Drinking by myself, and hopefully to death if I’m lucky. What’s Sup Forums drinking tonight...

Drinking by myself, and hopefully to death if I’m lucky. What’s Sup Forums drinking tonight? Pic related it’s what I’m starting with.

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rich and rare canadian whiskey mixed wth cherry coke zero

drank 4 beers, 3 shots of absinthe and champagne until now, when I arrive at home I'll kill that fuckin absinthe and hopefulöy myself, too.

Happy new year mf

Wine for now, champagne later

is it even real absinthe you pussy i bet its not. i bet you dont get sweet ass hallucinations

On the rocks with a splash of water.

honestly, this time it isnt, but fuck you I was at prague and drank a lot in the absintherie bar and got high on that shit but no hallucinations. A friend saw houses crashing down, but for me it was more like a natural feeling molly trip.

Nothing because I'm not a fucking alcoholic.

Actually the liquor store is closed this time on sundays :(

What kind? I like Lot 40 rye myself.

you mean brain lesions?

Jack Daniels GJ and so many other whiskeys and bourbons are infinitely better than some late 1800s tainted poison.


im drunk af guyss at least im not lonely lol like you most faggots


not sure? the whiskey is called rich and rare... shit is cheap

shit im drunk as fuck its 3.30 am here lol i have a gf die faggots

stop role playing loser

Canadian Club 9 year old reserve here. Nothing fancy it

a bit jealous tbh

I usually drink Jack Daniel's and ginger ale... This was a special treat this Christmas. It's rarely sole in Nova Scotia Canada.


I'm drinking gin and sparkling water atm. About to take a bath and hopefully drown.

Cool, enjoy

Cause it doesn't cause hallucinations you stupid fucking nigger. That only happened back when they distilled it using copper pipes and it gave you poisoning. Wormwood doesn't do shit to you. I bet you've never been drunk before.

pic is related of the whiskey im on


Vodka. Praying it will be enough to make me stop breathing in my passed out sleep.

>to death
>nobody questions this
Happy New year dude.

what are you a girl? Also happy new year

Started with the rest of the bottle of Tim Smith's Climax. Now I'm working on a jar of Midnight Moon. Neat.

Same here. Mixing vodka with energy drinks. Hopefully my heart stops.

I'm not getting alot of alcohol drunk tonight.
Spome bright spark thought I should buy some ketamin.... So I did.
And now the world is all wibbly wobbly and I've got bored of tryping............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Can you help me?

Wibbly wobbly

Help you what?

On my own (as usual). Drinking Jura Origin and Fosters for the lolz. Happy New Year you bunch of anxious/autistic social fuck ups x x x

naaaw stop being negative, I bet you are a lovely person, even if this year was shitty for u ._.

>Jura Origin
Same here fella

>distilled it using copper pipes and it gave you poisoning.

You are one dumb nigger first off copper pipes didn't poison you they still use copper stills today. Second no part of absinthe has now or ever been psychoactive. Absinthe was a favorite of writers and poets who wrote fancifully stories about it this is where this myth cane into play. If someone tells you they hallucinated on absinthe they are fucking lying. I've been all over the world for work and had it in many countries. It does however give you an off focused drunk like your body it drunk but your mind is still able to focus on like most other alcohol

I doses though!
The entire fucking world!
Fuck off with your flat.round argument.
It's fucking wibbly wobbly.

cheap whiskey mixed with xanax

>It does however give you an odd focused drunk like your body it drunk but your mind is still able to focus unlike most other alcohol

Fixed! Fuck I'm drunk already!

Been drinking by myself for past two weeks. Aside from feeling like shit you won't off yourself this way and you will just feel worse. Not worth it, user. You might feel terrible now, but it will pass. "Easy way out" solves nothing, take it from a guy who went through the worst year of his life in 30+ years of life. Get shitfaced, then get sober, think over the shit you are dealing with and leave it behind.

Jonny Wossssss!

This is what white trash drink when they want to seem classy.

Cheers bruv!

I wish you all the luck I recived 12 months ago, Fuck all!
Hope you knock your piss bottle over onto your PS4.
Mother always said honesty was the best policy?

Cheap whiskey (Jim Beam red Stag) + Coke Zero. Started with a bottle of sparkling wine for NYE...

pic relate

Chin chin, mate.

Oh did I also mention I hope your cat gets dog shit in its eye and goes blind.
Then it goes all manky and red and you have to spend the next 9 years of your miserable existence putting eye drops in the eye of a cat that thinks you're just doing it to torment it and wants nothing else than to claw your eyeball out and piss on it twice a day just to see how you like it?
Did I forget to mention that part?

Good idea. I'll add some Redbull.

Sipping a single 12 ounce Samuel Adams Octoberfest.

Unfortunately I will be driving tonight so this is my only drink.

Just call a cab, you fucking pussy.


Crown Royal rye
I don't know much about whiskey but this shit's good

Checked aswell


I'm on duty tonight so pic related.

>needs more pitbull


60.7% abv

probably going to die

Captain Morgan. gf of 3 years cheated on me. fuck these hoes, if you want loyalty get a goddamn dog.

Just finished off a bottle of Baileys. I'm here for all of you.

are you too small downstairs?


no, she just did the whole "he made me feel special" bullshit. she claims to feel guilty but I don't believe her.

Probably gonna pass out before 12.

Another miserable fucking year in the toilet.

get aids off a hooker then fuck her without a condom.

my hope is she gets AIDS on her own accord.

once a cheater always a cheater. only take her back if she lets you piss on her and humiliate her then break up with her

I'm a dickhair away from dumping her nudes, you have no idea bro.

just dump them. that'll teach her.

give us just 1 with no face to see how you feel

if it wasn't illegal I would, believe me. it's almost worth it.

Yes! This and Bookers tonight!

Slamming Manhattan's made with Wellers. About to switch to Evan Willaims when I finish this bottle.

Drinking this before bed and enjoying the following...


Jameson and Coke, with a meat trio pizza on the side.

unless shes underage its legal.

she's much over 18. and no, people get sued for revenge porn. not gonna have my life ruined any more over this skank.



I've never heard of revenge porn getting people in trouble outside of the UK.


Finish two bobbles f that under 30 min and youll b caught up to me

Lemon and water. No alcohool for me, I noticed it made me dumb and it prevented me from actually doing stuff.
I also noticed it made me see life in a much more darker way than what it is in reality.

exactly, I can get in trouble. plus if she finds out she could say some shit that she knows about me that I don't really want people to know. best to just hope she gets AIDS and dies, and forget about her.

Woodford until half of its gone then the joint

reserve smokes will give you cancer fast.

Gotta have em to compliment a whisky better then beam

I'm drinking grapefruit cider

Love Woodord. It's my step up from Rebel Yell.

or just show a picture cropped of her boobs. everyone has boobs and no way to tell whose.

My parents won’t allow me to drink past 2 beers in their house. I’m dipping grizzly mint and smoking Marlboro golds for nostalgia. Back to a time when I actually had friends


Remainder of Lagavulin 16 from 2017, dissappointing taste (for Lagavulin 16) for a subpar 2017 year, cheers

Malt 40s and sadness here

Got a jar of apple pie and creamsickle moonshine my hillbilly boss made, then some red and white cat.


Found the nigger