*deserved to be president*

>*deserved to be president*

Neither of them deserved to be president. Enough already.


Why do you idiots try to start this garbage?



The fact you keep posting loli Hillary reveals you're just a butthurt Trumptard.

Enjoy watching him get forced from office in 2018.

If it turns out that Trump colluded with Russia, then Trump winning the 2016 Election will be invalidated and Hillary Clinton will be sworn in as President.


>NBC gets paid by the RNC to let a crack "doctor" on as an op ed piece

i think america would have bigger problems, if russia is able to make your president just like that.

You are buttmad, user. Trump is going down. Finally.

We do, that's the point.

Because Trumpanzees can't defend the shitgibbon they elected, so they deflect onto Clinton. Every time.


Liberal Democrat here. Voted for Trump after the DNC corruption story leaked and they doubled down and kept running Hillary

>implying that whore would be able to save your asses

what you need is a hitler


We already have enough fascism, user. Thanks for offering to borrow yours, though.

read this
we need to stop nominating criminals and clowns for office


Trump paid to get pissed on by Russian hookers. Mad?


>durr clinton/trump=the same



>Hillary was too much like my mom yelling at me so she didnt deserve it

he's not here anymore


mad af

oh look faggot is mad
he ree-pwide


grow up manlet

>strawman=valid argument

Trump IS my president


i'm already in 2018. he's all cool again

but you are saying that Clinton=Trump or worse
you're the one who can't logic little man

>still defending cringe
whatever you say little man

these two options are in no way mutually exclusive

A psycho, a crook and a rich man

What choice did I have nigger, I took the least evil


>Clinton was worse than Trump
sure, little man

never said they were equal, only that neither are fit to be president

>A psycho, a crook and a rich man
Yes, Trump is all 3

that's what your mom said

I guess you're right if you called me little man. Clinton was a big fucking feminist and her Trump card (kek) was ''ayy lmao i'm a woman''

Women shouldnt lead a country get over it lil shrimp dick

Actually, Clinton was, little man.

>hillary isn't all three though
>pay no attention to the man behind the curtain

>still posting pepe
whatever, little man

Hillary is none of those things. Rich, sure. But I thought faggots like you praised rich people, little man.

I'm sure that's why the dnc rigged the primary for her

your'e getting me really hard with your insults; post dick

>The dnc rigged the primary
cool story, little man


has got Parkinson illness now

at least it isn't pakistan illness

I'm here to help
little man

you Islamophobes have insecurities about being raped by pakis don't you?

wasn't pakistan like little india?

>Fearing Islam
>Being a bible thumping twat
>Supporting Roy Moore

It declared independence. I thought righties liked that shit.

no, we actually don't care at all.

Tell me how they're not both corporatist shills?

so if we pass transgendered bathroom legislation you won't try something stupid--like a "civil war" (lol)?

Sanders and Warren had a major influence on Clinton. She could be worked with.
Trump not so much. He's a stupid ignorant asshole who's already causing long-term problems.
I await your next very mad reply, little man.


so do you just assume that anyone and everyone that replies to you is your antagonist?

Uh, no.

Lol neophyte

>Wall Street crony for President

No thanks.
Keep crying OP. Piss and moan forever, changes nothing.


no u

no u

Cry some more, libfags.

deserves to be pizzagated

Move on fag, she's just not into you. This kind of psycho shit is why you'll never get laid (other than your "boipucci").

Deserved that's cute. So you that Miley Cyrus slut? Maybe a SJW? Well I got a cock come suck it and it will make you feel better.

t. Drumpf

shut up Drumpf

I'll never get tired of winning. Kill yourself.


Take your meds.

Fucking learn it.

You all sound the same to me, little man.

>still believing fake news

You mean like the DOW up, unemployment down, taxes cut? Because those sound like long term problems I'd like to have

Obama did all that, little man.
>tax cuts
will hurt that economy, little man.


>libtards taking credit for others
Nothing new here
>people having more money to spend and build businesses will hurt the economy
You're a special kind of stupid aren't you

I didn't vote for Trump, little man. You did.

Shows what you know, I didn't vote for either. Trump was just the lesser of 2 evils.

>Trump was just the lesser of 2 evils
Your mom is the sucker of 2 black cocks

You had to vote for Clinton to stop Trump, little man. You voted for him.

>Proving once again libtards are incapable of intelligent debate and must resort to irrelevant "lul yer mum"
Keep going faggot, mean while Trump is still president and you get to be butt hurt for 6 more years
I didn't want Hillary more than I didn't want Trump tho


You still post like a Trumptard, little man.

Only because Russia spent $100,000 on Facebook ads.

You mean someone with a thought. I'll take the compliment

>bad and cringing conservative humor
You should have quit while you were ahead, little man.