizo from mexico is as good looking as he thinks he is.
Sorry snow nigger
I have come to realise that 'white privilage' is not a thing. It should be called 'intelligent privilage' bc most Asians and even smart niggers can do just fine while dumb whites get nowhere.
It's also called capitalism.