ask a clinically depressed bitch anything
Ask a clinically depressed bitch anything
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how excited are you for new years?
Get over yourself, stop self diognozing of facebook and magazines
considering ending it all before it happens
i've been diagnosed
i take 2 flux pills every day
i know how you feel. the idea excites me as well :D
Do you have a gf/bf?
also are you male or female user ?
also what you doing for new years?
ive had a bf
well, if you don't care anymore post pics.
Will you post your breasts please?
If you need a friend, I'm always here
Snapchat - chanellafer
i did yesterday
regret it
have you played Doki Doki Literature Club?
Oh I'm sorry. Would you do it again please? I'd like to see them. I could talk to you more if you do.
What you drinking?
I'm guessing your bf left you because you were always sad around him?
meh nah
boobs are boobs they all look the same
i just want a painless death
Why the fuck do I want to die?
cus u smart
u loyal
When was the last time you got laid?
>boobs are boobs they all look the same
That's not true. Some are amazing and some are gross. Would you email them to me if I leave my email? How long have you been depressed? How long have you wanted to die? How old are you?
So chatting on Sup Forums and getting inebriated... why not go out clubbing or something?...
nononono 18
Why are you sad, user?
There's no reason to be sad, things could be so much worse.
Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.
You should smoke weed to help you with your depression, but you also probably shouldn't.
Have you tried going vegan?
Maybe you should go outside more often.
Have you picked up exercising?
Maybe you should give God a chance!
dont wantto
Why would you do an AMA if you won't answer the questions?
I remember when I was depressed as fuck when I was much younger.
The reason I would most likely give is that it's somewhat like playing a game an fucking up your earlygame.
All you really want to do is start over since you can see all your earlier mistakes catching up to you and you want a blank slate.
the thing is, with real life you can't start again. you just end it and it's game over.
If you're still alive tomorrow and want someone to talk to, [email protected]
I'm a good listener.
the thing is, when you only have one life, it's still better to play through a shit start and hope that you can salvage it, than alt-QQ'ing out early.
And, honestly, when you're in the deep of it, it always seems irrecoverable.
But it rarely, truly, is.
tits or gtfo
What country do ya live in?
fuck off
user, and I know that you've heard this a million times already, I really hope you believe me when I tell you that it gets better.
fuck off
Why did you break up with your bf or he break up with you?
est fucking tonia
How did you get less depressed?
Despite everything I do and everything I try to convince myself of, I can't help but return to that state of "I'm just playing catch-up, trying to not be a bother to anyone. A life like this is just not worth living." mind.
Seeing as this is anonymous, tell me about yourself. Be honest; are you slim, or fat? Do you consider yourself to be attractive, at least, in the objective sense? (reasonably symmetrical face, healthy body, decent skin, etc)
That's cool, if you need someone to talk with.
Our timezones are pretty even ^^
So, what's your name?
honestly, even though I haven't touched it for I can't even remember how many years, I did pot with my sister.
It made me want to do something that I enjoyed doing with people I enjoyed passing time with.
eventually it made me learn that people from all walks of life have it just as bad as me and that I'm normal.
even though I thought that I was playing catch up, mostly I was at most just under the curve.
my bmi is normal
my face..well its decent but i wouldnt say i like it
ive never had any problems with my skin
i don't really care about my appearance
i feel that life isnt worth living thats all
What kinda name are you looking for :p
Or should I post my Facebook haha
Go do your literature homework, hoe.
Do you do drugs?
Any kind of social media I guess
You do kik?
Might sound shallow as fuck but now I think you shouldn't kill yourself because you are at least average in terms of attractiveness. That helps a great deal in life. You will be fine.
Seriously I don't want to sound condescending but most young (especially this generation) will want to kill themselves at some point or various points between the ages of like 16 - 20. It's just a phase for a lot of people. For some people it's legit of course, but you won't really know which you are unless you ride it out and stick around for a while. It doesn't take long for things to start looking up.
There's absolutely no reason for a girl to be depressed
Ehm, not really tbh. I got my phone banned for posting gore in my closed friends group.
I'll try to make a new account
Depression is a state of mind that, even though you can realize you're in, you can't really do much about.
You cant "will" it out of existence.
you need to learn to enjoy the little things in life.
sure, you're probably not the most intelligent, nor probably the most talented, nor the most this or that.
But that's normal and as much as people keep telling us that being normal is bad, it couldn't be farther from the truth.
as you said in , overall you're, probably, kinda cute, you could probably enjoy normal things that normal people enjoy and if you want to not be depressed, that's one of the most important things.
for now the last thing that should be made clear, is that even though me and you don't actually know each other, you'll always be in a small part of me. I understand you and you killing yourself would make at least this one sad.
fuck you
why? just wondering, u ever been in love?
Haha, damn that sounds pretty extreme ^^
I'll post my kik for you:
tbh i get it
im decent looking
decent iq
decent home
but life is just meh not worth it
if i could
id let anyone take my position
Hanging around with people, huh. I can understand. I've tried enjoying my time with a couple of people. The times I spend with them feel kinda okay-ish for a while, but then, for some odd reason, disappointment just kicks in. I guess I'll never feel honestly satisfied, haha...
