What are all you niggers drinking this NYE?

what are all you niggers drinking this NYE?
i'm drinking pic related and some champagne, also got a bottle of new moon pacific apricot left

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some russian made cheap champagne

Already did my New Years drinking. Sure the ball doesn't drop for another 7.5 hours, but waiting is for suckers.

steelies, man! nice

From the bottle because im still white trash at heart.

I'm drinking a lemon-lime twist Zevia. It's not that great.

I might do a couple vodka shots and have a beer later.

Having my first drink of the evening now, kahula & coffee.

Fruity wine. Quick faggoty but fuck you, it's tasty as fuck.

a bottle of wine has been drank and now im drinking some 4 roses whiskey
have a good year anons, cause mine is shit

No one getting fucked up despite it being new years?

one of these will do me, i don't bow down to social pressure to get hammered on NYE

Recently started drinking whisky. This one's out of my normal price range, but I'm excited to try it.

got myself a x12 pack of these bad boys

happy new year Sup Forumsros

>calling us niggers
>posting pic of tasteless english shit beer

literally niggers as a colloqualism and a joke, like bro
chillax faggot it's new years eve go somewhere else with your faggotry

fuck yourself faggot guiness is GOAT

tts NYE so I wanted to try something new.
tried 1 so far and it taste like shit.
it's 10% abv so at least I'll get hammered after 3.

indeed homie

Maybe a little tipple of one of the following.

Bordeaux (can't remember the Chateau)
Three Philosophers Belgian Style

Nice collection, but hard liquor on new years is always a mistake.

finally someone with good taste

Boston Lager, Twisted Tea, and Some vanilla Jim beam.

Decided to treat myself for new years

The can is better

i've had the can, how is it better?

>4% alc by volume
>i dont bow down to peer pressure
Oh, you really are a fag. Enjoy your night autist.


Shipyard mix pack. Not crazy about it to be honest. I'd rather a strong ale or something.

Todays my birthday and its new years so drinking as much as I can tonight. Gonna try to avoid drinking a while after tonight. Gotta slim down.
Why is it a mistake?

Recently tried single malt scotch, pretty good stuff

happy birthday/new years bitch

chateau d'yquem 2011
but only 375ml

>Why is it a mistake?
Well, it is for me. The only times I fucked with hard liquor on New Years I ended up blacking out before the midnight. I prefer to black out after midnight.

I fucking HATE this beer
So many pseudo-beer snobs raved to me about this, telling me I had to try it. I like good strong beers, but I'm hesitant to drink any that is flavored. They assured me the watermelon taste is not recognizable. Shit tastes like a jolly rancher with gasoline mixed in. Fucking horrible. I'd rather drink beer as beer.

Also, SoCal fag?

>bragging on Sup Forums
>zero replies
>drinking alone

Nigger how much did you pay for that pint of fucking wine?

op here, when i was buying my booze i saw some hipster faggots buying some ballast point lmao

why brag about a macallan 10?

maybe if it was a 25, but a 10?

>Nigger how much did you pay for that pint of fucking wine?

too fucking much lol
better be life altering

I mean Ballast Point does have some good beers. But that watermelon shit is shit designed to appeal to shit plebs.

That guy thinks he's bragging, at any rate.

Macallan is very tasty, but it's like a standard Scotch. You must live in a poorfag area where the liquor stores don't stock the high end stuff.

>being a bitter poor fag
>also on 4cham

If you think that the guy having macallan is bragging you need to venture out more.

This is one of the greatest things I've ever tasted. I've had scotches that were more expensive than this, but Macallan is just fucking SOLID

Heckler, here.

I don't know shit about scotch nor drink hard liquor. Dude said "treat" and if this scotch is not a treat then that reflects more upon him than it does me. Allow me to revise my list:

>bragging on Sup Forums
>zero replies
>drinking alone
>calling macallan a treat when it isn't a treat

There we are. Heckling upheld.

you're retarded.

Not drinking, but I have a half ounce of weed I plan on smoking.

>you must be 18 years old to browse Sup Forums
I have 6 homebrews on tap and the neighbor has another 4-6. No problems there.

Great choice

whats your idea of 'high end stuff'

Not user, but $50 isn't exactly chump change for most people. As for me, I tend to drink the entire bottle in one day, so I would conisder spending $50 a treat as well.

