> all >=120
lol as if
trump in his early days seems to be a very intelligent man but recently as a president he seems to be losing his shit and you know iq dosnt mean youre good at everything just for having a high one maybe politics and running a country isnt his forte
until he does actually take a public MENSA approved one this doesnt mean anything. Especially if the source for the picture is too blurry to read
sauce faggot
doesn't matter, hes doing a great job
He was intelligent to add a "1" in front of his IQ, undeniably.
Age really fucks up your head. Trump really was a smart guy back in the 80s, but he's now an old fart.
Discuss what?
The Flat Earth "Theory"?
the CIA's involvement in JFK's death?
that the Moon Landings were faked?
9/11 was an inside job?
Elvis was an Alien?
because they're all more plausible than the idea that trump has an IQ of 150.
the man has the same vocabulary and speech patterns as the average 3rd grader, and transcripts show his complete inability to maintain a coherent thought process for more than about a dozen words, before leaping into something completely unrelated (usually about the electoral college, or investigating Clinton, or some imagined rival's "failing ratings".)
kek, how can everyone be well above average?
>he thinks that WTC 7 fell down from a fire
You're a fucking retard
Remember when presidents were actually smart? That was a good time, wasnt it?
incoming disdain and red hot buttanger at the facts
>inb4 t-t-t-that's not f-facts! I d-d-don't like t-t-this s-s-statistic so i-i-it's wrong!
Typical dumbfuck praising a dumbfuck.
There's no proof of that IQ score. You like proofs so much but you wont find one for that KEK.
>typical dumfuck praising a dumbfuck
must be why you've praised democrat presidents so far
>tfw murrica only knows two sides in their world
So real as their published taxes
I don't know where this chart came from, but it's absolute bullshit. For starters. the IQ test wasn't even invented until 1904 in France, and the American version wasn't invented until 1916.
I also don't believe most presidents ever took an IQ test. How many of you ever have? It's not some shit written down on paper. You have to go to a psychiatrist's office and do it.
No, I'm not 260, but I've read about them.
1) definitely fake
2) iq tests change throughout a person's life and how recently they have taken one
3)absolutely false
4) iq tests measure a persons ability to find patterns. Pattern recognition is a factor of intelligence but isn't the whole deal
5) excellent bait
I mean I got 170 on arealme dot com and I'm getting future homeless person grades in school rn so idk why there are still people who think IQ matters
>arealme IQ test isn't accurate
that's my point why do you think any IQ test is accurate
He was a moron then as well. His investments were pretty shit. Only smart thing he ever did was brand himself as smart
my IQ was 150 when i was a kid, but i'm dumb as shit.
Are there any papers stating Trump's real IQ? I keep seeing that his IQ is 150 but where is the proof? Guess this is his "Obama's birth certificate". Just show me proof of his 150 IQ.
Pfff, I see them all the time, next to tricks that doctors hate. I'm like 192, but I have to pay for the full results.
>sucks being genius brokefag.
Stephen Hawkins says that people who brag about their IQ are generally fucking morons.
I don't know about his investments and shit but if you watch interviews from back then, you can clearly tell that he's declined quite a bit. I'm not saying he wasn't dumb then, just dumber now.
I suspect those who don't understand him are those fools who prefer to hate him.
They had IQ tests when Jefferson was president... lol
He might be right, and I'm not in here bragging about my IQ, but Stephen Hawking doesn't know everything about everything.
Although you might be talking about someone called Stephen Hawkins and that's not a typo, in which case I don't know who that is.
i suspect youre a retard
Bad student, suck at social interactions, no hobbies, non of the above is caused by disabilities
Steven Heavins says that people that make up quotes are fucking faggots.
Woah, you can just post an image making an audacious claim with no sources?
What makes him smart exactly? Money? His dad gave him land in the most valuable place on earth that he sold or rented. You'd have to be completely nonfunctional retard to not get rich owning land in NYC.
Winning the election? This is a country that thinks trickle down works (it literally never has) or that tax cuts for the rich creates jobs or boosts the economy. It doesn't.
>muh Reagan
No. His tax cuts did nothing, it was ridiculous spending on military that bolstered the economy and that was only sustainable because we sold it to countries that want us dead. Awesome.
So what else? What makes you think he's smart? He made money from the one thing impossible to lose money on, he won an election decided by a country of idiots. Am I supposed to applaud when he doesn't shit his pants randomly?
those online ones linked from banner ads dont count
Obama might not have been a genius, but he wasnt stupid. Even though Bush had a tenancy to misspeak, he could speak way better than Trump.
the Binnet-Simon scale was first published in 1916. That was the first one that was used. Of course, Dr. Binnet himself said it was only really useful when comparing children of similar backgrounds.
Mensa's test (Cattell) is scaled ridiculously easy. But Trump is sharp, very clever. Probably has 156 on a real test, not Cattell.
You're not following his transitions of thought. They do make sense though.
>Obama might not have been a genius
All three people you listed are dumb as shit. They all speak like fucking morons and act even worse.
He definetly forgot to put a comma there.
I believe Trump's 156 is probably an actual score. But where do all those other estimates come from. JQ Adams 168.75 but his father J Adams "only" 142.5!? Where does that come from?
>dat john quincy adams
I am prepared to eat my words if you can show me a reliable source that proves me wrong.
He did graduate Havard Law with a degree in constitutional law. Not just any idiot can do that.
Thats how people from new york talk, everyone there talks like he does. This includes his hand motions as well, they get very enthusiastic when discussing shit.
Haha you guys still believe in IQ, that's so cute.
>He did graduate
>idiots can't game the system
lol he was groomed and then lost his license for lying, just like the rest of his life. it was all alinsky 101.
>constitutional law
Possibly, but he sure did seem to forget his studies while in office.
>has less than 90 iq
>this system is rigged!
He didnt loose his license
Name one time he put the US in a constitutional crisis.
Did he bring up a question of whether he can pardon himself? Did he fire the head of the FBI on questionable grounds? Oh wait, those were Trump.
They are both on "inactive" because they are not currently practicing law.
Can you pull up a source that can reliably say they lost their licenses and how? This kind of thing would be documented.
>those were Trump
Now you're taking sides, lib. I already said all three were fucking retarted. Trump won't release tax shit, Obama won't show birth cert or college transcripts, Bush, well, he's just Bush.
It's time to hold government to a higher standard for all presidents, not suck Bracko's dick and shit on Trump. Fuck all of them until someone with integrity shows up.
Not exactly a crisis, but he breached it often, none the less.
i think he has 120
>high iq
>not a traitor
even if he is smart doesnt make him any less of a piece of shit.
Everyone thought Bush jr. was an idiot but at least he had good intentions for the american citizens, trump is out for himself and corporate america only.
It's on a badly compressed jpeg on the internet, so of course it must be true.