Any medfags on here that can tell me what this bone belongs to? Found it washed up on a mexican beach. It would be cool to know where its from
Any medfags on here that can tell me what this bone belongs to? Found it washed up on a mexican beach...
It likely belongs to the dog that dropped it.
that's a nigger's dickbone
mfw it's not actually bone but a composite that was made from a cast of a real bone and was used in a display judging by the hole drilled in for the reinforcements
Heres another photo
Its weird because the hole wasnt drilled through it was filled with bone inside too
The hole is probably natural, where a nerve and/or blood vessel passed through. It looks like a tibia (shin bone) maybe from a sheep or something judging by the size.
Yeah this, couldn't see from the first picture that there was calcification or watever on the inside of it, looked like just an anchor point drilled through or into a display composite in the first pic, second pic made me second guess that.
would say what this user says
Not a mexican confirmed. Damn
Bones have holes bro, they're vascular
Bone holes confirmed.
i know bones have holes bro
but composites in museums and those for display purposes also have holes as anchor points in the bones for wire and small rods for creating the display, just looked like that in the first picture only, simple as that
>inb4 BoneHolesCan'tMountSteelRods
meme long and prosper friend
A dogs tibia
Definitely tibia. Too robust to be dog. Large hog maybe.
Not dog, possibly a hog. Got it
Leg bone from a cow or similar animal
either way it's most likely nothing special
but still a cool thing to put up on a shelf around the house
good conversation piece
Is this it?
A bone
Looks like it came from a Deepwater Jew
Animal tibia. Not a cow unless it was a calf or it would be much bigger. Maybe a sheep
That does look like it
Definitely a femur of some sort, an animal... Or a child
It is a shin bode from something the size of a sheep probably
Not a femur
A femur would have a ball on the end, part of the hip joint. It's a tibia, just don't know from what. Sheep seems most likely imo.
med student here, that sure is a bone.
nigger detected
Looks like a cow leg bone. Anyway is good to see you made it out alive of México.
looks like a funny bone to me, op.
>my ribs went to orbit
Looks to be the tibia of a small child, 4-7 years old
might be from a frog
I spat my milk out
fucking millenial editions of classic games.
i played monopoly the other day, had a fucking t rex as a playing piece.
someone give him a death grips album
Femor from a child???
Its a cow's front leg bone. I see them all the time when I'm down in Sinaloa. My extended family sells beef and I often help them out.
Think I've identified it for you mate
mines better boi
Mine is clearly thicker
user drew a little pecker on the dude.
It's the tibia of an adolescent cow.
Doesn't look like a human bone to me.
Maybe a dog drowned or something...
Try selling it on ebay, someone will come up with a suggestion
no, it's too thick and stout to be human. probably a tibia from an herbivore, pig, or bear.
It's the kind of bone treat/toy you buy for dogs...
it hasn't washed up it was just forgot there by a dog...