Why are females so triggered by outie threads when males have always been ridiculed for having small penises?

Why are females so triggered by outie threads when males have always been ridiculed for having small penises?

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probably because they are very self conscious about their meat flaps and guys don't want a large beef and cheddar with extra onion in the bedroom


Because only guys can be made fun of for what they can't help duh

Fuck you

because there have never ever been women in power....ever, and if you disagree i will sue you for rape and make you pay child support for my now 23yo non binary, gender fluid, pansexual, trans crustacean mtf child when you get out of prison in 10 years.


Anyone have the full-sized version and willing to post it?

Don't know what all the fuss is about...I love em meaty!

learn how to reverse image search

Wait, so her pussy is meaty so I get to enjoy sucking on big labia AND there's a side of fries??
>where's the mistake

Honestly I think the bad quality made it funnier


>I love sluts
Literal cucks

Shit, not even that, some get grossed out when a guy isn't circumcised, so I have to stare at your skin flaps buy you dont like mine?

spotted the virgin!

Luv 'em those mudflaps

Nice comeback bro, did you spend all day thinking it up? You do know not having sexual experience is far less pathetic than being a literal cuck, right? Step up your game and at least call me a pedo or something.

what the fuck

I don’t think many women do get upset about roast beef theads..?

Any outies want me to rate their roast? I'll try not to be mean or rude. [email protected]

outies are literally better than innies anyway

Mostly. Is that you or your gf/wife?

Thanks mr skeletal

Because woman expect special treatment for nothing and are offended when held to similar standards as men

big lips are better anyways, feels way better wrapped around your cock

Women actually often get treated way shittier than men and then get called whiney bitches when they complain about it

I dont think you know what that word means.

I don’t think you know what that word means.

Got any proof to back that statement up buddy?


Real vagina is best vagina.

Of course not. A woman's feelings mean more than real evidence ever could.

I forgot an apostrophe it doesn't change the words meaning. An opinion cannot be a literal truth. Saying outies are better is subjective not literal.


Omfg the poor bitch. I'd still give her the old lickeroo doe

Often times that's the case. Often times it's the other way around. It's also true that men are expected to put up with being treated shittier because they're men, which would lead to women complaining about things men would consider "petty" being taken as them being a whiny bitch. Bruh, watch some male rights documentaries and stop being a white knight faggot. There are issues on both sides.

Toucan sam handwich

simple, its because women are entitled sluts and realise that their appearance is the only thing they have. They only think with emotion and are therefor unable to think logically, so they cant see how laughing at a small dick is similar to laughing at their appearance.

Well for one, they get interrupted way more than men do, which implies a lack of respect.

>Bruh, watch some male rights documentaries


No I literally meant you don’t know what the word “don’t” means because you used it incorrectly. Nothing to do with the missing apostrophe.

it's called double stardards
women live by it

What a long winded way to say nothing.

Looks like a sloppy Joe seeping off the bun, Also her ass looks like the end of a cheap boiled hotdog.

40,000 years of Kek

Ahh...Dominika C. Such a wonderfully meaty cunt, though that pic looks shopped. I mean, it's big, but not that big. I'd eat that for days


Only outies get triggered, but I’ve heard outies feel better anyways

>the old lickeroo
Topkek m8


God damn

Oh boy you showed me. I'll never recover from that one. Also, nice trips.

Getting Interrupted being an actual complaint. Lol holy shit what a thing to bitch about. Such weakness.

Yeah being respected less is a genuine issue. Also your waving away of the issue is another symptom of a lack of respect for women.

Be honest. Do you respect women as much as men?


>implying there are women on Sup Forums

whiney little bitch detected

Doing Gods work user

There are women on every board, dumbass

early frontrunner for 2018 Kek of the Year

Big labias aren't an issue with most both males and females. It's mostly an aesthetic problem whereas a micro-penis can be a real handicap for some men. As far as i'm concerned, a pussy is a pussy, as long as it's clean, I don't mind.

What happened to his balls?

u must b new here

You must be literally retarded to think girls don't post here.

Don't know what they're worried about. I'm a fan of meat curtains myself, and I know I'm not alone.

Thanks for the smack on the back of my head.
I haven't even started drinking yet. Maybe that's the problem.


What the fuck is that black tube?

you are probably 12

*That's* what you got out of that pic and used trips on?

It's a selfie stick.

femanon here
all labia are outies
everyone in this thread is a virgin

I would pay so much money for that.

I hear you're a virgin. Are you waiting for marriage too?

roastie pls

They're talking about their gay obsession with meaty labia minora and clitoral hood. Believe it or not, they believe that the meatier it is the sluttier you are

Because this is a gynocentric society, that is fine with showing ten thousands of dead henchmen on screen but whines about female roles being too sexual. You may defend that, but don't deny it. Minimal intellectual honesty required.

>feminine 'logical' arguments

Do you know who cares about penis size? 75% of men.

Dick rate threads, tributes, traps, it's all just dick dick dick dick dick dick dick on Sup Forums.

ITT: clams casino.

Good for you. I find it disgusting.

Fake and gay virgin ;ad posing as a femanon.

My wife has an innie.

>Do you know who cares about penis size? 99% of women.
And you know who also loses their shit and cries gay and racism if you say anything about their smelly flesh caves? Also >99% of women

Why did god make us feel disgusted of female roast beef?


post arbys wench


>disgusting roastie detected

Getting passive agressive about your meat flaps again?

that is a woman, those are labia

confirmed for new


Grab her terryfold flaps.
Grab her flappy folds.

when i see some chick in porn sucking on 3" of foreskin i think "yeah bitch now you know what it's like!"

High quality meme you have there

>you gotta touch emmmm

>watching uncut cocks in porn

You might as well be watching dogs fucking

Wasn't aware it was a meme, but it should be.. which is why it won't be.
>squeeze em tight... you sonofabitch.

Same shit happens to assholes when you fuck them

Rick and Morty is a meme their entire existence made possible by the divine will of kek.

>tfw you unironically like the terryfold flaps song

>femanon here
guaranteed replies

Tits or GTFO tho