What crimes have you committed and gotten away with how that the statutes of limitations have passed?

What crimes have you committed and gotten away with how that the statutes of limitations have passed?

>doesn't want to pay taxes
>wants to use streets paid for by taxes, wants cops to keep rule of law (paid for by taxes) (lol cops nowadays) wants his child to be educated by a system paid for by taxes, in short wants to live in a society provided for by taxes
now tell if you *really* "consent" to paying taxes or not, faglord
>inb4 you're one of those cletuses who's "ready" for a zombie apocalypse and thinks he would survive for more than a month without a functioning society because you have some guns and have downloaded the anarchists cookbook .pdf


When I ride, if people pull out on me, cut me off, tailgate me, or they're still upset from watching their wife get fucked last night so they get pissy with me for lane splitting, I punch one of their mirrors off

>that pic
The answer is the Social Contract. I know, your uneducated ass wouldn't know about that.
>inb4 hurr durr I didn't consent to that retardation

Not that user but i dont mind paying for taxes, but the roads in my state suck donkey dick and the city workers? Lazy as all fucking get out and they never get anything done on time. Fuck them

>Lists off stuff paid for by about 10% of taxes as proof that 100% is necessary

What about wars, useless government employees in cushy jobs with insane pensions, and a welfare state that draws useless migrants and pays for the nigger population to expand on perpetuity?

>What about x
the population has made the decision that those things are acceptable.

Just go back to liberty memes friend.

>Government wastes money on things I don't agree with.

>Taxation is theft.

These don't appear related.

Did you want him to go through the entire federal budget on Sup Forums?

Also what he said is pretty much right, the consent is that you want to be a citizen of this sovereign nation.

T. Statist who suckles the governments welfare tit

You living in society instead of going to another country makes it consensual.
It's like when you come into a library yelling and you get told to stfu, you can just leave it if you don't like that.

You can pedal that fast?

If you punched my mirror I'd run you over. You stupid biker fuck. Just because people piss you off doesnt mean you get to fuck their shit up.

If you dont get hurt then whats the big deal besides being upset that you had to watch someone fuck your wife?

Yeah, they kind of are. It should not be my responsibility as a tax payer to fund people who are too lazy to get a job.
I don't mind taxation but only an idiot doesn't understand that a huge portion of tax goes to waste. I would gladly pay my taxes if we lived in a society that took care of the working population.

I didn't consent to taxation

>the population
The population is full of idiots. This is why democracy has failed, you cannot have a population of people who don't know how to read past a news headline deciding the fate of their country.

Its not, its your responsibility to pay the taxes. Someone else gets to decide what to do with it all. This is the thing you are consenting to.

You did if you are a citizen of the country.

This is dumb. The answer to each of these isn’t consent, it’s reciprocity. Emotional reciprocity, financial reciprocity, goods reciprocity, and for you idiots who don’t understand the world, your taxes pay for you to survive. The schools you didn’t pay attention in, the roads you drive on, the infrastructure the internet is built on, and everything else you take for granted while you are protected from the true capitalist who comes in the night to steal your TV- these are paid for by taxes.

Want to not pay taxes? Go to rural Africa and try ordering your chicken tendies on doordash there.

This one time i was at pizza hut and ordered the 2L coke and 2 large pizza combo for my friends and I.

One of them took the 2L coke and put it in the car. They didnt see. They asked me if i got it yet. I said no.

I dont know anything about statutes of limitations but if someone could fill me in Id be grateful. That was 12 years ago and im still posting from a cell phone from underneath a non descript bridge where they cant find me.

>its your responsibility
It's also your responsibility to make sure your wife is properly prepared for your bull you fucking faggot.

>Implying taxes pay for tendies

>libertarian memes

I guess there's really nowhere else in society those can even exist anymore other than Sup Forums, so enjoy your mental illness, I guess.

>You did if you are a citizen of the country.

Being born into a country is like waking up on a ship to which rules you have to adhere after having been abducted

On welfare they do

>taxes are robbery
>gimme my welfare

And which when you turn 18 you are welcome to leave.

You’re welcome to throw yourself overboard.

Working on it by achieving my libertarian utopia.

The taxation theft thing is kind of bullshit man...

I know you didnt ask to be alive and all, nor did you ask to be in this country or this or that or whatever, but youre paying for literally everything you use on a daily basis...

The roads you use the travel, your k12 education, the buildings in which you work, your social security, police and fire services (you dont have to be using the police to benefit.. Theyre keeping this whole thing from becoming mad max), the soldiers that stop vans from running through crowds, terrorism.in general and invasion, the nukes that deter invasion, the regulations and enforcement that keep your food from being poisonous and so on and so on.