As long as a girl isn't morbidly obese or horrifically deformed she can pretty much do anything she wants. She will never have to be lonely. You have no reason to be depressed.
maybe your life is just boring af. get a job.
>clinically depressed
So the clinic induced your depression? Or you're one of these snowflake assholes who "boo hoo I can't find anything to be happy about in life, give me some happy pills" and gets prescribed opiates and proceeds to slack at work, cut everyone else off on the road, et cetera because they're half out of it constantly?
"Waah I'm DEPRESSED" is as bad as fucking "Waah I IDENTIFY AS..."
>but life is just meh not worth it
>doesn't show her pussy for user
Honestly, the best advice I can give is just ride it out. Just grind out these days, doing whatever you can to entertain yourself and get through it. There will definitely be better days. As I said, what you're feeling now is very common. I felt like that a lot when I was your age. I also remember talking at length with pretty much every friend I had at that age when they were feeling the same way and needed someone to vent to. That's what you're doing now; just venting to people because you feel like shit, and it's totally understandable.
But don't kill yourself. It causes all sorts of distress (I know there will be people in your life that would be devastated if it happened), and you are cheating yourself out of future good memories. This feeling will not last forever; no feeling does.
that's really not the question. what is up with you guys thinking that it's always about the physique?personally, most of my time I used to try and learn about my surrounding. since I was bullied went I was a kid I never really learnt to deal with social situations. I used to get high, chill with people and put the blame on the pot when I was weird.
I put on a fake happiness facade for a while so that people would want to chill with me and I watched and learned.
"fake it till you make it" as they say.
oh, and what say is really true. the most important is riding it out.
How do you even enjoy the little things in life? Any attempts done has resulted in wondering whether joy even exists at all.
Btw, anyone who needs someone to talk to.
Feel free to hmu ^^
For what it is, I wish you all nice new year !
nah sorry i automatically hate japanese cartoon lovers
Because you're fake happiness isn't why people wanted to chill with you. It was because you were a girl who they wanted to have sex with. That's literally all that matters to guys.
A little something to make you smile perhaps OP ?
Rude :<
Well, for what it's worth I wish you the best ^^
Why do you keep typing circumflexes? Are you trying to multiply a number by an exponent?
at first the way I did it was finding one thing that I enjoyed doing. only one, in my case it was playing piano, you can see the drug acting there. I did that thing every time I could since that was the only thing that made me feel something. from there the day to day grind becomes much easier to deal with and you're not as severely depressed as before.
user, I'm dude
user is a dude. White knights everywhere
do you get melancholic and to the point of tears or do you just kind of exist in a haze where you kind of want to die but also just don't give a fuck?
easy to spot am i rite
from there you can start looking forwards.
right now you probably loath the fact that you'll have to wake up tomorrow and that's the most pressing state of affair.
fagboi, It's not because I'm trying to make someone consider not killing themselves that I'm knighting.
Why do you have to be such a fanatical newfag?
Oh my god TITS OR GTFO
Anons you gotta step up your game or this type of post if gonna get way more common.
Ooo looks like we got an anime fan over here, and I insulted his anime emoticon face, the gravest insult of all.
Bruh, it's 2017
>using emoticon on Sup Forums
back to facebook with ye
:-D good one B-)
Guess I shouldn't let these depressive bouts affect me this much, huh.
Fine, I'll keep pushing myself a little bit longer. Thanks. Have a good one for me.
No dude you didnt even know what it was. Hence you are new as fuck.
What is your point? OP isnt even a chick hes a fat neck beard who is playing you all for a fool. Hence the need for Tits or GTFO...
To be fair though there are some people ITT being proper whiteknights asking for kik and shit.
>fagboi, It's not because I'm trying to make someone consider not killing themselves that I'm knighting.
Sweet, summer child.
Yea you'd think people would know the rules by now.
again, never forget that you are who you are, and your condition is a hard one to deal with.
You can deal with it. even when i hurts.
[email protected]
if you wanna talk some more anytime, send me your Email at this address and we'll talk.
Holy shit, that email is welcoming AF :-)
even though you're right and that it's
most likely true I can't take the chance.
assholes will be assholes.
it's a ten minute mail, I wouldn't put mine here.
That guy isnt half as bad as like
These mother fuckers are just sad
Flat refuses to post tits? Confirmed for neck beard man child who lives in parents basement.
what's exactly your clinical condition ?
Being an attention whore.
I'm just asking for tits my dude. If he/she doesn't post them, I've lost nothing other than a few seconds of my time.
The thing is you're asking because you think its an actual female. The fact is OP is NOT a female and her not wanting to post them should make you extremely suspicious.
but I understand user we're all trying.
>you think its an actual female
Did I ever say that? I assume everyone male until they prove otherwise. I'm asking for proof.
Newfag detected.
Sup Forums loves traps/fembois.
Half of your questions were unrelated shit.
You must give them no attention until they show tits.
Engaging them in conversation is the wrong thing to do.