Get off of Sup Forums and go celebrate New Years with your friends and family
Get off of Sup Forums and go celebrate New Years with your friends and family
shut up faggot
I don't have friends
already dud cunt it's 2am @ my place faggot
you assume I have any of either...
Shut up nigger
you are my friends and family
I cant. Not anymore...
Why? Fuck off you viking twat.
Fr-fr-fr friends?
I am with my family annual moviefest and smokeout
I choose to have no friends they just betray you in the end or leave
I have a sleeping baby I can't move
I don't have new years
no u
My friends and family are alcoholics / druggies and all smell terrible.
No thanks.
>tfw not one person hit me up today
>tfw birthday in a few days
Can't wait till my wealth rolls around, I'm going to shit on everyone.
my friend doesn't leave his house thats why i deleted him off steam. My family have kids so they don't celebrate.
I've never heard of revenge porn getting people in trouble outside of the UK.
Same here bro besides the birthday and wealth parts.
Got divorced and commited this past year so fuck 2017.
yeah, i dont have friends, im neet and my family hates me all time
Stay strong user
Dude I forgot about tsim fuckas
Did he died?
Shit sucks man.
I feel like I remember reading he had died but not sure. Either way he probably lived a better life than I am.
Well at least we have each other user.
>your friends and family
boutta. Cheers from the West Coast, Sup Forums! society may hate you but I love you all!
The faggots and degenerates here are my friends.
My wife is out at a party and I'm at home watching our daughter.
I have a mother, father and sister but the sister lives 100's of miles away and the parents are too detached from human interaction to give a damn about family. So I'm here and too poor to party anyway. Got a fairly cheap bottle of Bacardi Oakheart and some Dr. Pepper to warm my body.
man you should be with your mother and father they want you to be im sure
fuck off
Didn't take long for someone to go there.
Fag, I am. I'm sitting in my grandma's living room.
they where prĂ¥bable like you and me but managed to meat and then you came there to there rescue dont just die on your own make yourself what they wanted you to be a lovable person. just be around try to be normal your perents arent but you can be and that will make them more than happy. like if i were them i would feel accompliched
I AM with them... My mother is about to ditch me and my father for some old fucktard that treats her like a necessary nuisance. Once she's gone I'm sure my father will dip out to the gas station for scratch-offs.
sorry pall, thought you had a better senario than me. personaly im just a failiour with a loving family. but you can always succed on your own just grasp what ever mony is left on your father for education and go to collage he will support im sure
So why haven't you yet Sup Forums?
I haven't killed 500 humance cuz i feel no desier too and i doubt i am capable to finde such crowd without a big ass homemade bomb, how would you kill ass many people as you could?
replace find to find and kill
me no hav friendz nor family, fuk u