As King of Sup Forums...

As King of Sup Forums, all of you that come in to this thread are my jests and you have to post material that can entertain the King. If you fail, you will either die (by different methods of execution) or be sentenced an X amount of years doing Y.
Good luck, my patience is waning!

Other urls found in this thread:


milk me daddy

No wonder his wife got a divorce

Highly un-acceptable; Death by dismemberment for you


wrong post lol

we're on the watchlist KEK

Funny but that's not enough for a king like ME!





Funny, I'll spare you... for now

I don't like that look; Banishment from the Kingdom for 1 year for you

Hey King.

Hello, now post something funny


The game.

Not funny enough, Death (by guillotine)

Heretic! only lord kek rules over /b

nice get you dumb nigger XD


Gah! A man of god but as said

Death by drowning (in holy water) for you

you idiot you can't drown in holy water
you just drink it so you don't drown

You cannot kill a man of kek

>Who said that we will JUST drop you in liters of holy water
I will personally grab hold of your head and force you to breathe in the water until your lungs overflows with the water

As King, I can decree it!
Post something funny!

Funny enough?

Was every channel made by the same person?

>Not funny enough, try harder!


yes, all he does is play with toys and he types in all caps.

How about this?

Don't you fucking do it!!!

Funny, you may live... for now
No, not funny! Death by feral animal for you!

You will feel the wrath of kek


I have moar

You will feel the wrath of my pimp hand if you don't post something funny! Sooner and not later!



I may die by the hand of a heretic but i know i will die faithfull to rhe one true ruler of Sup Forums

delet this



You're doing the most

Sad to not only die delusional but die as an illiterate! Shame that we have this problem lingering in my kingdom!

Shadilay... faggot *drowns*

Goo riddance!


Last one I'm gonna bother to post


Top zozzle

Thanks for the service, Court Jest
Funny, post more


Oh kek! He killed a man of kek! He truly is serious! We must post more funny images!



as the Court Jest may I punish trashposters?

Damn right! Now post it!
Not funny enough! Post something funnier!

You can punish the trashposters as you wish (unless they somehow convince me to exempt them otherwise)

Thank you my liege :)

No problem!



punishment: One week of labor at the local sweatshop. Attempt to escape will be dealt with a swift death via archer

A mockery of humor! Death by impalement for you!

Wait, that sound better
I do like more money without extra cost!

Reminds me of my retard cousins drawings
Punishment: Autism rehabilitation (report to the retard center at the crack of dawn. failure to arrive will result in a night in the rape dungeon. Will attend daily until cured)

Such a sad day. At least alow him a proper burial

Yes, milord!


Do as you must... but after, you must post funny things for the KING

Little to no kek
Punishment: I spit on your face and kick you in the balls

Oh god why!

Actually report to the retard center immediatly.


Minimal kek
May we reward good posts?

You can do so if I can't be present to make those rewards

You suck ass and your pedestrians can't think of a new insult besides faggot


Aaaaaaaaay lmaaao


Are dubs suitable m'lord

no kek detected
Punishment: Forced to be legally married to a Niggerfaggot with no chance of divorce. If the niggerfaggot isn't satisfied with your performance then you will be hung by your balls and beat in the head by the local tard squadron

If you can obtain them! Those are hard to get! (No pun intended)

(Court Jest)
Only when they are stated and present
as they are not present, you will be beheaded with a very rusty butcher's knife.

Dubs are present, but not stated
No reward and no punishment. You may try again but beware the consequences

Oh no! Sup Forums is controled by a tyrant! We must reclaim it! REBELION!!!


Dubs of truth!

>Another illiterate
Man, you are like that dead guy some one buried!
Forced education for you!

Over my dead body

Those are not dubs!
>Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand another

You have no army. We have legions upon legions

But i have the power of kek

Kek has not power, you have no army! In fact, you are not even alive!


Your "kek" is powerless against a literal army, faggot
>mfw faggot uses religion against military strength

I will never die!!! RRREEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!
