Celeb thread

Celeb thread

Nudes when?

>thread ruined from the OP

welp see you guys in a later thread this one is doomed


Really, no one even bothers wishing each other happy new years?
Well happy new years everyone

Mandatory Nina less than three butt post

>she has a cringy smile, hideous and in fact .has the body of a 12 year old boy
>nose that looks like it's created by a shitty sculptur
>tiny lips
>ugly eyes
>ugly hair
>uneven skin color
>second chin
>uneven eyebrows
>no ass
>terrible actress
>sucked jew dick for acting roles
>sucked UN dick for recognition
>wonky uneven tits
>ugly troll legs

Happy new year to you too, user


Happy New Year friend!


Best wishes to everyone!

happy new year lads

Thank you folks, as a reward. The ones not out celebrating new years get to see a pic of thighbro!

Looking swish


Gotta work with what you have I guess, but thanks

she has the most amazing eyes and hair


Happy new year fuckers



Clothes fit, good use of layers, appropriate hairstyle for your age and appearance, and a nicely trimmed beard

You're doing a good job, user.

First fap of 2018 time


Wow, thanks, and here I thought Sup Forumswas full of hate and malice

eurofag eh? that's new.


Happy new year to all fellow eurofags


Nothing like a celeb thread to bring out the best (and worst) in Sup Forums

>massively receeding hairline
>wearing a flannel after 2015
>faux leather jacket
>headphones on while taking pic
>stupid facial expression
>even more stupid hand gesture

When's it gonna be our turn for a GF lads?

I thought you were going to bed?

Ain't that the truth

Aaand there's the b i know, luckily I got a huge dick so I'm good
Happy new years


My m-m-mistress V-Victoria Justice i-is a very b-b-beautiful w-woman a-and I-I'm a lucky man t-to have h-her... I-I can't t-tell y-you h-how h-h-happy I-I am t-to start th-this n-new y-year w-with the k-k-knowledge I-I have a dream w-woman many m-men can only h-hope for...

haha nice outfit t-bro

>that's new
Not really :p

happy new year buddy

Screenshot or it didn't happen

I'm gonna say what no one else wants to admit. She the sexiest when she just turned 11. All downhill since then. No reason why she should ever be cast in anything again. Now that that jew has been exposed, weinburg or whatever his name is, no sucking cock for roles. Goodbe Emma it was nice knowing you.

No. I was outside to light fireworks

She aged like fine putrid milk

Ahhh, very nice. :]

Fuck you to this year!

do your folks know you're gay?


Happy New Year

This bitch has 80 year old womens disgusting feet. how the fuck can you be attracted to her you absolute filth

because I don't give a shit about feet

Tasteless straight men also exist

That's one way to spend a 100€

evidently. Nina is hot as fuck


I would have spent that money getting wasted.

So, anybody rubbed one out already in the new year?

that's a fine Emma there friend



I had to drive so I didn't drink much

her and her friends wrote a script? any deets on it yet?


I can't post properly yet, but I'm the jane/pixie poster. Happy new year, you absolute babe.
(Very embarrasing if that isn't you. I'm drunk. Forgive me.)

Haven't read anything about it yet.
And although I love sexy Nina, goofy Nina is just adorable

I used to like Elle. (. __ . )

It is me, I love you user! I want the best for you!



Why not anymore?

Not yet, first fap of the year requires some proper edging first

heck yes. she is always a qt. I'm glad her hair is growing back out. I hate to say it but I wasn't the biggest fan of the short short hair. am I a bad person?



Because she hangs around with blacks. I'm racist but I don't think that it's a bad word. I'm white and I want what's best for for my race.

It's only racist when white people want to be around other white people.

бeз cиce


Eh, I didn't mind it. But I also prefer her with longer hair

Where does she hang out with them? Only saw one pic and that's 2 or 3 years ago

well yeah she looks cute as fug in that shoot

My lil g is 19 already.


This is my special HEGEN TOSEL DRINK, very good, if you add HONEY it's called HEGEN TOSEL MIT HONIG, it's champagne with applejuice, cigarette filters and a pickle

I'm not gonna argue about it.

Vicky boobies are the best

Fucking digital "shadow" and blurring on her nips. Fuck you, Hollywood. You used to be cool.


She looked so nice on her IG story, hanging out with her family for the holidays.
Nice trips btw


I don't say you should. Don't even care if you are racist or not. Doesn't change who you are

fuzzy thighs



I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing. I'm not even sure if I'm a good or bad person.

There is no good or bad because everything is objective




So pretty

I don't know, I try to be nice but I feel like I get treated like shit quite a lot.

I'm just complaining now, I'm gonna stop.
