The ride should never end.
Keep it simple, keep it s/fur
The ride should never end.
Keep it simple, keep it s/fur
You have to post more shit when you start a thread faggot
Problem is that if I solo-bump, I have to wait five minutes between posts in order for it to not auto-sage.
god the modding here is fucking retarded
What happened?
I've never had that issue.
I'm like 99% sure it's a thing. Unless it was dropped in the past few months. If you just solo post the thread auto sages if you don't wait 5mins between solo posts.
Is that specific to op or is that fur everyone?
to everyone but OP cant bump his own thread
I op and bump.
dinamic ip?
this shouldn't be a thing on Sup Forums
other boards fine
not Sup Forums
Hey Alex
i love u all
You too, buddy! 2018 off to a good start?
das gey
I fell asleep last night at 8.30PM.
It is currently 7.22AM. I got up 20 minutes ago.
Somebody's security alarm has been blaring throughout the entire night apparently. And it's still going.
That's impressive. You'd think the battery would've died by now, or somebody would put a brick through the window.
Not really a "somebody" as much as it is a "some government's".
The houses we all own. We can smash walls or build them as we like. But the surface outside we don't.
Powered by mains. Battery-powered alarm systems are fucking stupid imo, unless it's using the battery as a backup.
Ah, that sort of alarm. That sucks.
Alrighty gents, gotta head out for a bit. Happy posting!
anybody want to roll?
made this in 2017
Lol ok let's roll
I'll give it a go
I like it but you should've used more than just last 2 post numbers