Why not have an aesthetic thread to start of 2018?

Why not have an aesthetic thread to start of 2018?

Happy new years you autistic faggots.



bumping for retro bladerunnder shit, happy new years niggers







why does it have to be mirrored, fuck















Dumped what I've got. Best of luck in 2018 Sup Forumsros



Worse. Reddit

thats dope

[throws up externally]




Does anyone know what Sup Forums gold is? It says I can't view the image because I need a Sup Forums gold account to view it. Does anyone have gold and can tell me what the image is?


you have to kill urself first

git gud





Is this the ultimate bait?






>>>[REQUEST Sup Forums GOLD][NAME]




so many useless leds love it

What series is this from? The one with the heart on the coffee cup?

>>>[REQUEST Sup Forums GOLD][Robert Hahnemann]
>>>[[email protected]]


Aesthetic lights are not very practical but they sure look pretty

99% of my posts came from reddit. Mainly /r/vaporwaveasthetics





nope from /wg/ eat a dick
