Tried to lose 90 lbs in 2017 , instead i gained 40 lbs, even though i diet and did some sport.what do for 2018

tried to lose 90 lbs in 2017 , instead i gained 40 lbs, even though i diet and did some sport.what do for 2018

gain 40 more pounds, probably

Actually diet you fat shit. If you didnt lose weight while tracking your calories it means you counted wrong.

You didn't diet or do sports you fat piece of shit

Quit lying

fuckng jaba the hut

ketogenic diet

fucking john goodman

Optifast. You could lose 100+ pounds in 6 months like I did.

how bout you get off Sup Forums with your problems and fuck stright off to the moon and back

buy some "diet salt" which contains potassium/sodium chloride which will be your electrolytes and then literally stop eating for 6 months.
go hard or go home, this will work if you have the will for it.

Only eat 1 time a day

Kill yourself. Can't lose any more weight than that.

If you somehow managed to gain 40 lbs in a year, on a "diet" then you need to look up how to diet properly. You likely just need to eat A LOT less, if you go down to 2000 calories a day, there is no way you will not lose weight.

i lost 30lb in like 2 months cause i was kidnapped and was forced starved by my father in the stairwell fuck man I just don't want to go in later if ya want more information please read it on the way back. sorry


Are you harry potter?

im out please

i eat 1800 cals a day, never more still gain weight

you're lying.

try a different diet. There's essentially 3 types, low carb, low fat, and low calorie. If one doesn't work, try another.
Stick to it, no cheating.
Eat 3-6 tiny meals, never 1 big meal.

Ex fat fuck

I've lost ~100 lbs since October of last years by just watching my portion sizes and allowing my stomach to shrink back down to a normal size. I also ate smaller meals throughout the day rather than 3 large meals.
I don't work out at all, though. I did get more physical jobs the past few months, but my drastic weight changes happened before that.
I'm not sure if this helped at all, but I did start smoking a LOT more weed, which might have sped up my metabolism a bit, but I'm not sure.

Because you have type 2 diabetes

im out and a wall cant leave


stop eating you fuck

Intermittent fasting (8 / 16)
+ cut out all sugar
+ cut out most carbs. 50g per day and nothing white.
+ cut out alcohol
+ 15min HIIT each day

The fat will melt off.

you lazy fat shit, I lost 15kg in the last 4 months by actually counting the calories and exercising.
Stop thinking you can eat anything after exercising and restrict your cal intake to

You look cute if that helps you feel better.

>i diet
>gained 40 pounds
>what do for 2018
Learn what the word "diet" means.

Read the sticky on fit. Or just eat keto and go to work. I lost 45 lb in a year doing that and not much else.

>Use a BMI calculator
>This will tell you how much of a calorie intake you need on a daily basis to MAINTAIN your current weight
>subtract that number by about 1,000 calories or more
>lift weights low weight, high reps to build lean muslce, building muscle will help you lose fat
>but you should also be doing cardio at the same time. AT LEAST 30 mins a day, I would say 1hr or 1.5hr. this is because you need time to get your heart rate up and then maintain that heart rate.

good luck, dont be a lazy fuck in 2018

best way to do it is starve your self and when you eat dont eat like a pig. fucking americans dont know how to hold up when it comes to eating healthy. thats why the us is the obese country of the world

is that

-Breakfast: 2 bananas & 1 cup of black coffee
-Dinner: 1 pound of chicken breast (baked or boiled; salt & pepper; no oil) & one can of pinto beans
-Walk five miles a day.

I did that for seven months and went from 250 to 180.

Actually it’s much healthier to eat several small portions instead of a few large meals


this works

Just focus on losing weight Remember no soda and no sweets out of sight out of mind i was 100 pounds overweight and ive lost 50 pounds over the course of 5 months just keep dieting and exercising

Mexico beats us eurofag

fucking check

Just roll with it and stuff your fat face and see if you can't gain a hundred next year. Find a bitch that's into it and let her take care of you. Problem solved.

alkalize your body you will lose weight. It's a PH thing.

Hey bro, I know it’s hard to lose weight. I feel the pain. Just try a no carb diet, stray from it and go to the gym regularly. Best of luck to you bud!

You dumb unscientific bitch you literally know nothing go pray to your hippie dippie moonbeams you Infowars fuck.

A good idea!

I'm American and normal weight but my neighbors on either side, its crazy.
There was a big accident in the street out front and everyone came out, all of em from the little kids on up are just big balloons of blubber, it's just insane

anything like a kekogenic diet?

Witnessed the quint quints

sort of

Diet is crap, the body will just start storing for days without meals.
All you need is moving your body. Maybe get a bicycle.