Says what he wants

>Says what he wants
>Intelligent 150 IQ
>Smoking hot wife/daughter
>Owns empires -> businesses/country
>Good Christian values
>Proud to be American
>Doesn't allow funding of bullshit science scammers

Where does the hate come from? Trump is the greatest president the United States ever had.

Prove me wrong.
>protip: you can't

Other urls found in this thread:


here we go

you'll get no argument from me, op


>supports trump
>has to be bait!

He promised a wall
I can't see a wall

Oh it's the bud

It's coming, faggot.

He promised Mexico would pay for a wall
Mexico is not paying for a wall

What say to that? Broken promises...

An airplane was about to crash. There were 4 passengers on board, but only 3 parachutes.

The first passenger said “I am a doctor on the verge of discovering a
cure for cancer. I simply must survive so that millions of others may
live”. And with that, the good doctor took one of the parachutes and jumped.

The 2nd passenger, Donald Trump, said, 'I am the newly-elected US President, I won by the biggest margin ever, the American people adore me and I am the smartest President in American history, so my people don't want me to die.' He took the 2nd pack and jumped out of the plane.

The 3rd passenger, the Pope, said to the 4th passenger, a 10-year-old Muslim schoolboy, 'My son, I am old and don't have many years left, you have more years ahead so I will sacrifice my life and let you have the last parachute.'

The little Muslim boy said, 'That's okay, Your Holiness, there's a parachute left for you. America 's smartest President took my schoolbag.

> senile
> dimwitted
> short attention span, spends his days watching TV and eating candy
> lazy, when he's not watching TV he's golfing
> molesterer
> wife is repulsed by him
> got rich with daddy's money
> bankrupt six times
> gets played by putin
> gets played by kim jong un
> nobody believes a word out of his mouth
> white house staff call him a moron
> useful idiot

Do you have ANY proof?

"I won't be the kind of president who takes vacations because there's so much work to be done, I'd barely leave the white house."

>IQ 150
>not bait
kill yourself, you easily duped faggot.

I do! This is where you're going to discount all the evidence because it's "fake news" right?

> senile
read his rambling, nonsensical interviews

> dimwitted
same -- he doesn't understand any details about his own policy.

> TV
reported in multiple news articles from multiple papers

> golfing
shown on TV

> molesterer
19 on-the-record accusers and counting

> repulsed wife
on video slapping his nasty paws away

> got rich with daddy's money
public record

> bankrupt six times
public record

> gets played by putin
happening in plain sight on the world stage

> gets played by kim jong un

> nobody believes a word out of his mouth
his lies have been catalogued and labeled unprecedented, again in multiple papers

> staff calls him a moron
widely reported from rex tillerson

> useful idiot

he's right though. trump went to ivy league school moron

Where does the hate come from? libfags and even worse millenial libfags crying like little bitches

I wonder how many times this shit could be said but trumptards block it out because accepting facts will trigger them so much they’ll an hero

>goes to Ivy League school
>therefore, has 150 IQ

Great argument. No need to try to defend it or anything, seeing as it’s totally valid


You believe anything the news media tells you

>says he'd dry up the swamp
>fills it even further
yeah no problem with this fine specimen of a human being


You believe anything failing Fox News & lying info wars tells you! SAD!

bad bait but I'll bite:
>IQ score unproven
>inherited wealth
>wife is a whore, daughter is mostly plastic
>inherited empires
>no christian values
>no pride in America, insults veterans
>doesn't understand science and let's the GOP tell him how to manage the budget

you worship a senile spray-tanning fool

>Doesn't allow funding of bullshit science scammers

knows nothing about science while using the technology that was directly created by the same science he denies

>implying you can't buy your way into those schools
unless it's MIT, there's always a way in financially

whatever you can say about trump -- dimwitted, etc -- i love what he's done and what he's planning to do. if this is dimwitted, i salute dimwitted.

yeah.... has everyone forgot about NN?! Talk about that shit vanished after the vote.

He is a blessing to the USA. The haters can talk all the trash hey want, it is apparent how good he has been for america already....

This sums up my GOD EMPEROR really well

He's all those things and much more
Snowflakes will never understand what it means to be great

Sad thing is many people will only realise how objectively good and loving he was once he leaves the office and maybe after (it pains me to say it) his death

>Trump has never been proven to have an IQ of 150
>mindless fanboys just assume it must be, because reasons
So when is that IQ-battle between Trump and Tillerson coming up?

>the tinfoil hat starter kit
>tinfoil not included

>CIA, NSA, FBI, etc. all agree Russia's influence and confirm they're still involved with spreading of propaganda

>Good Christian values
That's where I'm calling bullshit on you, OP. The man has said, "I've never asked God for forgiveness for anything."

But you, basically your entire post is bullshit. "Oh, it was reported by CNN that NBC mentioned that the NY Times claims to have a source who believes that Trump's real motives are this-and-such." There are two ways to actually call out a politician: character and policies. You didn't touch his character, where he's actually vulnerable, and oddly, you didn't even attack his policies. Try again with a, "The FCC wants to silence all non-White speech!" or a, "People shouldn't be allowed to give the .gov less of their own money - especially not rich people!"

>jealous retard of IQ 80

>"I've never asked God for forgiveness for anything."
Fake news. I've never heard these words come out of his mouth.

half that shit is conspiracy nonsense. All that shows is a serious lack of critical thinking.

It's the dogma of a bunch of people who never paid attention in high school and now they think they know how the world works because they watched a youtube video.

That's a cute insult. Did it prove your daddy's IQ, cuntboy? Nope. Didn't think so.

