Rozelli thread no faggots edition

Rozelli thread no faggots edition




Self bump

You have a pretty pussy, rozelli. Your face is gross, but I would love to put my cock inside you

Roz is technically a faggot you know that?

The thing is, her face is not really gross. She just doesn't take care of herself.

Protip: Most girls look like this without makeup

I want to kiss her asshole

She's a jewess. Her face is kinda fugly. There's not enough aryan in her to make her attractive. You're just putting lipstick on a pig

What is her backstory?

and yet here you are, still fapping.

.. the life of a Sup Forumstard on Sup Forums

I think she's pretty cute, but she is beyond wretched.

so, you have a soft spot for degeneracy.

most nazis do.

Maybe I do.
I was actually talking about the OP picture. I think her face is really cute.

it is, she's pretty.
who gives a shit if she's a jew, a weirdo.. or both, we'd all fuck her, and prolly wife the shit outta her given the chance.

>and prolly wife the shit outta her given the chance
This one is a NO.
I've observed women and couples for some time.
The best marriages are with women who have been virgins before meeting their husbands.

The more cocks a girl has had, the more she tends to crave novelty.

It may sound silly, but go to some random village and get yourslf a virgin wife.

>I've observed women and couples for some time
I bet you have, user. I bet you have.

That's not funny, nigga.

if you think of it, it kinda is.

this is when you break the line of pathetic and it becomes funny
that kind of way

Jesus Christ she looks like such a fucking dumpster fire

when fly past funny and blast striaght through tragic coming out the other side into the realm of supreme edition hilarious.


Into supreme gentleman edition you mean?

hope you get raped by a pack of niggers

>supreme gentleman in 2k18
are you retarded?
maybe you eat with your grandma's cutlery, too?

if, by supreme gentleman, you mean, then sure.. yes.

no u