How do you feel about Mr. Lazar? NSA deleted his existence for what he revealed about Area 51...

How do you feel about Mr. Lazar? NSA deleted his existence for what he revealed about Area 51. Is he an hero we don't deserve or is a dense retard and attention whore.

Gentlemen, let's discuss.

Other urls found in this thread:

Until a whistleblower releases some kind of verifiable evidence,m or theoretical sciences that could be verified by the public scientific community...all fake. Give me a schematic. Give me evidence, not i-am-very-smart hokey pokey

Do you actually think the NSA would let him keep anything from there? A real proof? C'm on man, they erased everything about him. And not to mention that he passed the polygraph 100%. Now, I'm no retard, because, what he's saying is pretty fucking unbelievable. That's why I want to hear others thinking.

>sry for bad grammar. English is not my native language.

You’ve got to be an actual retard to believe this guy.

Protip: if we do ever see an ET, it will look like nothing we’ve ever seen before. It will not be bipedal, it might not even have “legs” for locomotion. It won’t have eyes ears nose and mouth. Might not even be symmetrical. It will not have arms and hands. It will not be grey, and probably won’t be able to perceive light the same way we do.

Most obviously of all: if it has the tech to travel 100,000 light would never ever crash or have any issue with earthly technology.

>all fake
It's not necessarily. It's wise to be skeptical, but that's not what you're doing, you're making just as strong a conclusion as if you said "totally true".

He said he personally worked on these projects. Well what the fuck did he do? Did he design shit? What did he design? Was he a mathematician for the project? What math was used to dissect these objects? He literally is just like “yup they exist, and I worked on it. Trust me” and you’re just like “I’ll believe whatever you say if you tell me what I want to hear”

He totally has that sexy ned shit going on, I'd totes fuck him


>Protip: if we do ever see an ET, it will look like nothing we’ve ever seen before. It will not be bipedal, it might not even have “legs” for locomotion. It won’t have eyes ears nose and mouth. Might not even be symmetrical. It will not have arms and hands.
You're probably wrong. Convergent evolution and all that.

This. Whatever these things are, they are playing on our concepts of aliens and an hour of reading will show they've been here a long time.

He offers no evidence. Nothing to actually back up his claims. No new tech gleamed from the projects. No new ideas. Literally just says “it totally happened guys!”.

Not to mention he called them “Greys” as if anyone but a /x/ poster would do. Conspiracy bullshit.

>as if I don’t want to fucking believe this. I could die happy having verified beyond a doubt that ET life exists
>what pisses me off is when con artists make careers out of deluding small brain chimpanzees with severe confirmation bias

Yep. Same biological solutions for the same biological problems.

Try it on /X/

What confuses me the most is these things:

1. What Lazar gained from this?

2. Why the NSA went through so much trouble with erasing his past.

3. If he's a real wacko, why the NSA went so much trouble with erasing his past to the point that you can't find anything about his education, even tho there's a real proof that he worked with some of the greatest scientists.

I don't think it's just a pure lie. I don't think that he was working on what he claims to be working on because NO (yeah, I'm one of those people). But what I would like is at least one logical explanation for this. And also, if his claims were pure fiction and lies, why did the NSA felt so threatened?

Evolution=change in genetic makeup over time as a result of environmental pressures for specific traits. Called natural selection.

So you’re telling me that the environmental pressures driving natural selection on other planets are SO similar to those on Earth that creatures that are essentially ugly humans evolved and travelled unfathomable distances, with technology beyond our imagination, crossing through the absolute depths of space, got here, fucking crashed and DIED, were dissected, found to have a HEART with VALVES?

This guy has intimate knowledge of ET life in the same way actors on CSI have intimate knowledge of forensic science

What's the proof the NSA deleted his existence?

did you actually watch the video? are you retarded?

It’s funny. NSA deleting evidence looks an awful lot like there was never any evidence to begin with

pretty sure aliens have all but been confirmed to look like this.

I stopped once they started showing Star Trek aliens. If that’s not a red flag for you you are hopeless.