It's okay though. The important thing is, that all your Trumptards FEEL he's smart. Who needs proof anyway, amirite?

you need to start paying attention then you fucking half-wit:



just like Obama was your president user?

liberals are consumed with hate. that and marching orders are all they know.


a good portion of them never paid attention to socialization in high school ehueheuehue

oh we're not the ones marching dumbass

Yes, unfortunately.


many lib baby boomers are even worse


Protip: I can.


Sup Forums


>Good Christian values
there is no God
>Doesn't allow funding of bullshit science scammers
you have no idea what you are talking about, go back to Sup Forums where you belong big boi

>I'm the best businessman in the world because I know how to NEGOTIATE
He's right you know

Who's the snowflake really?

You forgot Trump Magazine
>Lasted three issues before folding, current incarnation of 'Trump Magazine' is just a high-gloss advert/newsletter for his resorts
Trump Bottled Water
>Literally does not exist, he pays a small bottled water company to put a Trump label on it before it goes to his resorts
and Trump Winery
>His son's project, not his, semi-profitable but known for low quality.

bankruptcies are brilliant, honestly. businessmen use them to their advantage all the time

He has a very real problem, this is why he can't live up to his promises, they're all in his head.

What kind of lazy piece of shit would have wanted to sit around wasting their life waiting 50 years for his money to compound? He built his family and descendants an empire, I'd rather choose his path and build something than just sit on it.

>greatest president the United States ever had

Worst president ever, in a year what has he achieved apart from making every American who calls him president a moron, he is quite simply the moron in chief.

the media actually.Did you not see their story on how Kushner and ivanka went to a lake with their kid and took a pic of him fishing...but oh no in the background far off someone had a confederate its news and now they are racist.

he built less than he would have with just allowing his interest to compound, that's the point you fucking idiot. He's a failure.

Trump literally called the MSM fake news as early as 2015, when all they did was quote him verbatim.
I admire the guts it takes to pull shit like that with a straight face.

Would you give a retard a job cleaning your toilet?
Then why the fuck would we give this guy THE job?
He makes us all look stupid.

Proof he's the worst, we could have got Mr. Ed to do the job better than this.

>Would you give a retard a job cleaning your toilet?
Yes (???)

Nice b8 m8

>based on the same data that said hillary would be president

I know what his point is bozo, I was pointing out that building his empire sounds much better than just putting it into an option, even if he didn't make as much.

The crack someone has to be smoking to believe ops nonsense

Alright that was kinda funny

>sounds much better
only if you're willfully fucking ignorant. he's so bad at what he does that his empire is worse than if he'd done absolutely nothing and just hired a clever financial manager

He is this dumb, your "protip" was premature, like your birth and your father.

>He promised Mexico would pay for a wall
>Mexico is not paying for a wall
>What say to that? Broken promises...
OK Rico it's time to go back now

I bet that sounded cooler in your head

This is ignored. His followers pretend he never said that.

mexican prez says fuck your wall
ping pong un launching missiles all over the place
china disabled US warships
>Drumpf gets smacked around by 3rd world leaders

A nationalist who wants to make a nation great again by removing large numbers of people, doesn't give a fuck about what the rest of the world thinks, has no fucking idea how to actually achieve his promises, surrounds himself with like-minded but inept cronies, pushes for war, gets rid of anyone who disagrees or fucks up... now, who does this remind you of?

Pic related.

You can't use common sense here user. It doesn't work for trump followers. Trump could admit this himself and they would still find a way of saying it's not true. The most retarded people in the history of this great country are trump followers.


I do not entirely disagree with what this president has done and backed. He has attempted so very very many things, but I'm not in total disapproval.
I approve of removing the tax penalty for not having health insurance.
Just that.
Everything else he approved and been pushing for is ether complete;y destructive, or not possible to achieve.

Nobody who knows anything about policy actually hates Trump. They love to go on and on about how "racist" and "sexist" he is, meanwhile the DOW is at record highs, unemployment is at record lows, and the middle class is thriving.


>mexican prez says fuck your wall
Literally. Lol.

If you are a 71 year old grandma from Cedar Rapids, then yes.

Ya, working and building something and improving yourself sounds worse than just dumping your money and living poor for 50years (Their chart implies he sat withdrew nothing til now).
You're the fucking idiot dude, none of this even takes into account the markets, and how stupid it would have been for ANYONE to have just dumped EVERYONE into that one.
Do you know what the word Nigger means user?

Did you read the rest?

Take this shit to Sup Forums

So, everything Hillary Clinton has ever said should be discarded?

>meanwhile the DOW is at record highs, unemployment is at record lows, and the middle class is thriving.
Not in the real world, kid.

The hate comes towards the stupidity of his followers. He is a con man and you all fell for it like retards. Also the stupid belief that anyone that don't like trump is a liberal. All trump followers brains are filled with poison and garbage. The biggest blockheads in the history of our country.

5 stages of Drumpfism:
>1. fake news. never happened
>2. ok, it happened but it's not a big deal
>3. ok, it's a big deal, but it's nothing illegal
>4. ok, it's illegal but hillary something something something
>5. you libtards lost, get over it!


He’s a moron but cousin fucking, confederate flag waving, cheeseburger eating Americans will defend him because they think “he’s making America ours again, fuck immigrants.”
Even though their whole country was started by immigrants.
>tl;dr: amerifats are stupid.

U mad?
Get over Hillary faggot.


>DOW at record highs

>Unemployment at record low

>Middle class thriving

So did bush. Da faq dat supposed to mean?