Why isn't your New Years resolution to support White Pride?

Why isn't your New Years resolution to support White Pride?

Well im not a redneck.

It is

It is and always has been.14/88 my friends.

Because i've been supporting it since last year

I guess because I'm not a low-IQ racist who is easily led

If you were easily led, you'd believe what the media and politicians tell you, i.e. that white pride is for low-IQ racists who are easily led.

What the fuck does easily led mean?

So you are a race traitor sissy boy, who has no pride in your family and all they have accomplished over the generations?

It means you're an ignorant cunt who can't think for yourself and is easily talked into anything.

>What the fuck does easily led mean?
It means this

Because fuck you that's why

Not me, but that's a pretty good definition. Thank you user.

Cause i already do

Not in the least. I'm very proud; I'm just ashamed that faggots like you are also white. You are sub-human

50% of Alabama voted for Roy Moore. Trump supporters are so shit kek

Surprisingly, sometimes the media and politicians are right. This is a case in point.


Also, anyone in here who supports this racist "white pride" bullshit should go straight to Home Depot, buy a fresh razor blade, cut your own fucking wrists and bleed to death in a bathtub somewhere. Let's be real it's most likely Alabama.

Always swipe parallel to your arm and dig deep. Cutting cross-ways is for race traitors.

Do you mean misled? You're obviously low iq

Lmfao go suck black dicks slave lover

The lower classes are coming for you.

Because it's been support/celebrate White Pride for five millennia.

You're just late to the party, bro.


>The lower classes are coming for you.
The lower classes started this thread

Why is that signed by a german?

>five millennia
and look how far you've got with that. Inbred rednecks, skinheads and small-town hicks howling at the moon and achieving absolutely nothing, whilst being manipulated by your "leaders"

Thanks for clearing that up, bro. I always thought all these pro-gay, pro-native rights, pro-feminism people were lower classes. Thanks for confirming it for me.

Yes because paying for the welfare of niggers and then eating their sperm out of your wife is achieving something.

The funny thing is that none of these "White Pride" faggots can define what being white is, and they would probably have to burn themselves if they ever had a DNA test.

> FLYING TO the moon

Fixed those for ya. You're quite welcome.

This. Fucking this.


Is that meant to be an insult? Or are you just projecting your personal bedroom fantasies?







News flash: most true White Nationalist are not Trump supporters because he is a Jew loving race traitor.



And then the guy on his knees puts on a "White Pride" badge and goes on a march






The sense of inadequacy ITT is palpable


I like being white but I also don't want to be a faggot who pretends there is a secret war so I can add imaginary meaning to my existence.

I'm a white male living in a rich white neighborhood with a well paying job, health care and lots of money. I don't *need* "white pride" I'm fucking living it man.

Only poor losers need a movement to blame their problems on other groups.

The white race is fucking doomed



Nigs will breed themselves out of existence.




>Being proud of something you had no control over.

ive noticed how these threads always turn into some cuck posting lots of pictures of niggers shoving their shooped cocks up white women

maybe if they weren't so sex obsessed and actually did things other than fuck and steal they wouldn't have been so easy to enslave for centuries


Must be a nigger

Has anyone noticed how White Pride guys are somehow so inadequate that they think their women are going to run off with coloured men? So white men are pure, but white women are incontinent and incapable of self control?

Well, normal women aren't like that, so it must be just the women that White Pride guys can get. Either that, or all White Pride guys aren't into women at all.


>Obviously Jewish

Because those cocks are assholes.

And well... I don't really care.

Seems like they put a lot of effort toward being racist cunts.

It's not for me m8. Not for me.


what's the point in being so proud of something you literally can't control like skin colour. You don't chose which race to be born.

Why not be proud of something you've actually achieved in life (if you ever have).

The whole thing just seems kinda insecure to me......


Do nothing useful


Exactly. Imagine being so shit in life you spread hate so by the off chance it comes back around and somehow helps you. These are truly two dimensional thinkers.

>The whole thing just seems kinda insecure to me......
Don't be too hard on them. They're easily led and manipulated by others for their own ends.

Yup most Trump supporters are poor and miserable with their own lives.

> So white men are pure, but white women are incontinent and incapable of self control?

Got it in one dude. Remarkable, you might be waking up...

> Well, normal women aren't like that

Oops. Scratch that. Virgin who's never been within 5 feet of a woman confirmed.


I'm whiter than you probably pic related.




Nigs are pretty dumb but you're probably dumber op

The white race will be dead before 2199.




LOL true they have nothing going for them in their real life. Bitter and angry. Sad!


It's not. Bob Mathews was a great White Patriot who was murdered by the US government.


Is that really the best you can come up with as a riposte? I'll bet your lips moved as tyou read this and you had to look up "riposte"
(hint - it doesn't mean "post again")

I want this to happen to my daughter

>"Great White Patriot"
>Supports Roy Moore



I love how they call themselves "Aryan," not realizing the original Aryans were Persian.


Lol, I love how none of them touched this one.

Because I'm not an idiot


Because pride in your race, ethnicity, and nationality is cancer. Be an individual you fucking mongoloid.