Why do hicks still support Trump?
Why do hicks still support Trump?
Why do fags keep making these threads?
>Why do hicks still support Trump?
They have no one else who cares about them. It's like with Hitler. Workers supported him at first as well though he lost a lot of their votes in Germany's last free election.
He saw some shit
Must suck to live near country idiots, no wonder everyone moves
Because they are Hillary shills
>Hillary shills
Do you actually believe anyone still cares about Hillary Clinton? Her political career is over.
From my experience in my hometown it is entirely about the fact that hes not black
Its that simple
Its pretty simple, the alternative of identity politics and no personal responsibility is more abhorrent than this piece of shit (which is why I'll probably vote for him again)
Because he's the master of this:
Braindamage from all the incest
Still a for tallet than that fucking retard Trump-ski.
The fucking Jew cocksucking commie faggot.
Right because Trump is a big believer in personal responsibility.
You're dumb as fuck. That's why you'll vote for him again.
You're also probably racist but you knew that.
How dare you call the people inbred?
Tax cuts, gun rights, strong economy, ISIS on the run, illegal immigration down, better than Hillary, takes no shit from N. Korea. Want more? I got plenty.
Actually i want more
Trump supports gun rights, loves Israel, cit taxes, and is warning the Muslims in Iran to not take shit from the leader. Worst. Hitler. Ever.
Would it kill you to accept that there is a LARGE contingent of people here who hate him? It's not like being liberal means you're too polite to start a troll thread.
I assume you don't really care about the answer since you're labeling millions of people as 'the other,' which definitely doesn't help anything. Labeling an entire group as the same isn't the way to get this answer.
Suck it, libturd:
It was predicted almost 20 years ago. But yes, ignorant bullies do sometimes win.
You're an ignorant fuck.
Plain and simple.
That's some pretty shitty propaganda you've got there.
You sure you want to pass this fake shit out to people?
Tell me how you're any different than the faggots who constantly complained about obama when he was president. It's been nothing but bitching and moaning since the election.
You know when it comes down to it, why the fuck should the main focus of a president be his character or past actions. If he is consistently trying to make the country better I don't give a fuck if he eats men's ass or fucks goats really. Economy is getting better no one can deny that.
After reading part of your so called truths, here an actual ral list of what he's done.
It's frightening.
love your hate
Thanks to trump america doesnt bow to illegal inmigrants anymore.
Now we bow to the jews.
Because he is fucking awesome! Have fun shilling.
only uneducated people support him, hence the replies of "sure kid", they can only troll, they have no actual arguments
>Tax cuts
to the rich
>gun rights
guns aren't going anywhere, gun culture is to ingrained
>strong economy
the wage gap right now is far wider than it was just before the great depression
>ISIS on the run
thanks Putin
>illegal immigration down
massive cuts to the coast guard has done nothing to curb illegal immigration and drug imports
>better than Hillary
buh her emails
>takes no shit from N. Korea
yes i love ramping up a nuclear threat for no reason. nothing is smarter than pissing off a country that can do nothing to hurt the west except launching mass murdering ICBMs at us.
This one is for President Fuckhead.
That bullet isn't coming fast enough.
I was originally a Bernie supporter, but after seeing evidence that Hillary Clinton and the DNC rigged the Democratic primaries against him, i didn't want anyone who was part of the establishment. I didn't want more of the same shit we had like under Obama. I voted for Obama in hopes that things would change more drastically (that's what he ran on), but it was just change on the outside an continuity on the inside. i wanted someone who would actually keep their promises, and so far Trump has done that. I can't wait to see what happens in 2018.
Ahh, that's right. Gotta hit all the talking points.
I am a bit racist, I think everyone is, most people just can admit it to themselves. The reality is most professionals hated both fucking choices and went for the evil they didn't know vs the one they did during this last election cycle.
If you mean by keeping promises you mean turn our country into pre-WW2 Nazi Germany, then sure, he's changing things all right.
Because it's a valid topic. This shits ridiculous and needs to be ridiculed.
There's full blown observable mental retardation happening spawned by peoples emotions and lack of education. Its amazing.
I hope you realize by now that if you go straight for the Hitler analogy, you automatically lose.
Man, this Trump is such a Hitler that Israel wants to name a bunch of shit after him. Man, what a Nazi he must be.
Because Trump really is awful. Its history making supidity.
To think that Trump is better than anything thats been in office for the last 20 years is pants on head retarded.
>a valid topic
>thread consists of "haha stupid durmpfkins" and pictures mocking trump and those who voted for him and general circlejerk attitude
How objective of you, user. You've certainly justified your childless.
Nobody will respond to you directly now, all you'll get is insults. Its all they can do to avoid some actual observation.
Imagine how offensive this statement is to actual holocaust survivors who have, against all odds, lived through hell to hear someone say that the President of the United States is a Hitler.
It's such an easy and childish argument to make. It's the last refuge of someone who has no argument but wants to make sure other people know they don't like Trump.
I'm saving about $12,000 in taxes next year.
You're missing the truth of it all user.
He isn't, but political discourse on both sides has been sliding to absolute shit for the last.....at least 40 years. When the loudest, most retarded piles of shit pick the candidates for the top two political parties, expect the elections to come down to retard vs retard
And once again with a vague, empty reply.
You think you got some clever angle? You're a retard.
Empty for you, I guess.
By playing golf non stop,complaining and acting like a child. The Stocks are up and the rich are getting richer and you are happy? How many shares do you own?
You're not even trying
Because we're right. This fucker can't go a week without saying or doing something that is embarrassing or destructive to our entire nation.
Not whoever you are replying to, but as a normal person, I have a 401k that does trade mutual funds which has been kicking ass this year.
Muh repetitive talking points
Middle America is populated by technologically ignorant boomers that can't tell the difference between click bait and journalism. They're basically suckers for any kind of propaganda that comes their way.
Wah! I can't make a decent argument, so I generalize about all conservatives which conveniently fit my worldview of them!
Sounds like what conservatives do about liberals
>rebuilding America
How is he going to rebuild America's crumbling infrastructure while at the same time cutting taxes? Illegal laborers?
So reasons people who aren't hicks support trump. Careful OP, your prejudice is showing.
Not the guy you're replying to, but...
That honestly covers more than half of what I hear you idiots complaining about. It's very true.
Calling this bowing *facepalm*
Cause liberals hate white people, christains and men.
Why would I vote for someone that hates me?
Dude...you're proving my point...You're generalizing MILLIONS of voters. When you see people as 'the others' you dehumanize them and are less likely to see their point of view. That's not conducive to anything.
>safe space
Says someone supporting the guy that will only talk to Fox News because the other news outlets will ask mean questions.
again, an over generalization
You work for this when you post these my little bitch. Although I would slowfuck her shes a bad lady, I would cum inside her 2000 times until we could have a baby so we could enjoy