Infected vagina thread

Infected vagina thread

best thread i've seen in a while.



what is it saying?

get with the program.




I fucking pity gynos

all males joke about it being the best job when we were kids, until we see our first disaster.


Honestly. i thought garbage man was the best job in the world. i thought those guys only worked one day a week..

>i thought those guys only worked one day a week.
i almost pissed myself.

you're welcome

Another thread to brainwash Sup Forumstards into going gay.

>Look how gross vagina is
>Check out the trap thread below

This guy would suck Alex Jones off.

found the whore with the infected twat.


>a few years back
>like 11:00 at night
>playing vidya
>someone knocks on my bedroom door
>it's my sister
>she's acting weird
>eventually tells me there's something wrong with her vagina and I'm the only person she can ask to check
>oh shit, this is just like in my hentai, she wants to fuck
>have her take off her panties and sit on my bed
>spreads her legs
>pretty much looks like this but worse, also smells horrible
>apparently she had been doing ass-to-pussy with her hairbrush and ended up with an infection

My incest fetish died that night.

cool story kiddo.


i want you to die. op. you truly are the most awful human in the entire world. I will willingly give you cancer. I would willingly jam a syringe full of carcinogens into your arm. You do deserve cancer, and it's not even horrible to say this to you.



Best story today. Fucking kek



This thread was funnier than I thought it'd be. Best decision today to click on this thread.

that's shopped.

oh no it ain't


why tho? you can find that pic on google. is a medical image.


no that's al Wendy's

i think it is, point me to the original pic with som credibility?

I have never seen something more genuinely disgusting than that on Sup Forums

google Buschke-Loewenstein tumors

have fun

Screenshotted, saved

time to fix vagina

oh boy!

I feel like I entered too late.

