This won't end well for the US

This won't end well for the US.
Every cop in your shitty third world shit hole of a country gonna be on full shoot to kill mode now, even more than usual.
US is now a police state.

>probably not

You realize when you UK idiots cry wolf we all think you're fucking soft, yeah?

>US is now a police state
that's not a problem if you're not a fucking criminal or a nigger.
but i guess you wouldn't know anything about that, right Jamal?

You grossly underestimate how used to mass shootings we are here. This own't even make it one full news cycle outside of the Denver area.

This is America, son. Five cops get shot at a family fight? Must be Tuesday. Move along.

>Fundamentally misunderstanding common language.
>america and stalinism
>fucking child

That dude shot on his doorstep yesterday wasn't a criminal or a nigger

>.02 shekels have been deposited in your accounts

>>.02 shekels have been deposited in your accounts

Yeah us UK idiots who don’t have mass shootings on the daily


this happened you retard. I'm not sure 'cry wolf' means what you think it does.

This cuck has brain damage

Good. The whole planet.

"ITS HAPPENING!!!!" IS the UK rn. Could be anything. You're so bored and so white you just make shit up all the time on the internet.
It's like a job for you.


Oh noes the tuff guy doesn't afraid of police shootings. Muh 2nd ammendment will protect me.

People are less likely to go in peacefully with the number of police shootings

>an additional .02 shekels have been deposited

The fuck does firearms in the US have to do with how much a pussy you are?


Fun Fact: the police have NEVER been on the side of the people.

They're there to 1) protect government power, and 2) protect corporate profits.

You're incidental.

>TS HAPPENING!!!!" IS the UK rn. Could be anything. You're so bored and so white you just make shit up all the time on the internet.
It's like a job for you.

Have you been drinking?

So you're saying we should disarm the police and urge the public to arm themselves?

What point is OP even trying to make?

Doesn't matter what it is. As long as you can be a drama queen, you're happy.
It's called being English.

why do eurofags care at all? i figured you fucks jerked off to the thought of america sinking into the ocean the way you prattle on about them

Internet tough guy eh?

They need something to do inbetween giving eachother socked footjobs.

This is what happens to your brain when you grow up in America.

Burgers. Not even once.

Why not? What if I were?

This. This is why Trump won: he's like America the guy.

You pussies bitch and moan about how much you hate him but you still follow his every move and hang on his every word. America is the cool jock dude who slays pussy in the highschool of the world.

You run your mouth about us only because you want to be us.

It isn't gay if you have socks on ya wanker

Hahaha you'd be surprised user. Leave your desk once in a while.

Fuck cops

Americans are the world police, they need to learn

For US to be a police state the police has to be efficient as an enforcement unit. Now they're only good for target practice.

Yeah leave your country once in a while

U know thats a bad thing right, and that nobody is jealous of ur shit country...

this is what happens to your brain when you grow up in the European Caliphate.

Refugees. Not even once

As one who doesn't live in some degenerate shit hole city I have no fear of police. In fact, we have a great relationship with them.

American Logic --- "Guns keep me safe" *walks outside gets shot because a faggot phoned up pretending to burn house down and killed father while reaching to lift up falling pants due to fatness*

We can't afford it because the world economy is set up just to benefit western europe. It has been since like the 1600s.

All of the politicians in the US are in EU pockets. They both hate us.

No no. The US is like the court jester to Europe.
Your slippery decline into police control and every increasing restrictions on yer freedums make all us freedom loving euro overlords smirk. It's like having a retarded cousin who lives 3000Isles away but still fucksome up so badly everyone gets to hear about it. Even Africans are laughing at you and your shitty pathetic cuck lives.

Is right

Did you know the police used to have no more rights than anybody else and it was ruled as recently as the mid-80's that Americans have the right to resist arrest up to and including killing the cop of he escalates things? The right to resist arrest on the behalf of another even if that person is going with the cop willingly?

Bet you didn't know that. America's poloce have become a bloated business that sucks money from it's citizens. One in four Americans will be jailed or put in prison in their lifetime and we have the worlds largest prison population by a longshot.

It's clearly a fucked system and it only exists because it's profitable and too big to cut back.

And you live where??

so you're all just petty and delusional?
good to know

Fucking idiot inbred fucks Trump supporters.

user are you having a stroke or can you not into American English?

>"C-chad isn't even cool. I don't even l-like to party and have sex... I hate that guy for literally no reason." Sure thing, nerd.

>this britbong. Not. Even. Once.

>lies lies from tiny eyes.

Fucking idiot inbred fat fucks Trump supporters. Rest of the world laughs.

So much this! It's the personification of USA, a lumbering, half-drunk, ill-mannered linebacker who simply doesn't give a fuck, but will flatten opposition and then take whatever looks shiny and appealing, consequences be damned.


Guns are for war and hunting, US has had it wrong for so long, and they know it.
Not saying the police shouldn’t have access to guns, they should for emergencies, but stopping them from becoming consumer accessories? Not such a crazy idea?
Whatever man it’s their blood that’s spilled, gonna learn the hard way.

This is so false it's just bad trolling at this point.

You're in the centre of where the world's largest oceans meet. It's not a conspiracy retard, it's geography

Sorry I should have written that in the one true English language instead of American Sesame Street version, because that is how all you obese cousin fuckers like to talk.

You can't be from a tiny island that everyone hates and call someone else inbred.

Are you the idiot inbred who fucks them? Or do you just not understand basic grammar, having meant that as some sort of insult?