But I’ll keep watching just for the laughs. Oh the bullets would have exploded in their guns huh? Guess they didn’t investigate that all did they? It was just this crazy thing that aliens did. They’re scientists of course - when something unexplainable happens, they just accept it at face value without any further investigation.

>So you’re telling me that the environmental pressures driving natural selection on other planets are SO similar to those on Earth that creatures that are essentially ugly humans evolved
This part, yes. The rest of that is stuff you just made up.

>implying NSA has any jurisdiction over an Air Force test facility

lrn2federal government

With all due respect sir, you should really watch it to the end.


I am. Lemme tell you, the 80s spacey synth music in the background really sells it for me. I was unsure if it was true before then but the music was just so editorialized that I had to believe it

I've actually worked with scientists on a petrochemical campus where the government was involved. Let's just say that the government has a special way to discredit "mouthy" scientists.

It's sad really. Hence why we're all confused on what is real or what is fake. No one can take things at face value even if it's completely true. That's the trick.

Either way, do I believe this guy? Not 100% but the truth is in the underlining, hence why the video still exists, meant to actually discredit this guy because it "sounds" fake to one's own sense of reality.

Either way, we'll never truly know, so no one is really wrong in this thread.

>having to explain what reverse engineering (back engineering?) is

This is a show made for guillable and uneducated 18-35 yo men. Definitely a trustworthy and scientific source

>Reverse engineering, also called back engineering

>hence why the video still exists, meant to actually discredit this guy because it "sounds" fake to one's own sense of reality.
Or it still exists because it is fake and the government doesn't care about it.

This guys scheme is pretty brilliant actually, because you can make up anything you actually want, claim you worked at a dozen top secret (but known) facilities, and the government will NEVER confirm or deny anything and call you on your bullshit.

"Funny how the element 115 he was ridiculed for exposing is now part of the element table. This guy revealed the truth. Too bad we are in such a controlled society to not see the forest for the trees."

"This latest scientific breakthrough, however, provides significant credibility to Bob Lazar’s claims rather than discrediting his claims"


It’s actually starting to make me sad that you guys can’t see that this is a bit made specifically to pander to you. He says that it’s scary. He says “(((they))) won’t give you the whole story” (14:50) Literally fear mongering. Then he spews some pseudoscience “HURR DURR IT DONE TURN GRAVITY UPSIDE DOWN” meanwhile, he’s a physicist. Offers no reproduceable science or mathematics to support by what mechanism this dungeons and dragons tier magic occurs.

I didn’t know gravity could be “phase shifted” whatever the fuck that means.

“Once you’re in that field...hehehe...this is a terrible way to say it, almost in a different REALM”

And you guys buy it. My god

Aliens don't exist faggot. fuck off back to /x/

>hold on to your butts guys
>we’re switching to OMICRON CONFIGURATION

>1. What Lazar gained from this?
motherfucker gets compensated for interviews.

if you think the feds are incapable of suppressing this kind of stuff you are completely wrong. Suppressing obviously fake material would only assure people it exists. Also as an engineer that works in aerospace technologies the components you're working on are generally such a small piece of whole you can hardly tell what they're for. They let the big brains deal with things like propulsion systems. No one would let this guy near something so significant in the first place. If there really was alien tech I highly doubt it would be significantly different enough from our own for us to tell it's alien. Physics here and going to be the same elsewhere in the galaxy our solutions to it are not novel they're practical as would be those of any sufficiently intelligent life form.

They may or may not exist. We don’t have the technology (public at least) to determine that.

What this guy has though, is not that that

OP here.

First kind of people here: Yeah, it's totally true

Second kind of people here: He's probably partially honest

Third kind of people here: Lele you stupid fucks it's all lie.

This kind of discussion I didn't had in mind. Let's talk about this with our minds opened. Can we do that?

Nigga, that is what a conversation looks like. You're not going to have it any different anywhere.

Well then, let me put it like this. State your believes why you think you're right and why you think others are wrong. All I'm hearing "no, that is a lie because no" and "yup, it's true because yeah".

