Me and my girlfriend work different hours and she gets up a lot earlier than I do. Every morning she has the hairdryer on at the crack of dawn, which wakes me up, and then without fail, throws her knickers sunny-side down on my face. I've told her this actually really annoys me but she still does it because she thinks she's being playful. Am I being unreasonable or is she taking the piss?
Me and my girlfriend work different hours and she gets up a lot earlier than I do...
which decade are you coming from time traveller
She's a cunt for not making an easy change (the knickers) but the hairdryer... she could probably do it in another room.
If you don't like your girlfriend throwing her underwear in your face than she is probably ugly and you should beat the shit out of her for it
I know. I don't get why she has to do it in the same room. It sounds like a fucking jet engine.
Go back to sleep, don't be a little bitch.
And for fuck sake if she's being playful wake your gay ass up and satisfy your woman.
my girlfriend is the same, she starts work at 5am, so gets up at 4:30am. She showers the night before so no need to have a shower before work. still get woke up by the fuckin alarm clock and can't get back to sleep.
I would LOVE for my wife to throw her panties on my face sunny side down every morning.
But the hair dryer thing, yeah that would piss me the fuck off.
It's a tough life, chaps.
>sunny side down
u wot
When she does it again, wake up, grab the hair dryer and throw it agaisnt the floor until it breaks. Tell her this will continue to happen until she stops being a deplorable cunt and goes to another room to dry her hair.
Keep a lighter by the bed. Next time she does it grab your ligher and light them on fire and throw them back at her. Do this for when she wears her more expensive panties and not for period panties.
every time she throws them at you, get up and fuck the shit out of her, forcing her to be late for her job. That will show her.
I wish I had a girlfriend to run her hair dryer and throw her knickers on my face.
uhhh... you ever think she wants to fuck in the morning and you should stop being a twat? youre being unreasonable. find ways to play back or gtfo and be single. humans interact with eachother, theyre social creatures, you should get up with her and hang out. if not youre the one taking the piss.
The side of panties with poopcumperiodsaucr
>not throwing her on the bed
>not burying your face in her snatch
>not pounding her mercilessly then going back to sleep
Nigga you gay, she wants sum fuk, don't worry she'll be getting it somewhere else soon enough and you'll get to sleep in
She wants a root u dumb cunt.
If the roles were reversed she woudl get level 10 period mad and start a huge multi week fight if it happened ONCE
Its not being playful, waking me up hours before i need to get up to go to work is just being a cunt
OH Hey britfaggot
I know your wife go fuck yourself Johnny
Also wife's twitter is
To me it sounds like that's what she wants. A hard fuck before work to keep her happy. Still OP needs to actually talk to her and ask why she's doing it. She can only really answer in two ways and those are "she wants a fuck" or "she wants to annoy/tease him". The point is OP should rape the fuck out of her.
Tell her exactly what you just said
my wife wakes up with me every day at 4 am. she makes my breakfast coffee and lunch no matter what time she goes to bed. i could throw mine on her any time and it would be playful. if we want to fuck, we fuck. she wakes me up, and im not a total cunt about it. you need to get over yourself.
It's not funny to throw her knickers on you every day while you are sleeping, it's seriously disrespectful. She should be considerate not to wake you and blow dry her hair the night before, or in a room as far away from where you sleep as possible. At 3am when she is trying to sleep I suggest throwing a "ripe" pair of your underwear across her face and say "lol - just being playful" - not so fucking funny is it.
She is throwing her panties at you because
1. You don't fuck her enough or provide enough affection in some way.
2. She is fucking someone else on the side
3. She was wearing those panties and any juice in them is wetness from her other side dick
You should have been fucking her better.
Go back to sleep like a good cuck, when she leaves, put the panties on and do all the house work.
>Doesn't see why a chick throwing her panties on your face is hot
>thinks he isn't gay
In the new year morning. Be prepared with a pair of your underwear and throw them at her face.
>wakes up WITH ME
She is CHOOSING to wake up at 4am with you and do her wife role(breakfast).
Op has a gf that is waking HIM UP before he needs to wake up. It is completely different.He is losing out of sleep on a job that is more likely more taxing then the gfs pitifal job. Shes being a cunt
Wake her up 4 hours before she needs to get up, probably about the time you go to sleep? Take her panties and sniff them while jerking off them cum in her face, also right as you are about to nut crank the stereo really loud to ac/dc or something. Take pics or video and share here.
Yeah but the roles arent reversed unless you are a gay cunt. Women can do shit like this because in modern society they hold all the sexual power. You either need to feed her some cock in the morning or get ready to be cheated on. Also how can OP possibly complain about his gf throwing her dirty panties on his face? He's either been in this relationship a few years or is just straight up gay (and/or the biggest prude in the world)
If she's cute it hot and her underwear isn't nasty then yeah it would be cute. The hairdryer she needs to move on to another room. Married here women do this shit. If you love her tell her to move to another room to dry her hair. That it get up and fuck her then back to sleep.
