IPA, APA, lager, dark? Gimme your opinions

IPA, APA, lager, dark? Gimme your opinions.

Fuck that you buck tooth cuck
Alcohol is haram


Porters and stouts


Faggot doesn’t know his beer

I live in VT and we have tons of breweries. Not 100% on what type most of them are but god damnit they are delicious.


pls no


Sorry beer is for faggots and preteens fucks. A real men has a bottle of scotch or tequila


Sry but i'm A.K.A the master of malt.

>A real men

but tequila though? What are you a 22 year old white chick in Cabo?

Pint of fosters mate

With a bit of lemonade in the summer, really nice lads

Beer is for people that actually enjoy the taste of their alcohol.

Preteens drink cheap liquor.



If you argue that beer is more manly than tequila you should kys

I'm arguing that tequila is for spics and white chicks on spring break.

If you drink tequila as your drink of choice you probably beat your wife.

It's totally more girly than beer.

This is French dude who has been 9 years NEET in Finland (and odin knows in how many other countries) and in the pic drinking beer at Europe's largest military surplus store. Where the hell did you find it?

Well. No.

Cheap liquor is for alcohalics.

Not him, but have you ever had a good proper pilsner? I'm not talking about mass produced swill.

Finland isn't a Europe.

Name me one and I will try it sometime. The only pilsner I've had (aside from swill) was a Sierra Nevada one and I really did not enjoy it

Yes but he was asserting that preteens drink beer and they dont they those drink plastic jugs of cheap liquor.

MLA is the only correct answer


But I'm 30 and that's what I drink. Cheap gin and whiskey in those like liter bottles like a hobo.

I'm not a preteen.

Sorry lads, but tequila is a party drink and IPA is a drink for actual men

Dont be a one trick pony, drink whats right for the situation. Bright sunny day, cider or lager. Shitty winter/autumn, drink stout or heavy ales.

Combine your shit with food. Oysters and porter is pro as fuck.

Dont be a pleb.

Tequila is a base spirit. Any reasonable bar cabinet would contain tequila. How the fuck are you gonna defend not being able to offer a nice chick a tommys when she needs one. Come the fuck on.

>being able to offer a nice chick a tommys

You realize this is sort of my point...that tequila is for women....

Not going to disagree that you should have it but it should hardly be your go to drink.

I prefer Porter

Tequila is one step lower than spiced rum. Yes, super girly.


I don't think a real pilsner exists in the US. I had german friends that would go back every year for family. They said you can only get a good pils at a local pub, the types that don't mass-produce their beer.

Do you even beer?

Theres not a type I can go look for? I'm a bit disappointed I was looking forward to a new beer haha.

Not here you're not. Here you're known as OP the Faggot, Master of Cocks.

German buddies said "nope". BUT, you can allgrain homebrew one. You have to really nail down the soft water though. I have had a couple hb pils that I've been told were reasonably close. They're not like anything I've bought.