Ask an alcoholic anything

ask an alcoholic anything


cus i hate myself


How do you feel about recent events regarding the european union?

Do you have a lot of anxiety?


>be me
>10+ suicide attempts
>loving famliy
>twisted mind
>2018 doesnt seem like it will be a thing for me

PS (op here)
drunk atm

Have u ever had a withdrawl seizure?
I am a bit of a drunk myself and once after a 3 day binder of cheep vodka i thought i was gonna seize. Fucking worst feeling in the world.

i've stolen alcohol
2 times i've been caught
if i get caught 1 more time i gtg to jail
& no

have you ever shidded and fardded and camed in your pants?

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can i get a drink?

>ate] [Auto]
im all out

Do you walk or drive to get more booze?

Why cant we stop?

What cha drinkin?

The reason for drinking so much is you have lost a sense of direction and enthusiasm. Ive gone in and out of it alot, sobre for 6 weeks then dip out again as I forget where Im going. Join a hobby, set a career/relationship/holiday goal and distract yourself with these.

My cousin has told me he's watched me spend a day on his couch panicking and hallucinating from withdrawal, but no seizure.

got any plans for tonight?

how many cash did you spend in your addiction you nasty fag ?