Wake her up with your cock on her lips. Shell probably be into it. Sounds like she needs a good fucking and youre not giving it to her
OP will fucking die
>when she leaves, put the panties on and do all the house work.
I am dead.
You are a fuck head because OP's gf is also CHOOSING to wake him up with the drsire for sex. Also everything you said makes you siund either like a virgin 12yo or a massively sexist cunt whose never gitten laid. So yeah you are a virgin fag.
OP, why are you so fucking gay? Like, holy shit, dude.
Pic related, it's your fate.
you guys are such a bunch of faggots, you are fantasizing about a chick throwing her undies on your face while you sleep as if thats some form of sexual tension. does absolutely everything just come down to sex and even if it were then you she can wake him up with his cock or some other act that is actively sexual you stupid bunch of cunts.
OP, I have never said this before and actually meant it. At least, not until today.
You're such a fucking faggot.
how is this confirmed?
T. Buttmad Closetfag OP
Wake up and give your girl your best 10 minutes then go back to sleep you putz
i really am not OP but i do think you are a bunch of sexually stifled retards
how is it confirmed?
how much of your time do you dedicate to doing the will of a woman?
Why do guys with low sex drives always end up with nymphs? Makes me sad. :(
Aye it go, it goes down in the DM
the only thing you know about the situation is that she throws dirty pants in his face while he sleeps and that she also blow dries her hair.
how do you assume that she is nympho and how do you not see that your assumption that she is a nympho stems from your own sexual idiocy and probable addiction to porn?
are you being purposely a spastic?
Next time she does it just immediately start masturbating with them an cum inside of them. Then make her put them back on and wear them at work all day.
OP is a fag for not taking the very obvious hint of "fuck my pussy dry"
Fag. Your wants and needs don't matter so long as she still wants a fuck. Unless you are one of those pricks who goes through women like candy bars and can't appreciate what it's like to actually have a girl lovingly snuggle against you simply because she likes you.
If what she does really angers you OP i recommend dumping her so you can be sad and single all your misserable life.
Listen bloke, if your flat mate has got your knickers in a twist, the torch is out. Find a new have right quick
ITT: people project about sexuality of a girl they know nothing about from behind an anonymous imageboard
OP here. She gets fucked plenty. She does it regardless. Just wondered if I need to have a full blown argument about something so ridiculous. She's a 'practical joker' so we're always trying one up each other. She once put on high viz and pretended to arrest me in Tesco for flashing old women. She's not the type to back down easily. But I'm always knackered at work cos of this..
Laugh my fucking ass off
I don't usually say this because I feel autistic doing so, but... virginfag detected.
tell her to stop with the blowdrying next to your face cuz you need to sleep or tell her to do it before she goes to sleep.
if she is throwing her undies at your face to just annoy you then fart in her mouth when shes asleep
this one knows
Shave her head.
>no mo hairdrier
Make her go commando by burning all her panties
>no mo knicker throwing
im glad you can allude to the specifics of a persons behaviour through an anonymous post about hairdryers and underpants relating to work schedules.
im sure your assumptions have nothing to do with your personal life which is so obviously sexually starved whereas mine are based on a long term relationship where we are both nocturnal.
there is more to a relationship than sex you absolute mongoloid but im sure porn has starved that part of your mind.
Yeah... nut up you cunt and fuck her more, cuz what you are doing clearly isn't enough. Either fuck harder or be prepared to raise tyrones son when she gets board of your lack of enthusiasm and fucks the closest nigger.
>i am so obsessed with sex that even when i am outrightly told that sex is not the issue all i can think about is sex and being cheated on
Tell her to stop and it's not funny and it really pisses you off because you don't like being awakened or having dirty shit thrown at you. If she's not a cunt she'll understand and stop.
It isn't hot to be woken up. It isn't hot to have dirty piss/shit/blood/cum stains all over your sleeping face you idiot.
Tell her you really need your sleep, especially at that hour and to not wake you up. If she continues to do it then she is knowingly being disrespectful and you'll have to make a decision.
Okay. One you said "mongoloid". A bad sign. Two, you are getting too mad about this. I honest to god do not believe you have ever had a girlfriend before, more than likely not even a female friend.
Feel free to autistically get mad, I already know you have to be some opinionated 14 year old who thinks he owns a copy of the book on how to work a vagina, because thats how you're acting. Virginfag.
You are so fucking dumb
Never go full retard
Lol i just realised everyone complaining about being woken up by panties in the face are either kissless virgins or men in their 40's with no love in their marriage and just a desire to earn money and retire. Oldfags get out and virginfags sumoly die.
mongoloid is a great word and is totally apt to describe you. i want to help OP and give him some advise other than have sex with her, which is not advise at all but you cant seem to understand that because you are a sexually illiterate retard.
tell her to blow her hair dry the night before sleeping, if she hits you with the undies again then throw your boxers on her face or tell her to fuck off, either way you should let her know you dont like it and dont pussyfoot around it.