No one had made an effort to support his claims with reproduceable science. Whether or not it is ultimately true is irrelevant - with anything reproduceable it may as well be false. Like what’s next, you’re gonna start believing the Bible to be word of god or something? LOL

I mean yea their planet would have to be in the Goldilocks zone and need the same elements as we need.

I imagine it will at least be carbon based and wet when you stab it.

Fine. It is a lie because he has no feats of mathematics or engineering to support his claims, despite claiming he’s a physicist. If they were trying to reverse engineer it, they did a terrible fucking job and learned fuck all - well at least he did...

I'm reading the thread while listening and its 90% those noises. It sounds like whales talking and shit.

Dense retard and attention whore.

Based on a sample size of 1. You only know of one example of life. Here on Earth.

And then your next claim is “well it must be like this literally everywhere then!”

Thats some medieval tier logic and more evidence of human narcissism than anything else

>Like what’s next, you’re gonna start believing the Bible to be word of god or something?
>implying the Bible isn't the word of God.

>Based on a sample size of 1
because we only know Earth there is no fucking way we can predict how elements, chemical reactions, and the elemental forces behave on other worlds
and since any life would have to contend with those things, there is no way we can use that to predict wwhat alien life would be like

Really depends how you define aliens. If you define alien as life not originating from earth then it's statistically improbable that such life does not exist anywhere in the universe. If you define alien as highly advanced sentient beings with the capacity for interstellar space travel to visit earth then you'd be closer to being correct, it would be statistically improbable.

We had a sample size of one star - then we looked out into the universe, and found most stars are pretty similar. There's not that many ways to build a star.

Then we had a sample size of one planet - then we looked out into the universe, and found most planets are pretty similar. There's not that many ways to build a planet.

Then we had a sample size of one atmosphere - then we looked out into the universe, and most of the universe is made of elements found right here in the air. There's not that many ways to build an atmosphere.


I agree with what you are saying, but

>there is no fucking way we can predict how elements, chemical reactions, and the elemental forces behave on other worlds

Is literally the entire basis of chemistry and physics as a whole

my man, u said it waaay better than I cud

I’m not sure what you are trying to say here

An actual physicist confirms Lazar worked in the Area 51.

I had quite a trouble with finding this link, but whatever. Here it is.

I know it is hard to pick up on sarcasm reading
but it was not subtle at all

Can you even fucking read? He said "until I have evidence, I'll consider it fake." That's the definition of skepticism you stupid cunt.

quantum would like a word with you retard

Is this the retard that claimed they used some element with atomic number 200 and something in the alien technology, and scientifically illiterate retards claims this gives him credit, because that element was only synthesized years later?

>m on man, they erased everything about him.
Then how do you know about him?

Motherfucker have you seen the shit that is at the bottom of the ocean? Those are forms of life that evolved, here on earth, that look NOTHING like anything else on Earth. You’re telling me that aliens from another planet look more familiar than Earthly ecosystems with only slightly different selective pressure??

I honestly feel a little pity for you, because you are ultimately limiting what alien life could conceivably look like. Assuming they are even remotely humanoid is lacking in imagination that nature has already shown to have, here on earth.

Bipedal, humanoid structure is NOT the only form that intelligent life could take. In fact, it is one out of infinite possibilities

True, and that’s why certain stellar objects are of such fascination, but for the most part the rules stay the same just about everywhere else

What I'm trying to say is... is that frankly I'm fucking tired and like the simplified explanation. Everything's the fucking same, universe-wide.

Intelligent, FTL-capable alien civilizations won't look like is, but you can bet BTC on a few things:

A clearly-defined head.
Eyes, a mouth, likely ears at minimum.
Opposable thumbs - and fingers.
Internal organs, with absolutely unmistakable analogues of hearts, brains, and livers at absolute minimum.
Locomotion - they won't be trees or anything like that - two (efficient), but maybe four (less efficient) legs.

In other words, just like everything else in the universe that we've been able to inspect doesn't really differ from Earth or our solar system, I really doubt carbon-based (by far the best atom to base life on), using water (most common compound in the universe), on a planet in the Goldilocks zone (so that water isn't ice or steam), is not going to be terribly different to life on Earth.

