Thoughts on this

thoughts on this


autism and lack of attention

Attention whore

Most people who suffer don't advertise it.
Attention whoring at it's worst

Have GF that does this now, kinda don't know what do :*(

bury your bone in her open wounds!!

She needs to stop begging for attention and just kill herself

She needs a good hard assfucking. Get her head straight.

Thanks for the you, but srsly it sucks for realsies. That said, sex is amazing and I really like her so there's that


Sorry to make fun. But why not try to get her some counseling? Or tell her how you feel about it and make it know you care about her. Stuff like that.

I think her daddy fucked her and she knew it was wrong but her body responded with pleasure, so she felt conflicted and betrayed by her body and cuts herself to deal with it.

She needs to cut that shit out.

There's no problem in asking for attention. If she wants attention and she draws in that manner, she probably is showing signs that she is having problems and she needs help.

But I'd stick my dick in those wounds anytime tho

just asking for an infection

She has the same arm as Danzo in Naruto

>top 5 replies of 2017

/fit/ here.
This is NOT what we mean by bulking and cutting.

I wish that was PS. Sad.

Well, that's been done already on counseling (did nothing), and it was sorta under control, then she added about 10 new ones. I cried (inb4 faggot) and told her how I felt, she made promises, then added like 2 dozen more some requiring major stitches, all permanent. I cheated on her on purpose as i was too close to her for all the hurt, but she found out recently and almost offed herself and me.

Not sure what to do lads, I can't leave her because in emotionally way too attached, and again, I know it's not something that she wants to do I think.

try on your neck next time

Holy shit. I sure hope that's a make-up baby.


Nice eyes tho!

give me more attention. cry cry

You're gonna have to get the fuck over it man. Don't be one of those people that sticks it out in toxic relationships to their own detriment. You save who you can, but you don't let someone pull you down to drown with them knowing full well that it's the only outcome.

make like a bulbasaur and
razor leaf

> cheated on her on purpose

not cool m8

If scars are deep enough then they can serve as a warning for guys in the future when she is looking for a beta provider.
I mean, if she makes it into adulthood and all that,

This. Seen something similar in my life, although substance abuse instead of cutting and not fucked by daddy but bro & friends.

Shit was not cash. Would not recommend. Would fuck again.

Well if not leaving wwyd?

Cant abandon her tho, shit I'm not exactly playing with a full deck either, but I manage to deal a bit more discreetly.

Plot twist, am about twice her age, and have had enough pussy for 2 lifetimes, so I know I really like her. That said, It's been a rocky 6 months. Hoping none of you have to go through this.

Tfw she's sleeping next to me right now

> I can't leave her because in emotionally way too attached, and again,

Why do you feel you are too attached?

> I know it's not something that she wants to do I think.

Well do you KNOW or do you THINK?

Sup Christi


I like when women pretend like they have problems. At the end of the day, no matter how fat, ugly, old, or used they are, they can still find some pathetic man willing to take care of them in exchange for sex.

>I'm about twice her age
>I really like her

Fucking codependent piece of shit. Get yourself sorted and stop following your faggoty-ass subconscious that's attracted to BPD girls. You're worse than she is.

Take a pic of her ass...

too fat

Cuz when I try to dump her I find that I can't, and I really connect with her on a deep level. Been some of the best times combines with heaps of stress and angst.

I say don't think, because I'm not a psychologist, why the fuck would you want to cut yourself that badly over and over and on many occasions? I can't judge, I just don't understand.

P.S. you're also a pedophile. Go see someone about that.



No, my last few girls were normies dipshit. Also had actual bipolar diagnosed when I was around her age, and took myself off meds. I'm worse than she is lol, so you're better than both of us somehow?

I could OC you fucks to death lol, but no way.

You like her BECAUSE she's like this, not in spite of it. When you understand why, you will be ready to move on.

What's oddly comforting about this picture is that while most anons keep saying Sup Forums and Sup Forums are the sickest places on the internet, there are actually heaps of weirder and crazier sickos out in "the real world".

I meet saner and more stable people here than in a week of my everyday life, and that's saying something because I meet a shitload of people in a week.

Am oldfag you dummy, approaching 40

I considered that, but I've slept with over a hundred and have had about 15 girlfriends (again almost 40 here) so I know when it some weird infatuation but this ain't that.

just no face, no one will know


Can guarantee you that you've never dated an emotionally healthy woman. People who are emotionally healthy loathe people like yourself and are repulsed by them. You're shallow, degenerate, and languish in your own self-made "depressions" all while bemoaning your situation and doing your best to cast yourself into the spotlight of others' pity. Get over yourself and sort yourself out.

how much attention do you retarded millennials need?

fucking idiots

Exactly my point. You're a closeted pedophile:

>i'm nearly twice her age

I know your type, user. I'm sure she's not the only "young" girl you've dated.

