Happy new year too

And yourself, make it a good one okay?

Happy new year faget

YOU TOO, user!

I will try, but I cant promise nothing, thx user

Feliz año nuevo, waton culiao

happy fucking new year, my faggot Sup Forumsro.


Feliz año nuevo hermano sudamericano, lo siento por lo de Colon y toda la historia esa :(

english, fagfart, we don't speak guacamole here.

happy new year user

but Im spanish so Im glad with that, learn our lenguage like I have learn yours, you fagget

happy new years btards

you haven't learned my language, believe me.

.. hvis du har, så æder jeg til gengælg min gamle hat og prutter en melodi efter dit valg.

happy 2018 niggers

Happy new year you smelly tramp.

well you're right, but I would if I could, I like pretty much german languages


feliz año tronco.. a ver quien lo entiende!

German is easy to learn, it's logical.. but Danish (my language) along with Swedish and Norwegian (pretty much just dialects of old Danish) has no real rules and is a total clusterfuck to learn.

but you're right, I should learn Spanish.

der dirteness meins come poppa hahn its vin u da fagot!

how do u say in swedish suck my cock?

habla español? mi no comprender!

como poco yo, y porque soy madrileño

yeah with "german lenguages" I was talking about all thew whole family, english included.

and what is that about that doesnt have any real rules, dont you have verbal tenses?

in Danish it's "sut min pik", in Swedish I think it's "sug min kuk".
bro wat

quieres comerme el ojete y todo eso bujarron?

in romanian is "swich pula"

no, yo no habla espanol..

>"swich pula"
that does have a ring to it.

what a retarded thread! u all shall speak the only lenguaje the true one the path to follow....

su cucuru su cucura pulanyu. (in your ass and in your mouth fagot) (its rumanian the best lenguaje to cursh)

ooga booga bix nood muffukah


Godt Nytår alle sammen.

lige over brormand.

swich pula pulanyu

wtf?? u crazy femanon?

happy new year

lol newfag

im the creator of this sht u worthless

Happy new year dickwad

hippy new year mfkrs!

ur teh creaturh of a shit lol neoturd hurr fgt fight me irl


ur playing with da fire i shall extinguish you out of your misarable existence (so u dont fu this year too)

Feliz año nuevo, espero que no os atragantaseis con las uvas :)

Feliz año nuevo pinches faggots

pero q dices??? estas loko??? ur out of our mind!
seek profesional help!

colon era mi tio! he raped all the women all of u are my prole, u shall all obvey! nuggers....

>> Out of our mind
>> Out of the mind of ours


well.... just a semanthic detail...

das it mane
imma nibble ur nipple

getting out of the mind of ours is cool, u know nothing....

u want nipples or ripples?

damn babby gurl ur hawt shiat

those r dicks my friend