Alright faggots!

Alright faggots!
Its that time again where we roll to see what creamy treat we get to suck out of Andy's delicious chocolate starfish today!

Singles = a fart
Even dubs = a warm log
Odd dubs = a creamy log
Satanic/Sixx dubs (66) = a warm and creamy, steamy, god almighty dreamy fat fucking log of shit
Trips = monster log
Quads = clam chowder, fish curry, spoiled milk dirty bomb
Quints = mother of all logs (lol keep dreaming)

No roll

I like this meme.

Lets do this

Who's paying you to make these thread 24/7?


roll please

Roll me a monster log Andy!

Looking for a big fat dump to slidd down my fucking throat. Roll

Gimme that creamy log

You’re doing so much damage to the faggot community, people are really starting to hate you shit eating morons, keep it up!




Rolling. Please be a steamy creamy dreamy log of love




The common response to these threads is telling the poster to get new material, or to fuck off. This tends to result in the tired and repetitive response “Grow up” almost without fail, as if the person who is continuously reposting the same forced meme over and over actually believes they hold some variety of mature high ground.

This is a reminder that logposter is a 40+ year old fatass virgin with terrible photoshop skills and zero friends. He is the definition of utmost looser, even for floor-lickingly low Sup Forums standards. He smells like piss and crippling loneliness; a truly pathetic individual who derives pleasure from rustling the Jimmies of easily-baited newfags. He will die alone in a pile of jizz-rags and empty pizza boxes. Nobody will miss him except for his dog, who only likes him because he gets to lick peanut butter off his balls. Sage grows in all fields. His mom should have aborted with steam.

He also replies to his own threads, as a way to cope with never having had felt human affection. Don't bee fooled into thinking this is a popular thread. I know him irl, not even his mom showed up for his 47th b-day.


Tl;dr. Grow up.

Ur mom was a whore for shure