There. Now my fingers hurt. Thanks user. :P

>Based on a sample size of 1.

Not necessarily a sample size of 1 when you consider all the species present on earth which have similar biological mechanisms. It's safe to assume that on another planet with a similar atmosphere, life would exolve similarly.

DAE common ancestors?

>>yfw aliens look exactly like this

ITT: exceedingly average people pretending to know things about science arguing with each other with flawed arguments

literally impossible especially when you're moving something with actual mass.

>FTL-capable alien civilizations won't look like us
>proceeds to describe an explicitly earthly being.

On earth: jellyfish meet none of that criteria. What if on another planet there was a pressure for a jellyfish-like being to prosper? (ignoring the fact that ET life would probably not even begin with cellular life, with respiration as the ONLY WAY to generate energy, or DNA as we know it...I digress) we could see sentient beings operated by a neural net, no head or centralized nervous system, capable of locomotion in the same way an inchworm locomotes. Are you telling me that’s impossible?

Snowden didn't seem to have a problem getting documents out.

>ITT: commenters with egos so delicate that they feel the need to remind Sup Forums “hey look how much cooler I am than all other posters here, I’m so cool I don’t even care”

Yes, we all have common ancestors. The point is that all life on earth that exists or ever has existed follows similar blueprints. As the other user was saying, since we know that other stars and other planets are similar in composition to earth, it follows that beings on those planets would evolve similarly to beings on earth.

Carbon is the only element we know of that has bonds capable of supporting complex biological molecules, and there is enough of it in the universe to assume that most life forms would be carbon based. Some scientists believe that silicone based life is possible as well, and beings that are silicone based may evolve quite differently, but because it is a much rarer element, this seems unlikely.

Yeah and snowden actually blew the whistle on the actual mechanisms they used to accomplish it. This guy gave us fuck all other than a little charisma

>we could see sentient beings operated by a neural net, no head or centralized nervous system, capable of locomotion in the same way an inchworm locomotes. Are you telling me that’s impossible?
yes, yes it is. No hive organism or organism composed of specialized cells shows any signs of intelligence only intelligent organization. It's simply not important for them to develop intelligence for survival so they don't.

Yes, this is possible. But this discussion began with you (or another poster) claiming that if we ever saw ET life, it wouldn't look anything like life on earth, and the thought that it would look similar to humans (head, eyes, nose, mouth, arms legs, etc) was preposterous. That is an erroneous claim for several reasons pointed out since that comment.

Yes, ET life could look very different from humans (but would still have some semblance to some type of life on earth, I would bet). But there's no reason to think that it would "almost certainly" not look somewhat similar, as was claimed.

Just like they suppressed snowden?

FACT lyin lazar debunked himself years ago multiple times. He’s a fraud. NSA deleted nothing everything you need to know about lyin lazar is available online for you to see. He debunked himself with element 115 synth and he debunked himself with lyin about his professors. He’s nothing more than a community college drop out that took advantage of the tards Leer and Knapp. Mostly Leer and his obsession to prove flying saucers are real but Knapp gets a majority of the blame as well for having such a hard on for the story and basically investigated nothing and took the fool Leer at his word. Delonge is putting out Lyin Lazars autobiography therefore he’s also a hack. That’s really all you need to know about lyin lazar and his lame crew.

snowden made it an international issue, lazar did not. The only reason snowden is alive now is because bureaucrats got involved. If it was left at the military's discretion he'd be dead and you would not even know his name.

Internally and at a micro level it would be completely unlike anything of earth. What that poster is trying to say is that even if it started as something very different from anything on earth, it would need to sense light or some other wavelength to give it spacial awareness, need limbs or something to manipulate it's surroundings, etc. Some forms work better. Sea mammals went back into the ocean and evolved to a form very similar to fish because it's just what works in water. Bats developed wings but very different from how bird wings work. Some forms are more beneficial than others and if they built technology they probably developed similar forms. Their blood may still be black ooze that tastes like duck sauce and they may process oxygen through little holes in their nutsacks, but the overall form would be vaguely similar.

Right. That's what I'm saying. He's a fraud.