Heckling downvoted

fucking light weights

Spent $15 more than I usually do on liquor. Pretty fucking extravagant if you ask me.

This is the main reason. Macallan 10 is really solid, but not too expensive. Like $45.

sovietskoye igristoye?

Fuck your shit. I live in a van and I spend $50 at a whim any day.

what are you on about fam?
the guy said its a treat. A treat depends more on the persons point of view than someone who doesn't know much about scotch let alone someone who doesn't drink liquor.

Don't be a snobby dick.

My go to

I didn't really have anything in particular in mind because I can't afford that shit anyway. But I live in a richfag area and go to their richfag liquor stores for my poorfag booze, and sometimes I like to Tiny Tim their scotch section.

It has a better head, and tastes fresher. Still not as good as actually getting it in Ireland let alone at Brewery itself.

While you are all arguing over being rich post some tunes to drink to while we all count down the time to the new year.


6 hours of drinking to go till the ball drop.

I'm sorry I just wanted to make a funny

how was that even supposed to be funny
THIS is funny

Macallan 10
Lagavulin 16
glenmorangie Quinta Ruban

All really good whiskys for what you pay for. I would recommend them all. They give a good variety of taste differences

nursing a hangover after i relapsed, with sierra nevada torpedo, bad fucking anxiety, kill me

this shit

>sierra nevada torpedo

I am a serious beer drinker, I will drink any 10% beer like it's water all night long.

That Torpedo shit is somehow rougher. I've had weird nights and hangovers on that shit where I wouldn't on anything else with the same ABV.

I completely avoid it now.

Can't drink while on duty. Hope everyone has a good NYE.

op here, on duty? hope this doesn't sound dumb but you a cop? if so, thanks for making our streets safe.

Yes i am. Thanks. :^)

>all you niggers
>bland guinness and apricot coors
Don't get too buzzed bro. At least you'll stay hydrated.

Mall cop detected

If we stay in: this

If we go out: shots of Tittyballs


it's not coors, it's blue moon. and i've got champagne too. guinness is greatest of all time, neck yourself faggot. if i drink it fast enough i'll get drunk i suppose

>4.0% ABV
>men hiking
>nifty "darkness" meter for noobs
Does it smell like pussy?

>Macallan anything
my nigga.

It's 00:14 here, 2018.
I'm drinking water and watching Netflix.

Thanks I will check them out. Any idea why scotch price skyrockets from ~15 years to ~20 years? Lower production or something?

Pic related. Was a gift and I rarely drink it.

try Aberlour A'bunadh


Guinness at the pub, this at home.

nothing at all i slept through the countdown and dont really feel like anything


why link me this? i don't care about its ranking.

>guinness is greatest
Guinness is what I drank at 13 to make people think I was hardcore drinking "dark stuff". And no, you won't get drunk unless you're 60 lbs.

>inb4 weeb fag

That stuff is surprisingly good.

I've got a Goose Island BCBS barleywine variant that I might have tonight. I also have a few bottles of the regular 2017 BCBS sitting around that I might have instead.

>coors brewing co.

French 75, cause it's not every day there's champagne around. It's a Tom Collins with champagne instead of soda water.

whatever bro, if you're drinking it at 13 that means you're having some tonight right?

Heh you gonna be drinking that with your Anime pillow?... fag

I work in a pub lad. Here in Ireland.
The black stuff is probably the most ordered beer we have.
Considering the amount of pissed buggers we kick out every night? You can get drunk of Guinness. No matter what size ya are.


Gonna drink a couple of jager bombs. Need the caffiene but need to get drunk too.

I caught an STD (treatable) this year, sport fucking was still worth it though. It made me realize that sex is not the end all be all and that there are much more important things in life, like money.

yeah i dunno man, i ain't mad at all the hate i'm getting for guinness being my fave, it's the kids who read about beer and think they know it all, venting the angert that mommy wouldn't let them have a sip of bubbly

That is funny

It's ok, user. You provided some primo bickering for us.

Ah, amerifag here. The % here is shit and I hear it's much better (alc and taste) across the pond. I heard that there's some kind of export/import tax on alc % so they lower it for the US. I'd love to try some of the "real" shit, but over here it's bland and not very boozy.

Its a bit of a pain to order because it takes a lot longer to pour than other beers. I just order Carlsberg even though I prefer Guinness.