So much this. But, you're talking to a deluded pedophile, user. He can't fathom the meaning of your words.


It's nothing to do with the number of girlfriends you've had. It's not a "weird infatuation", it's a psychological reality. You like her BECAUSE she's like this. It's the only thing that makes sense. Think about it.

Too much ad hominem vitriolic bullshit spoken from a dearth of actual insight into the reality of myself or the situation (you couldn't be further off). 10/10 would not entertain an actual reply, but thanks tho.


Oh I have, at a certain level of emotional maturity and introspection you can discern discreet patterns and proclivities. What's been helpful is removing the variable and assessing the affinity, and with my information set I can tell when some aspect of a woman is the lynchpin on which everything hangs. If the self harm weren't here it wouldn't cause me to lose interest one iota. But this is just me beibg honest, though think thread is filling up with armchair shrinks rapidly

i`d put my dick in that open wound and cum inside her


Yup. This is literally the nicest place on the internet.

great way to know what goods are damaged



Get out before it's too late.

stupid as fuck


I can see why she tried to shave those hairy arms but she needs to learn how to do it properly

>I, too, like to talk in sarcasm!

Hope that bitch gets an infection and loses her arm, that'll give her something to be "depressed" about.

Oh, c'mon. One ass pic won't hurt.

I HATED this movie. (Zootopia)

• The racism message was WAY too unsubtle, in-your-face, and preachy. Literally every 1 minute a character would make a racist remark, or there would be a racism metaphor. Subtlety is the way to do it. Racism in, say, To Kill A Mockingbird was much more well-handled.

• The jokes were HORRIBLE. Every joke was either a dumb animal pun (Lemming Brothers! Pig Hero 6!) Dumb joke about animal stereotypes (Wow! Wolves howl at the moon! Wow! Sloths are slow!) or lame attempts at irony (The stoner is more intelligent than the elephant! Mr. Big is small! The small fox has a deep macho voice!). The sloth joke was the worst, it was stretched out to THREE MINUTES!

• The constant racism by the main characters made them very unlikeable. Nick constantly calling Judy "carrots" for example.

• "Try Everything" was a TERRIBLE song. Lame, boring, and bland.

• Lots of filler. We didn't need to see Judy put out all those parking tickets, or the whole montage of Zootopia, or the aformentioned sloth joke.

There were a few positives, I liked the basic premise, I liked the animation. Other than that, terrible. 3/10. Sorry if I upset any of you, that's just how I feel.



Will say this, I've covered every possible fetish I've had with her ever. Deepthroat, anal, piss, bondage, atm, general rough railing, breathplay. I've got dozens of vids and thousands of hq pics. Feel bad for folks in adjoining hotel rooms tho

Would post but again it's a trust thing I'm sorry

it looks like she had an accident or something bro. why everyone thinks that she hurt herself?

She's retarded, hopefully she'll get sepsis and let natural selection weed her out of the gene pool.

Seriously. Run.
You can't save people. Don't try. They just bring you down with them.


Thats clearly not an accident.

I have understood that the majority of you, fine Sup Forums users, are in fact such wimps that you have not even dared to watch a single anime. During recess you stand in the circle, with your hands in your pockets, believing that you fit in. But, you’re frozen in fear like a sheep surrounded by wolves. You check your phone too see if anyone has replied to your shitpost. Hah!

On top of that you come here every night crying about how you can't get a girlfriend. Has it never occurred to you that the problem might be your “ironic or lack of weeb-ness? I don't even want to fuck with you human trash, only to explain how pathetic it is to miss out on these fantastic cartoons. Watching anime is a lot more entertaining and meaningful than shitposting your worthless life away with others you believe are your “friends”.

I actually had to quit anime because of the amount of pussy I received became too much for my sexual virility. Even my wife lost her nerves when the balcony door was constantly being battered by girls (both 2D and 3D) with desires to suck my cock. The situation was reminiscent of a zombie invasion, but instead of brains the girls were shouting ”Cock! Cock!” The funniest part is that I live on the sixth floor so the girls indeed climbed the rain gutter straight to our balcony. Now that I've gotten rid of animes I only get 3D pussy, which comes a couple of times a week and my life is now considerably much easier.

My face when I watch Cowboy Bebop. Fucking pussies, anime is one of the greatest pleasures in life and an excellent stress reliever. I've been watching these Chinese cartoons for six years and received no drawbacks. Watching anime is alpha as fuck and it proves that you're no coward.