Not mutually exclusive: last I checked, most creatures on this planet don't look like us.

And are jellyfish intelligent - or even in a position to discover fire? I really doubt it.

I'm well aware that I'm absolutely overselling mediocrity principle here - but it's only as silly as the "anything is possible" rubbish people are spitting out.

Intelligent space-faring trees are possible.

Pure energy beings are possible (neatly getting around the complaint offered).

Pogo-stick pseudo bird-thingies are possible.

100-legged community intellects with wheels on their feet are possible.

I just don't, personally, see them as remotely as likely as something that is, structurally, quite similar to us.

I'll sum up: I think of convergent evolution as "there may be a limitless number of ways to skin a cat - but there's only a handful of good ones".

So, flame on good Sup Forumsros.

Derp. Derp derp derp derp. Derp.

Lazar is a fake bud hate to tell you anyone who has any cred in the ufology community has known it for years. Would have been nice if it was true but it simply is not. Do some more research you can debunk him yourself just from listening to him and John talk to Art Bell they fuck up their story many times in multiple interviews. It’s the most obvious hoax the government doesn’t even care to address it they don’t have to anyone with a brain knows he’s a fake. He was a god damned air conditioning repair man when he met John Leer and now he’s got money and ufo gigs all over the world cause tards like you are too dumb to actually do any fucking research on the fucking topic.

More advanced Alien life would call our our cellular structure “intelligent orginization”. We are just biological machines that have self awareness. We are not that special, sort of how if everyone is unique then no one is unique.

>No hive organism or organism composed of specialized cells shows any signs of intelligence only intelligent organization

Once again, based on your very limited experience, exclusively on Earth

Not saying this guy isn't full of shit, but first thing I'd do to discredit him is make a video like this and make sure it pops up whenever you look into the guy.

You will find a whole lot more than humans have eyes, ears, arms, legs, mouths, etc.

And I'm the one being accuse of being mighty anthropocentric here... weird.

>Once again, based on your very limited experience, exclusively on Earth
literally a biologist

Yeah, it's really hard to imagine what kind of torture the guy's been through and really hard to imagine the NSA wouldn't made him say what ever it needs to be said.

He predicted element 115's existance 20+ years before it was announced.

>And are jellyfish intelligent - or even in a position to discover fire? I really doubt it.

You are completely missing the point. Jellyfish did not evolve much further than what they did on Earth because there was not a environmental pressure to select for it. We cannot conceive what the environmental pressures on other planets might be, therefore we cannot predict what an evolved being on other planets might be.

>I think of convergent evolution as "there may be a limitless number of ways to skin a cat - but there's only a handful of good ones"

I think of you as lacking in imagination. For example, humans evolved to be narcisstic. Hence why people here are satisfied thinking that ET would be humanoid, or even Earthly, for that matter. New flash- our existence, our physical form, our tree of life- are all just one of a handful of the permutations of random chance that got us here. There are so many possibilities that it can only be narcissism to think that OURS is the one that is the only possible permutation

>We cannot conceive what the environmental pressures on other planets might be,
yes we can
because we have an understanding of physics

And clearly not an astrophysicist or a Darwinist, that’s for sure

They do go sequentially and the atomic structure is predictable. I hereby predict element 152. Screencap this!

pretty interesting video. anyone got moar/similar documentaries?

We can use physics to predict the mechanisms by which the selective pressures exist, but we can’t predict what those pressures will eventually be, and we can’t predict how life on other planets would evolve to adapt to that pressure

>extremophiles and complex multicellular organisms.

Lol a 5th grader first learning about the periodic table could have predicted element 115. This is how you know this show and interview were designed to attract he attention of uneducated soccer moms and dads. Just use words that sound sciencey and technical and they’ll believe fucking anything

yes we can because the conditions suitable for life beyond single celled organisms are pretty specific.

Dude, just stop. You aren't coming back with any other argument than "you're being close minded have some imagination! Anything is possible!" You are giving no good, logical reason to back up your claims. Fuck off.

So is that supposed to evidence for or against the idea that ET life would be completely different from life on Earth or what