On a scale of the world you live near the extreme bottom percentile of "amount of real legit imminent fears thatll kill me dead by noon" and thats what your taxes pay for.

And if that doesnt get to you.. Taxes have been an assured reality of civilisation for 12000 years or more.. Principle and morals dont matter. You will not win that fight.

That is the dumbest analogy I've ever heard and might have lost some brain cells because of it.

You have to be born some where, dumb ass. Go wherever you want when you get older and fuck off.

I’ve done this!

>paying $800 a month is "sucking the government welfare tit"
You're lucking I'm funding your autistic NEET ass

Now we need to pay taxes. It gets us out roads and all. Now the system needs to get cleaned up. But we need the military

Sorry, I borrowed it from one of Rousseau's most succesful critics...I should have known that it's below the intellectual niveau of some Sup Forums browsing millenial.

Like it or not (and i sure dont), wars are important to our way of life. If the US wasnt constantly fighting and grappling for oil, gas prices would be so high it would be a luxury, and our economy and workforce and entire structure would absolutely collapse. Also it makes up like 3.5% of the gdp anyway. People love to rip on americas war spending, but its the close to the same as any other developed nations if not a bit ahead as far as percentage goes even if theyre big scary numbers..

Ill accept an argument of moving onto better fuel sources and all but for the time.being, we need oil and it must be affordable or you dont have a job anymore. And thats just one reason for war, forget balance of power and keeping the russians in check, and neutralising potential threats.

>we waste more money on military than we do on pretty much everything else *COMBINED*
yeah, no. Cut that shit down to a fraction of what it is and we won't be any more or less safe than we are right now.
Dumb welfare queen military cucks wasting all of our money

>I know you didnt ask to be alive and all, nor did you ask to be in this country or this or that or whatever, but youre paying for literally everything you use on a daily basis...

All these things could be financed privately.

God forbid you were born in the wild and got eaten by an alligator by age 4, and if you lived into adult hood, watched your brothers and sisters and loved ones die by your teen years because of dysentary or the spear weilding larger angrier tribe to the north.

Man.. You live in one of the best countries in the world to live in and by and large your life has the potential to be more amazing than anyone could have hoped for even 65 years ago.

And you sit there and whine you have to pay for some of it.

and when they ask you to pay money to use them?
it's almost as if you're doing that now.. really gets the ol' noggin' joggin'

*BOOM* Headshot!

Get a load of this goy. He thinks america is a democracy.

> Durr taxation is theft!!!

Just do what you tell people who complain about exploitative jobs to do. Instead of

> It's not exploitation! You can always find another job.

>If you don't like paying taxes, find another country.

That's the point, I would give my consent unlike now. What follows is that people would do these collective payments more locally and not for some corrupt bureaucracy on the other end of the country.

Hate crime

consent that you will do your best to attribute something to society, and pay taxes so that we can all take advantage of and use an infrastructure that allows more possibilities. In return you get to know that the infrastructure you use on a daily basis will be maintained and upgraded.

Sure taxes go to some things we may not agree with, so write a fucking letter to your local government, go to city hall meetings, be an active part in your community and in society rather than just posting out of context memes thinking they do anything other than muddy the water.

Show me precedent of when and where a system like this have actually worked. I would be more than open to it

Theory is great but you cant know itll work until its applied. Who would privately finance these roads, and would they do so freely or would they charge for use after? How much? How much will everything you use collectively cost? Will it work out to more or less than a pool of taxes across an entire population?

Does your town have a commune system and youre paying for it together? How will that system be arranged? Who pays what? Is it all voluntary?

How long until it breaks down into a witch hunt because bill seems to have a little too much money and hes using those roads every day and people suspect he isnt paying his fair share for them let alone everything else?

Im not closed minded. If you can answer these questions with legitimate citations you will win and ill join you in the next thread arguing about this.

Side note. I for one believe we should be living in communes because smaller societies are much easier to manage and models like this could work, so im already part way on your side, But thats not the world we live in. Its a dream at best.

>property is more important than dignity or honor

Who knew capitalist were such cucks? I bet you let your neighbor fuck your wife as long as they don't do it on your silk sheets.

yeah, I'm sure our organized military being heavily over funded is the only thing preventing those suicidal Muslim "turrurists" from doing things like bombing our cities and shooting people indiscriminately and running people over with truc- oh wait, they do all that now.

yeah man that sucks. imagine, though, if there were also people on the "other end of the county" who are ALSO paying taxes so that your side of the county (their "other end of the country") goes to fund your shit
wouldn't that be crazy?

The government does nothing to prevent anything you just listed. Even utilities are only associated with the government because they made it illegal to not be part of their monopoly. The sad part is that I think you really believe this. That you would be nothing without the government and not the other way around. Drop out of school kid. It's not doing you any good.

