Roll for your new years waifu
Also offer suggestions for version 3.
Rollin around at the speed of sound~
the number of times i will fuck my waifu is equal to the number of times i will fuck my wifi
I will take satans gift for the rest of 2018
Rolling... hope I don't get the faggot....
Guess the trips makes up for it though. Oh, well. I'm pitching. I know that much.
first roll was a warm up.
Typed too soon. Kinda loaded lol. Swift for the win, mate.
Rolling for anything but 7 or 0
Fuck yes! Gimme some Anya pussy
if i don't get trips I'll kill myself
plz no 0,1,5,7 i hate them all
only daisy or madfacegirl pls
now.. who the hell is that