trips decides my new years resolution
Trips decides my new years resolution
you will fap to a different loli every day
re roll again
every piss is to be taken down your leg
Quit sucking dicks
Shit on a toilet seat, like in pic, once a week.
Hahaha fucking trips
become a sex offender
save all of your piss in bottles, bathe in it next new year
wear a butt plug every weekend
start wearing sissy pouch panties
shit with the door open, everywhere you go
All shits will be upper deckers
Become a trap. Start posting your before pics, fag.
when you pee in urinals, drop your pants and your underwear all the way to the floor, hold your shirt up with both hands. you fagit
get a boyfriend, call him a fagit at the next new years, "SIKE! IM NOT GAY"
You will never wipe your ass again
spank your moms ass
go the whole year single, tell every girl interested in you that youre a gay fagit
suck as many dicks as possible
shit this is good
wear perfume and scented girly lotions
give your car to a homeless person, get a bike
fuck a dog
shit yourself, post it on facebook
attack a cop
oh snap, rerolllll
oh snap son
What a fucking waste.
eat shit and die fagit
OP, do get drunk and dont worry about stupid resolutions