Not OP here, but don't want any of that. I'd rather die than live as an imprisoned slave among the evil that is humanity. The only thing that keeps me from killing myself is a promise I made to stay alive. Society is a prison, and government a terrorist organization. All I want is to be free and safe.

>the government doesn't keep order
stopped reading there.

>don't want to live in a world where he can procure necessities of life freely (that's money you dumbshit).
Now I know, I know, I'm sure you'd much rather dig for your water yourself, sanitize it yourself, catch your food yourself, power your own electronics, build your own house, dispose of your own waste, sew your own clothes, etc. etc. but maybe, just maybe, you DO want things the government provides.

You consent by choosing to live in a certain place. fuck off to international waters if you don't want to pay

The centralised leadership, law, regulation, technology, international trade for supplies equipment and resources, funding for science labs, infrastructure for transport of goods and medicine, food does in fact stop half your family dying from polio, dysentary, measles, small pox, rubella, famine, drought and so on, yes... Also the balance of power and keeping ahead of our enemies stops invasion... Thats simple political science and game theory.

How did venezuela get the way it is? Shit government..

Funny the ripple effect has isnt it.

Only muslims complain about fair and common tax, if it were more specific such as military budgets etc then fair enough, OP sounds like a mud slime

>you are nothing without government but actually its the other way around.

Ill take symbiotism for a thousand, alex.

the answer isn't consent. it's mutual benefit.
if both people like and consent to the sex, it isn't rape.
if both people benefit from the job, it's not slavery.
if both people benefit from a transaction, it's not robbery.
all citizens benefit from taxes. it's a compromise equivalent to the social contract that allows us goods and services that no private entity would have the coffers and profit margins to initiate.
ya daft cunt

>with out muh guberment no body could purchase goods or services.

I hate to tell you this, but Sup Forums is banned in china, my friend. You better get off before the all powerful government finds you.

You ever heard of capital brother?

Why can wal mart make the money they do and maintain the empire they do selling house hold items?

I can buy and sell household items.. Why cant i just sell it and get as rich as wal mart? Why are they outpacing their competition so well?

Capital.. Gains increase exponentially the more money you have, so, yes... A government pooling money from a population can do a fuck tonne more than a municipality pooling money from 20,000 charging higher taxes even.

>from a population

Of 300,000,000 sorry.

yes, and why is the united states so shit, also its government.

and the government doesn't create, it regulates, so that shit would still happen without government, just more efficiently

The problem that morons are getting hung up on is that

YES - it IS theft.
But it's justifiable theft.

Problem solved.

Shit!? Its in the top 10 of the hdi!!

Youre posting this from a traceable IP address and ones coming to kill you for it, no one will stop you from starting your own business and if you do it right you will be rich, its not even chance!

You can eat three square meals a day and if you cant afford it there is a social security net that provides it, and if your life is in danger, there is a fancy ass police service that will come bail your ass out for free.

The us is not shit you just watch too much tv.

you are being robbed of both agency and money no one benefits from taxes

Side note. Im not even from the US and i do have a huge problem with your politics and even i can say youre a jaded moron for saying your country is shit.

then vote for ppl that will fix it dipshit

Move to countries without taxes....you know...the Middle East. Muslims are against taxes and interest on loans...it’s on the Quran.

but you still need your god given gunz to protect your property from all the niggers and muslims

yeah.. not a shithole at all!

yes they will, regulations prevent business from starting and keeps monopolies strong

and the police do not protect, a gun does but not the police

better does not mean good, you're not that retarded stop pretending to be

This. These niggers want to live in a civilized functioning democracy and not pay for it.

They want no tax for education until they have kids. They want no disability until they get cancer or paralyzed. No fire department until their house is burning down. No cops until they are victims of a crime. No roads until they need access to get somewhere. No military or draft until we are attacked.

Fuckers can leave the west if they hate. There are countries without taxes.

name one faggot

United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Saudi Arabia.

Cayman Islands, Bahrain and Kuwait too. No income tax.

You can start making income without registering or reporting legally depending on the business youre running. Usually theres a cap on income, or a type of business that can operate below certain perameters before you even have to tell the government you exist.

After that registration ranges from 25 dollars to 500 depending on what youre doing.

You have time and room to breathe if you wanted to, and running a small business is exactly as hard as any day job is. You just put in the time.

There are also government grants and loans available if you simply present a workable business plan.

Guess what mang, if you make more money, you pay more taxes AND they get to tax your business. Even if you want to take the government are greedy assholes angle, they still want you to reach your best potential.


They arent worried about your mom and pop shop on the side of the highway.

>police do not protect

Thats total horseshit and you know its total horseshit.