One day she will leave you and you'll miss when she used to throw her panties on you
or maybe he will get another chick and have a better time without them...?
first reasonable idea in this thread!
"Mongoloid" is the term used by autistic fuckwits who spout "IQ IS EVERYTHING! WATCH RICK AND MORTY"
Post a pic of your face mate because I bet you are a child with a supreme IQ, at least 199.
i been calling people mongos for 10 years lol
why would i ever post my face on an anonymous image board....?
how hard can you possibly project?
someday, when you are what you now consider "old" and you actually know what the fuck is going on and you will remember saying things like this and cringe at what a smug, self assured little faggot you used to be
I like you, it's just that me and all the other "old' guys used to be you and we all know you don't know shit. We didn't either. It's just life man. Have a good 2018.
I... project? I simply don't know how to respond. You are such a faggot. I can't argue with such fuckwitted idiocy any more. I truely hope you find yourself in OP's situation one day and years later realise you've become a massive cuck raising two children that arent yours. Probably one half nigger the other half chink.
Lurk moar. That's been the point of like every 3rd post.
tell her to give your dick a little succ succ to make up for it, that's what I'd do
do you know what projection is? OP confirms its not about sex but you insist that it is and take massive assumptions based on your (wrong) understanding of words that have been around for longer than what you associate them with? lol?
do you just have macros set up to spew buzzwords in a random order or are you just genuinely a retard?
What exactly don't I know then? Please tell me beyond a half assed open and answerless answer beyond "trust me user, when you are old you will understand why you will hate the person you marry". Your literal cunt level smugness tells me you are a wizard level virgin, unless you provide a perfect explanation as to why I will end up hateing my wife. Also you probably just hate who who are married to, although I doubt you have been kissed, let alone married.
how can you not see that you are the only person talking about hating anyone?
If she wakes you upin the morning hours before you have to get up you likely wake her up at night when your fat ass skunks into bed. I know because I do this every night to my gf. It's just the way it is sometimes. I do my best not to wake her and vise versa but it just happens.
The panty thing is gross. I wouldn't be happy about that. If she wants to get fucked there are less disrespectful ways to do it
How did op confirm it wasnt about sex you assuming cunt? Why because of this? OP, the notorious fag says she gets fucked plenty? If you are dumb enough to believe that, without even getting OP to ask his GF if what he's doing is enough you are either gay, a virgin, or being cheated on by your wife. How fucking moronic can you be, you absolute fuckhead, or maybe just read Sup Forums slogan. Dumb cunt.
No, it is obviously because she wants to have sex and you must be a virgin to think otherwise.
Wow, just wow. You would make the worst doctor I've ever seen. Learn to subtext and connect with people cunt. Oh wait, I bet you are american and your doctors don't even need to do that.
Nigga, you gay.
Maybe if you do you enjoy being humiliated and being a birch. If a guy enjoys begging degraded by a woman in this way she probably fucks him. Probably dominates him. You aren't a cuck if toy don't sex this woman. You're a cuck if you do.
not much point blowdrying your hair the night before if you have a shower in the morning, is there, you daft cunt?
Jerk off into the face knickers and then put them in her handbag.
Can i have this in none broken english you cunt? Because by the look of it you some how believe having sex with a dominant woman makes you a cuck.
Please look up what cuck means, and please renounce your mudskin Muhammad religion if you cant deal with a woman having any kind of sexuality you backwards ape.
>how many assumptions without any info can i make in one thread
you should really think about what im saying here: everything you have said, only you have said and was not implied by anyone else. it is all in your mind, your little sex starved, porn addled mind.
i dont think so i fucked a dude once and it was a pretty bad experience but i had to know to know, women are much better to put your dick in
certain parts of ur spelling make this pretty hard to read
you obviously tie your hair up for the shower are you inbred or just bald
just be greatful someone wants to be happy with you faggot... shit
She has no respect for you, OP. Divorce her.
Eh. Typing from my phone and I'm not proofreading. You guys can duck my nuts
>Pretty bad experience
Are you sure it was really "that bad" of an experience? Did you not notice how your dick twitched, nor how it seemed nearly impossible to hold back your orgasms despite "being straight."?
Really think about that experience, user. I don't think you even believe yourself when you say that it was bad.
not if you wash your hair you stupid mong, and esp. if it's long then it looks messy if you don't
Factual data can provide evidence that men actually work at either ends of the employment desirability scale ,where as women work safer and cleaner jobs at less hours per week and with more reasonable day shift hours and flexible hours in general.
Play the game back at her, faggot. Go to the gym, get your drawers extra smelly then throw them on her face when you get home. Or sprinkle itching powder on the inside of her fresh undies while she's in the shower and tell her at the end of the day that it was revenge for her throwing her panties on your face every morning.
Maybe quit being a faggot? I don't know.
Sup Forumsoys and Sup Forumsitches, this is a thread where you have to Lurk Moarâ„¢. There's a lot of context, explanations.
Ignoring has caused duplicate replies and unuseful statements.
Pay attention, thank you.