I haven't seen s/fur in a while, so it's s/fur time

I haven't seen s/fur in a while, so it's s/fur time

Shark is best

Prove me wrong



Shark is best though.


>make peppermint bark for Christmas
>milk chocolate dries out
fucking chocolate

you fur cunts have a thread literally every 20 mins




Shark thread!

Yeah, it's great ain't it.






My niggas

you fuckers need to hang from barbed wire









Artist is Kwik, the girl (only character I know) is Nhala

Nekked version








*raises paw*



what up?

I like where this is going




you don't have paws so stop rp as stupid ass animals ya failed abortion fgt


Nuthin' much.


Cool man

Hey Alex

Cheer up mate!



g/fur is better


2018 will not be great unless its a year where all furfags die



So angry lol. Just relax and let people enjoy what they like.

well guess it's gonna be another shit year



no, fuck them all









bisexual is even better

finally, some good shark


dolphin is even better




try and fuck some real sharks and see what happens, I would pay to see that shit



I'm not into real sharks. That's why i look anthro sharks.

the difference Is one is badass and the other one is cancer



Yeah, wanting to fuck a real animal is the worse of the two. Atleast i want to fuck humanized sharks.

you furfags are like traps, mentally unstable and need to be sent to a gas chamber

You're the one that thinks fucking a real shark is better then an imaginary humanized shark lol.



How's shit dudes?



no I'm saying you fags should try to fuck a real one and I would pay to watch it rip you fags apart




>one is badass and the other one is cancer
You're clearly implying fucking a shark is better.
Is there something you're hiding?