>What crimes have you committed and gotten away with how that the statutes of limitations have passed?
I had sex with a 16 yo girl when I was 19. But that was in 1989, so I think the statute of limitations has passed.

sales tax is a tax but having no property is even worse than a tax

your missing the point of the argument, more liberties not less

On a subjective scale of what it could be, better does mean good, yes.

And if there are happy, fulfilled people in your country, you can be too. Its your own fault at that point. Probably more stemming from your shit world view and attitude than any actual problems.

I am not an anarchist. How exactly is paying taxes to support services you use or will use when you’re old taking away your freedom?

You are free to leave.

muslim may countries claim they dont have taxes set by their government, but they have them set by the church with a different name
it only fool idiots like yourself that keep repeating misinformation without knowing what you are talking about

Maybe read that book before talking about it... You have no Fucking idea what you're talking about

Complain all you want about taxes and wasteful spending, but there's a reason why no foreign troops have set foot on the US mainland in over 200 years.

>name one faggot

sure they do, i can tottaly name a time that a poliece officer has protected me when i couldn't have done so my self

And your still missing the bigger picture, without capitalism (which government prevents) you will never be as good as with it, yes you can make money it would be retarded to say otherwise but regulation does stifle business. The dumb shit you're getting into might have little to no regulation but you're not the economy, we all are. And we are not the ones fucking it up by not letting capitalism be a thing.

yeah who would want to invade that jewhole infested with niggers and fucked up in debt

I guess you can thanks the taxes for some of that

>>wants to use streets paid for by taxes,
Actually I don't want this
>wants cops to give me tickets, harass me endlessly
Uh no. Can I get a waiver from this?
>wants his child to be educated by a system paid for by taxes,
Good Lord please shut down dindu free school, that whites have to pay for
>in short wants to live in a society provided for by taxes

Everything you stated is a lie and stupid. The only thing that makes "taxes" work is the government is pointing a gun at everyone's head (except the precious blacks, them they give free money from the work of whites)

to where you cannot go where the "government" cannot interfere with you.

and those services would be cheaper and far more efficient than the system of taxation we have now.

>all citizens benefit from taxes.

That is a lie, and you are a liar. I want the government to stop enslaving me and stop pointing guns at my face. Guns in my face, is not a "benefit" to me, is to you I geuss, you get my plundered money.

It is called a Zakat and it’s 2.5% and goes to charity, not the government. Still better than what your nigger ass is paying now. Get the fuck out.

i've driven with bac over .08 several times and made it home safely

Why not find another country to live in? You obviously think you’re being oppressed (enslaved) by taxes. Oppressed people don’t stay when they are free to leave. America isn’t North Korea. You are free to apply for citizenship elsewhere.

thank god im a dude so when i fuck a bitch outside of marriage i don't immediately get killed, even if im rapped. not the strongest sell i do have to say old chap

again, where do taxes not exist where the people can pretend they have rights.

It’s cold AF, but you might want to look into Antarctica. No government and nobody to bother you.

You not needing the police directly is allegorical evidence. It does not mean others dont, nor does it mean their activity and arresting criminals doesnt make the streets safer and reduce the odds (greatly i might add) of you running into a situation you cant handle. You cant get numbers on "what could have happened if we didnt...." but i assure you whether you had a direct experience or not, their mere existance has had an impact on everyones lives.

>not letting capitalism happen.

Now were agreeing. But I am a sole proprieter of my own e commerce trading business and im a journeyman carpenter.

I have no issue at all making enough money for myself. I do extremely well actually. No regulation has stopped me. I might run into road blocks and trouble if i incorporated, and i admit i dont know what possible trouble i could have, but for what i do no ones batting an eye.

And i was originally counter pointing someone (maybe you?) that their country is shit, and the underlying point was if you have money you can do a billion things to make your life better even within this country, and the systems and regulations provided by the government do allow for you to make such a life for yourself, and it isnt even hard.

>lives in the country
>90% of tax spent on roadworks is for capital city motorways
>police presence out here is next to zero
>education system is shit, would rather my kids be raised by wolves (j/k i don't have kids)

if my road is blocked, im the dude that gets out there with a chainsaw.
if we need help, we call the neighbors, not the cops.

>pay rates for the privilege of owning my own damn land
>no mains water, rain tank
>no mains sewerage, septic system
>electricity industry is privatized, but I'm mostly solar with diesel backup (i have a grid connection, but only for emergencies, and I pay for that)

now you tell me again why I should pay so much tax.

Doesn’t exist nigger. You want to live in the west and benefit from freedom that living in the west allows, while not paying for it.

Personally I want a mansion and Bentley and not to pay for it. Keep dreaming nigger.

I don't think you're allowed to just 'move' there