Adults always do the right thing

>adults always do the right thing
>people will like you for just being yourself
>love is real

>your parents have your best interest in mind

>people care about you

All lies. People only give a shit as far as it serves their self interests. Outside of that, you are on your own. It would have been nice to be aware of that growing up instead of taking the abuse but whatever.

>stay away from that drugadict

>when i asked my dad why he smoked he responded "why not? Smoking doesn't kill or hurt ya! he heh..''

There is a god. and Santa Claus

>broken glass doesnt taste that bad

>I'll accomplish my life goals...

>people are naturally faithful
lol we're all cheaters.
human nature sucks

I'll be happy...

>Girls like nice, sensitive, gentlemanly types
>Women are inherently nicer than men
>White people are evil


>you can be anything you want

Bitch I want to be rich and that isn't happening in this life time.

>money isn't everything
>everyone has a special someone
>we have nothing to fear but fear itself

>if you're a good person, good things will happen to you
>All you have to do in school to get good grades in to try hard
>Teachers always know best

>everyone has a special someone

Yea I got that alot too, life fuckin' sucks.
Why were we so fucking gullible???

You're thinking is absolutes. Some adults do the right thing. Some people will like you for being yourself, and some love is real. Stop taking everything to the extremes. Some parents do have their children's best interest's in mind and some people do care about you. Stop taking everything to the extreme you emo fucks.


>didnt piss in the pool cause of the blue dye that stains your trunks.

holy shit this

Love IS real.
But her love you for you was not.

people *will* like you for just being yourself, provided you're not so preoccupied with the Sup Forums mentality that you forget what it is to be a human being.

This guy gets it. Life is a lot more subjective than you guys want to believe.

ohh god, the pain!

putting your anus on to a pool jet will feel awful

Who hurt you?

They're just a little emotional. No one gets them. You don't understand. No one has it hard like they did/do?

All raced are equal


>people will be nice to you if you are nice

Really, people will think you are weak and take advantage. Give an inch and they take a mile.

>tsundere is hotter than genuine bitches

hey, now

People will like you for being yourself if they like who you are. People will not like you if you’re being yourself and they don’t like your ‘self’. That’s pretty simple
Older people tell kids these simple statements because they know you will fail to understand the bigger picture. They are essentially giving you the title to an article. The idea is that when you grow older you realize things go much deeper than that and there are many aspects to any concept/idea.
The idea is that you take these simple statements and build on them and contemplate their meaning.

Also maybe if you set your expectations of love elsewhere you might find it to be much more tangible than you can believe

>Santa and the Tooth Fairy don't exist
Can't believe my parents tried to con me out me out of presents and tooth money.

fuck teachers, they're just idiots who peaked their intelligence during their freshman year of college and want to make high school kids feel like shit because they themselves feel like shit. Doesn't matter if you went to a public or private school, most teachers are douchebags who want to force their insecurities onto you.

love is real. it just takes alot more work than anyone lets on.

plus most people think lust is love and it very much isn't

>you’re better off telling the truth
>”I will always be there for you”

lol dude they told me that at summer camp, too

I pissed all over that pool

Literally all my teaches were friendly with varying quality in teaching.

I love those games.

>Money does not buy happiness
and yet, it guarantees necessities in a society that are necessary for happiness to flourish.

Prove me wrong then, tsunde-shill.

I went to a Catholic School, so the teachers there were just nuns from the nearby church, they were very short tempered

That God was humanesque.

it's too late, I'm already there

>people are all alike regardless of the color of their skin
>mental and emotional illnesses occur only rarely in human adults
>our society is organized so that the best and most competent people will naturally rise to the top
>everyone's opinion matters

I remember having to hold my hands out, palms down. and getting my fingers smacked with a ruler because my writing wasn't good enough.

>yeah - that fucking helped

>Parents told me to stay away from the ice cream trucks because they were just drug dealers on wheels.

I believed that shit for an embarrassingly long time. They were just being sheisty.

Clearly haven’t tried hard enough, neither have I, but it ain’t a lie.

>people are all alike regardless of the color of their skin
Alike how?

When I watched Nightmare on Elm Street, I honestly believed Freddy Kruger was gonna kill me when I green up

>people *will* like you just for being yourself, provided "yourself" adheres to their strict standards. Otherwise fuck you, weirdo.

how's that education degree coming along?

Your post is the 14 year old cynic starter pack.

>he asks
>curious what it's like to have accomplished higher schooling

I actually didn’t fall for much as a kid, I was way to skeptical and didn’t trust anybody. I don’t know when that changed but I really could have been something bigger, so much potential down the drain. Now I’m a drunk idiot.

>poor me
>sob sob sob
>self pity will help my situation surely

>education degree
Nah, I like not being poor.

Alike, as in "all are deserving of equal treatment" was pretty much how it was explained to me as a young kid. It was only later that I would learn about beaners and nignogs.

I'll pull out don't worry

Believing that God was real, at least until the age of reasoning.

Would you rather be a sober idiot?

Hide the snake in your mouth!

Bobby Fisher pls go


Santa, Easter Bunny, God... One and the same to me.

Beauty is on the inside!

you just had to bring out the edge didn't you

When I was a kid I thought pregnancy just happened.

The really weird thing is that I was sexually abused as a kid and knew a lot about the act of sex, The connection just never clicked in my head. I don't think I knew until at least 12.

>saying the theory that a cosmic jewish zombie wizard did the universe is bullshit is "edgy"
Okay, what did Santa get you for Christmas?

He's not wrong though. God is pretty much a more adult version.
>Santa + be good = presents
>God + be good (repent) = heaven

>my own hype

I was always told it was illegal to turn the lights on in the car at night

I fell for this one too

careful not to cut yourself on your edge buddy.

>men and women are equal
>racism is wrong
>celebrities are important
>tv is cool
>human life is sacred
>drugs are bad
>old people are wise
>people deserve respect
>suicide is for cowards

people like weirdos. go outside.

>Some people are born smart and others just arn't.
That shit destroyed my educational career.

That means you're not smart.

Intelligence is directly linked with your genes.

IQ is related to genes dumb ass.
Everything else is hard work.

>Bubblegum takes seven years to digest.
How was I so dumb?

>le hard work = success meme
This shows how stupid you are.

People with an average IQ do well all the time. You just have to be willing to work for yourself.

A bunch of whiny faggots, the lot of you!

>you have to eat all of the food on your plate
>think of the starving children
fuck them for guilt tripping me into eating when I was full.

>just the tip

My uncle told me that they had a wrench at the hospital the could undo your belly button and when they undid it, they could take your butt off.

Believed that from the time I was 5 until I was 7 or 8.

maximum kek

The chances of succeeding in life grows exponentially the higher is your IQ.

Some dumb fuck with 90 IQ can't just "work hard" to be successful. That's just not how it works at all.

Oh my god
FINALLY someone gets this.

Fair enough, but most of us have an IQ of 100 or greater. I've been tested and my IQ is around 125, but I spent my entire life believing I couldn't be shit because it wasn't 150.

u probs not suited to this place, go play outside