Yeah he was just a fucking retard that can't take the smack talk of a child while playing a children's game. I mean the cops were in the wrong too but honestly the world is still a better place now that the dude is kill.

Right. That's why Poland and China are so poor.

Haters gonna hate. America may be off the rails, but it's a big-ass fucking train gone off the rails and you don't want to be standing near it.

People who bitch about America do so out of either jealoudy or fear, simple as that.

OP is a madfag

>takes 50 officers to take down one thug in london dude, you realize the "highschool jock" becomes irrelevant and an alcoholic after graduation..right?

Just like Vietnam.
Just like Korea.

Oh wait. You failed at both of them.

>inb4 a losing attempt at trying to say how you did win them when you didn't.
>inb4 the typical whiny "but nobody likes your country"

Poland hasn't had America's history and China is set to overtake america

I'm an American but yeah. America is basically retarded.

Google it, retard. Every word in that post is easily confirmed fact excepting the "he's right" bit as that'd just a commonly held belief.

Google the john bad elk ruling for details on the "can kill cops in self-defense" bit.
America's prison population blows every other out of the water, it's a for-profit business, it's become too big and is out of control and the numbers don't lie. looking mother fuckers kek

Yet they both produce way more by percent.

So how can they export everything into Europe and somehow be poor....?

Could someone maybe be benefiting from that situation?

I'm not sure....?

At least our officers are at the scene quickly and not before 50+ people die to a drunk faggot in a hotel room who managed to walk in with about 12+ guns and rifles and cases of ammo.

So yeah tell me about how your amazing police, who just get scared and shoot because their little pee-pee felt threatened.

>On the internet. There are pictures.
>ALL OF AMERICA! REEEEEEEEE! looking mother fuckers kek

Currently the only one who can't speak American English is yourself my dude. Seriously though, go get that heart checked out. Strokes only get worse over time.

Ie. Typical Trump supporter

>Not an inbred.
>Just repeating things for no reason because it's fun.

Hi antifa

Just 129,855 violent crimes not involving guns in November alone. UK so much better than murrika.

>totally ignores the satire because he didn't recognize it

American English is shit, always has been and always will be.

But be extra salty.

>This is false
>Can't substantiate an argument as to why or provide proof to the contrary

lolok burgerboi

I hope niggers take it to the next level so the military can get involved. We need to stop killing middle easterners and take care of our home turf.

I can confirm that it is not jealousy.

Who would be jealous of the US? ITS like Syria, but with more niggers, more guns, and worse food and education.

You should read some foreign press occasionally. The world is laughing at you and all you can do is stuff your faces, shoot each other, and watch your stories on your monthly pay plan big ass TV that you don't even own outright.

No. It's pretty fucking retarded. Like
>We're the government.
>Let's revisit the Roman Empire.

Because you know well that went for it's leadership.

>fuck cops
Said the criminal, sounds like some built up mommy daddy anger.

Lol, because you cucks can't even buy cutlery without presenting ID. What a joke!

“Teh powice offisas ebil!”

Ok crumpetfag

>Britbong cops are trained snipers with balls of steel who would have shut that shooter down in under 2 minutes

Tell yourself that.

Then why won't you stop being obsessed with us? Face it. We dominate the media of the world and you constantly talk about us.

50% of Alabama voted for Roy Moore. Trump supporters are so shit.

Europoors are so sheltered by their helicopter parent of a government they actually believe everything their heavily biased and communist media tells them about Americans. You guys are so fucking stupid it’s unreal

“Muh Jeb presidency”

You realize Rome fell because they did the same thing all of Europe is doing right now? Tolerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dying society. Why is it that America is always in an uproar over intolerance and political riots meanwhile Europe is fading to brown?

Who's over-tolerant and apathetic here, who's pulling a Rome? Yeah.

You are like 3rd in the word based on Homicide rates, behind Brazil and Russia, that is nothing to be proud of Cleetus.

>inventing figures
>thinking people will buy it
>being this American

The dude that was killed wasn't involved other than being shot. The target gave out a fake(false) address, the victim didn't even play video games.

By virtue of large population. Check per-capita rates and stop being disingenuous. We've got a lower per-capita rate than fucking sweden.

They're throwing out all the brown people RN.

Kinda funny to see on TV.

>more witchcraft because I hate the english.


Violent takes many forms including GBH and simple out in the street fights from a drink session.

Lets see how much yanks had for Violent crimes in November, care to post those numbers? Oh wait you won't.

I want so badly for that to be true. Europe may be butthurt over America, but Americans feel for Europeans and want them to fix their issues.

Remember Myanmar or whatever that place is called? Fucking buddhists were labelled hateful bigots for throwing the muslims out, the story was spun with a heavy bias and ignored what the muslims had done to deserve is.

The whole world seems cucked for islam and the BBC news network is a huge part of that problem.

What Europe thinks is irrelevant to the rest of the world user, you aren’t top dog. Meanwhile in Europe, you guys obsess over what Americans are doing bc of the intense inferiority complex you guys have. The US is the richest country on the planet and we literally just take what we want bc we can. The world is always a few steps behind.

Only ignorant window lickers will use per capita as a base of argument, either if you use it or use actual figures, you are still 3rd.

Cry some more.

>Totally ignores his own failing health to talk about some copy pasta satire and to reply again because he can't stand not having the last word

We're you drinking sea water? Cause your salt levels are flying off the charts. No wonder you had a mini stroke earlier.