
I got the same as you op. idk how i'm far from socially inept

Other urls found in this thread:


I got 80/200 but I don't think I have autism so it seems off a little



Did a bit better than you, but not by much.

I'm not really sure how 60% is considered "Flawless," except that there were very few "wrong" answers on that test.

> did an EQ test for the lolz
> got low score
> asked Sup Forums if someone there was more autistic
> some get close
> some get the same score
> none get lower
> mfw I'm apparently the worst at dealing with humans on Sup Forums

just half.

You're not alone Sup Forumsro.

Same here


Assuming both tests are perfectly equal, that's a 30/200 here. I stand corrected, then.


Youre a bunch of newfags and should go back to facespace where you belong

Fucking normie faggots

>lashes out at people he knows nothing about, but perceives a difference in
Yep, I can see the 25/200.

You are the cancer that killed this chinese stamp collecting board

What does it mean, am i retarded?

I think it was this test

Well, shit.

Sup Forums was always a containment board, Sup Forums was always boring and awful. You just romanticize it because you first started browsing when you were 14 like the rest of us.

He probably still is 14 tbh

dont fret this test is for normies stay woke

i got the same ^_^

More like it was a place on the internet with a culture of complete intolerance and that appealed to me.

Now we have literal faces of Sup Forums threads.


Nope, same


I have no idea what this means

>>You and your boyfriend/girlfriend

I don't think I qualify for this test...



He I'm horrible