Ask a submissive bottom anything
Ask a submissive bottom anything
im not gonna ask you again, this time im TELLING you, to fuck off.
Does a top have to have a bigger penis than the bottom?
If there's dominance involved then yeah he should
This person is HIV+ and is using these threads to make contact with people who he will try to infect. DO NOT GIVE HIM ANY CONTACT INFORMATION
Can a top suck his bottoms cock?
My world is pretty black and white in this so I say no, he can't
are traps gay?
Never met any yet
Life with AIDS: is it awright?
I'm negative, sry
Very inexperienced with guys. Want to bottom, very into anal play any advice?
Not really, sorry, my way was quite unorthodox
And what way was that? Where do you meet guys? Have used CL and Grinder. Does size matter?
Online. Only local chat sites. Right after the first encounter I saw that I'm not just a bottom, but a very submissive one. After that I never just had sex with anyone (with few accidental exceptions), but rather I was told to do this, do that, etc. I guess this is not the way for most ppl.
Any suggestions on sites then? Cool story. Bet it turns you on knowing your body is just for pleasing others. Guessing you take it bareback? Letting anyone cum deep in your ass?
do you have a pancreas
Look, I just know two local (Hungarian) sites, I don't think they would help you. And no, that's why I'm still neg. Though there's this guy who's very paranoiac about getting hiv, tests himself weekly, he did me bb.
Where are you in this pic, OP? Also, how often do you work out? I'm trying to get a little more lean like you, but not exactly sure how to go about it. I have a particularly average body type
Timmelsjoch Pass, between Austria and Italy, on the Austrian side. I do not work out. I do jog+walk sessions to stay lean
Yes, Hungarian sites wouldn't help After you got barebacked could you feel it dripping out for days?
Is the boat ready?
Well not for days but yeah. In the early days I wasn't as careful, a couple of guys did me bb, but I got away with it.
Which boat?
Do you wear/like Crocs?
Oh I always wanted to go there. Amerifag, sadly so it won't be for a while. And thanks by the way for the ama
Elaborate, plz :)
I don't even know what that, is, just did a quick google pic search and then made a decision