>teens born in 2000 can now legally do porn
Only thing i look foward next year bros
>teens born in 2000 can now legally do porn
Only thing i look foward next year bros
thank fuck
Source on this video?
I'm trying to find out what country I can bang a 16 year old hooker legally. Prefer a white one.
lol 16 isn't difficult
Where then? Has to be legal.
brazil is the obvious answer, they don't give a fuck
Need white girls not brown
Pay more
UK, I think. I know the age of consent is 16 and prostitution is legal, but idk if that means it's cool.
The age of consent in Germany is 14.. but sure can't work as hooker at that age
Argentina then
default answer, there are probably more pedos in murica than here tho
16 year half of US and near every euro country
15 half of euro countries
14 serbia, italy and so forth
13 spain, maybe france soon
but for the US doesnt it have to be within a certain age limit? like 16 for state A may be the age of consent but only if on is 20 or under or something?
Diamonds when 9/11 born are able to fuck
>legally do porn
why wait lol
No. Age of consent is based on state law.
Only if the participants are residents of different states, or if you are not in your home state does the federal law matter.
So it is legal for me to fuck my sixteen year old neighbor, but not to take her on vacation with me.
it varies by state
some have a maximum age gap
some don't
if you aren't sure, then go to a cop shop and ask them what the local law is about fucking kids
why look forward nigga theres a year of new 18 year olds every year same as always
>no need to look I'm here officers
why bang lil girls kys
Your a sperg lord faggit.
Will not be 13 in France.
The limit the government wants to create is a 'age of no consent'. Even if a 12yo asks to fuck you, justice will consider that, being too young, she was not aware of what sex means, so she did not consent.
saying yes and spreading legs is consent enough
unless you're muslim
then it is the loli's fault for not understanding that fucking kids is an important part of your cultural heritage
Well the law they want to pass would negate this statement... which makes me cringe even if I understand their objective.
I'm just being a smartass but it is cringy
Source of this? I wanna watch with sound
India, Sri lanka, Tailand, China, anywhere is south america and africa
UK prozzies are either milfs who are on the game or eastern europeans, you'd have better luck elsewhere
why bang "legal" girls
fixed it for you
Anyone got a source for this gif?
I think the age of consent should be 21. I'm sure some of you'll agree.
Some of you have issues and want to lower the age of consent, but you're sick (I won't fault for you something you can't control).
Attracted to someone under 18 = pedophile. It should be that easy. Or 21 if I had it my way.
Pic related, she's 21. Don't respond, I'm not paying attn.
16 is legal for me
Nice b8 m8
>>being on Sup Forums
>>not paying attention
>>yet reads this thread and post something
I have an initiative here to increase the age of consent to 20. So far it's polling really well, and should pass in November 2018.
It'll be historical (and I'll be somewhat of a celebrity).
Fuck you pedo scum, THIS is how we're going to fight back. In every state.
Republicans and Christians want to fuck kids? Let's see what America wants.
there's white girls in brazil just would be more expensive
It's kind of exciting to me that someday I'll be able to fuck girls that were born when I was 20 years old
Was born in 2000 only 17, not bad looking, but still virgin, think ill get some pussy in 2018 ?
It wouldn't be a vacation or anytime soon. I'm planning to retire to said country and gain citizenship. Brazil is too fucked up to live there.
Underage B&
Hi I'm dictator of Sup Forums and I agree with this. being at least 21 is a good maturity age of consent
However as dictator of Sup Forums I'm allowed to indulge in 10 and up
Pls dont ban, am depressed as fuck
Would also not be partaking. Simply looking for facts about it. Goal is to gain large retirement fund, move to said country and buy these people out of that life. Only interested in helping whites though. Don't care about non Europeans.
Nobody give this captain save a slut information
But whites are the sluttiest.
a sperg lord faggot